Wednesday, January 22, 2014

David and G

The WORD today (see reminds me that David has something greater than Goliath - he had God on his side.

All of us have Goliaths - seemingly unbeatable problems and unsolvable challenges in our lives. They stare at us right in the face, telling us that we cannot win over them. Add to it the fact that there are people, like the Philistines, who push us down, scare us, and make us doubt ourselves. It is easy to get distracted and really doubt if we can win over Goliath. Logic tells us no -  like David, a young shepherd, cannot win over Goliath, an experienced and big warrior. It is in moments like these that we should be inspired by David, and not forget we have an even bigger God - we just have to focus on Him.

Don't tell God you have a big problem. Tell your problem you have a big God.

There is nothing God cannot do. The devil is powerless against him. We see it in the first reading when David beat Goliath, and in the gospel where Jesus' power was greater than sin and sickness. Nothing, really nothing can stand against God. We just have to focus on Him, call upon Him, and surrender to Him as we let him fight our battles in life.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you it's midweek already. Lord, thank you that you are bigger than my problems and my fears. I pray that you help me have that faith in you, and like David, a surrendered heart towards you. For really, if you are for us, nothing can stand against us. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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