Thursday, January 23, 2014

Unclear and Unfair

The WORD today (See reminds me that even if things seem unclear and unfair, God is still in control.

The first reading is the continuation of yesterday. And initially, it was not looking good for David. After killing the enemy and saving their city, the King, Saul, became jealous of the attention David got, that he planned to kill David. What was that, right? After doing God's will, after saving the city and glorifying God, his life was in danger by threat of his own king. What was he supposed to do? Probably these were the thoughts that came in our heads.

As we live our lives, we may sometimes feel like David. Lord, i have been serving you, but why are my finances still problematic? Lord, I am doing things for you, but why is my family still broken? Lord, i already surrendered and doing my best to love and serve you, but why do we still have health concerns? These are some of the questions we may have, knowingly or unknowingly, as we live our lives.

God is still in control. In the reading, God took care of David through Jonathan. And even after the threat to David's life, he did not question or rebel against God, instead, served the very person who was planning to kill him. Talk about surrendering to God. Faithfulness to God.

May we remember that even though we may experience challenges, even if things may seem unclear and unfair, God is always in control and he will always protect and deliver us. Let us continue to trust in Him.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to do things for you. Lord, a lot of times i question you or what is happening in my life. Lord, never let me go. Help me to just trust in you. Help me to just surrender, for I know you will always come through. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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