Sunday, January 26, 2014

Not Giving Up

The WORD today (See reminds me that God does not give up on us easily.

In the gospel we again see Jesus calling his first apostles (see reflection ( However, this is the second time it was used recently. Last time it was used was last Monday, jan13. This reminds me that God does not give up that easily. That he will again remind you to follow Him, that he will not tire of asking you to follow him.

As we try to follow God, there are times that we most probably will fall or falter. We will not always be able to do his will. However, we are reminded that it is okay. More important than falling is the act of getting back at our feet. God reminds us that everytime we fall, we just have to dust ourselves, apologize to Him, and take baby steps to get ourselves back on track.

May we always reply yes to his invitation to us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to rest. Lord, I thank you for not giving up on me that easily. Thank you for your patience and your love. I pray that during the times i fall or act as a hard headed kid, may i come back to my senses and just get up on my feet and follow you again. May my baby steps towards you be multiplied and magnified. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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