Friday, November 30, 2012

You Want Faith?

The WORD today (See encourages me not just to pray, but to work as well to increase my faith.
In the movie Evan Almighty, there is a quote that goes:
Let me ask you something. If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other? (see
I believe this goes true for faith as well. A lot of people, myself included, pray for faith. We want faith that is strong, a faith that moves mountains, faith that heals, etc. We want that, and we pray for it. Then what? We wait for a magical increase in faith? I believe that God does not give us a magical increase of faith just by praying. Rather, he gives us opportunities to develop and strengthen our faith.
Does this mean we should not pray for faith? Of course not! We should continue to pray for faith, but we should also be ready to work for that. The reading says one way we can improve our faith: “Thus faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of ChristIn other translation it says that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing the WORD of Christ.” We also have to do our part, we also have to pray, read the bible, get to know him more, and this will help us develop and strengthen our faith. We should not be waiting for God to give us what we pray for if we ourselves are not willing to work for it and do our part.
May we be inspired by the faith of the disciples, who, when called by Christ, immediately left everything and followed Jesus.
Do I pray for faith? Am I willing to work to increase my faith? Do I do my part to increase my faith? What other things am I praying for? Am I just waiting for God to grant me my prayers, or do I do my part as well?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for an extra day to rest. Thank you for always knowing what we need, and giving us just that. Lord, I ask that today, I not only rest and refresh my body, but may I also work to build and strengthen my faith. Help me make the most out of today to spend time with you, to read your WORD, to get to know you more, for I know these things will help me strengthen my faith. Amen.

Blessed Friday!

In Christ,

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Choose Your Feeling

The WORD today (See reminds me that I have the power to choose my feelings and reactions towards something.

They say there are a lot of things we can’t control. We can’t control the weather, the traffic, or how other people drive. What we can control, however, is how we react to these things. If someone cuts us in traffic, we can’t do something about his driving, however, we can control how we react and how we let it affect us. We can choose to stay calm and peaceful, or let ourselves get infected with his driving and cut others as well.

The WORD today is similar. The first reading and the gospel tell us what will happen when Christ comes. Pretty scary for some, especially those who are not prepared, those who have been living a life away from God. However, amidst the seemingly scary things, we see something in the psalm that reminds us who God really is – “for HE is good, the LORD, whose kindness endures forever, and his faithfulness, to all generations.” God is consistently good and loving.

What we feel depends on us. As we live our lives, we have the option to live for Him, to love and serve Him through others. We can offer our lives to him, without him forcing us to. This will enable us to build a good relationship and a strong foundation of faith, which will help us become at peace when He comes, knowing that we can “stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand.” On the other hand, we can choose to ignore him and live our lives the way we want to, and feel scared and afraid when he comes.

Do I know that my actions today defines what I would feel when Christ comes again? Am I preparing for eternity, when Jesus comes again? What can I do to start preparing for Christ’s coming?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the last working day of the week and of the month. Lord, I ask that as I rest today, you refresh not only my body but also my spirit. Help me to live a life preparing for your coming, help me live a life preparing for eternity with you. I know that it is not easy to, but it is worth it. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Time to Shine

The WORD today (see reminds me that there will come a time when we should shine for God.

In the gospel, Jesus told his disciples that they would eventually have to give a testimony for Him. However, when that time comes, they should not be worried and just let God speak through them, with which others will be powerless. What an amazing promise!

I could only imagine that scenario, when the disciples would be able to answer those who are persecuting them, when others would be amazed at their wisdom and what they are saying. What an awesome way to shine for God.

As we work for God, as we serve Him, it’s true that we should not want attention. We should not want recognition for the things that we are doing. We are doing those things for God, not for show. However, I believe that as God sees fit, he will also give us opportunities to shine, not for ourselves, but for Him and Him alone. That is why it is important to have a strong foundation and know what in whatever situation we may be in, we should always give back the honor and glory to God, not to ourselves.

Do I have a strong relationship with God? Do I have a strong faith foundation? Am I doing something to start or continue to strengthen it? Do I silently work for God, not for others to see? Am I ready to shine for God? What situations in the past did I shine for God, when I allowed God to use me, when I magnified the Lord with my actions?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for always watching over me. Thank you for your promise that you will always be there for me. Lord, today, I am reminded to shine for you. Give me a heart that will not want attention as I serve, but will be contented to serve you silently, no matter how unjustly attributed to others my works for you are. Help me build a strong and solid relationship with you, that will allow me to shine for you and give you back the praise, honor and glory i may get from serving you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

None Will Be Left

The WORD today (see reminds me that nothing of this world will be left.

Jesus reminded the people in the gospel that “the days will come when there will not be left a stone upon another stone that will not be thrown down.” No matter how beautiful things may be in this world, the time will come when nothing will be left.

The psalmist says that “the Lord comes to judge the earth,” and we see that in the first reading. When the right time comes, when the harvest is ripe, God will pick the harvest and destroy the clutter.

This may not seem interesting to us right now. We are busy living our lives – working, growing the business, studying, going about our everyday lives. We tend to just focus on what we are doing and what we want to happen to our lives on earth. God is reminding us to put things in perspective, to not work too much and not desire too much anything of this world, because when the time comes, no matter how strong, or beautiful, or powerful we are, or the things of the world are, nothing will be left.

Do I prepare for eternity, or do I focus all my attention to this world?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me to prepare for eternity, as nothing in this world will remain. You know how hard it is to do just that, you know how easy it is to be tangled in the concerns of the world, and to lose sight of you. Lord, during the times I neglect you and neglect to prepare for eternity, I ask that you don’t give up on me and remind me that nothing in this earth will remain. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

see related reflection:

Monday, November 26, 2012

All For The King !

The WORD today (see reminds me to give my all to and for the King!

I attended a prayer rally yesterday, and this was one of the things discussed. Give my all to God, my King. Give until it hurts. Give until you have nothing left to give. God does not look at the worldly value of what we give him, rather, he looks at the heart of those who are giving to Him.

What can we give and surrender to God, our King? The speaker yesterday, Bro Bobby Quitain (see, gave five things which he allowed me to quote. Allow me to share my  interpretation of his talk:

Hurts – we should give God our hurts and allow Him to use these hurts to bless others. Nothing happens by accident, and it is true that if we allow God, our greatest hurts can become our greatest ministry. Why give our hurts to God? Because only God can heal us, only the Potter’s Hand can heal our brokenness.

Energy – we should give God our energy. God needs people to work for his vineyard. It doesn’t matter what phase of our lives we are in right now. We may be in our youth or twilight years, we should give God our energy. Sulit ang ibibigay nating energy para kay God.

Anxieties and Aspirations – Anxieties are worries about the future and aspirations are hopes for the future. We should give all of these to God, since we do not know what the future hold for us. We do not even know if we will still be alive tomorrow. God sees the entire picture, he knows his plans for us, so we should give and surrender our future to him.

Resources – the classic, time, talent and treasure. God has given us so much, not just for ourselves, not just so we can enjoy life, not just so we can buy everything we want. God has blessed us so we can bless others as well, so we can make them feel God’s love as well. We are only stewards, and we should make good use of whatever God has entrusted to us.

Transgressions – All of us sin and fall short of the glory of God. The bible says it. However, this does not mean we are not loved. God, despite of sinfulness, loved and continues to love us. He sent his only son to save us from our sins. We surrender our sins, our weaknesses to God, and knowing that only God can help us overcome these things, knowing in faith that he will.

What do we surrender to God, our King? Our HEART. Hurts, Energy, Anxieties and Aspirations, Resources and Transgressions.

May we slowly surrender our HEART to God, knowing that as we do so, he will transform whatever we surrender and magnify everything for His greater glory.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another weekend. Thank you for the opportunity to praise and worship you with my loved ones. Lord, as I start another week, help me surrender my all to you. Help me surrender my HEART to you. I know that it is not easy, that it will take time, but I have faith that you will help me, and I take comfort in the fact that as my King, you will return to me a thousand fold whatever I give to and for you. I offer you my life, and may my actions give you praise, honor and glory. All for you, My King. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christ, My King!

The WORD today (See reminds and encourages me to make Christ my King.
As we celebrate the solemnity of Christ the King, of course the readings talk about Him being the King of kings. The first reading talks about Daniel’s vision of how mighty Christ is – receiving dominion over everyone, whose dominion shall not be taken away. The psalmist expresses the fact that the Lord really is King. The second reading reminds us not only of Christ’s power, but also of his great love for us.
However, the gospel tells us that the kingdom of Jesus is not in this earth. He tells Pilate: “My kingdom does not belong to this world.” Yes, God is not of this world. Many times in the gospel that he refers to Satan as the “ruler of the world”, and many times Jesus reminded his disciples to be in the world, but not of the world, and that the world hates Jesus, and will hate the disciples too.  This means God does not want to force us to follow Him. This means that as his followers, life on this world will not be easy for us.
Christ is the King, but he does not want us to follow him without our consent. He does not want to force us to follow Him. We are challenged, and God wants us to follow Him because we love him. God wants us to follow Him even if life on earth is not easy. God wants us to follow Him even if means rejecting the pleasures the world has to offer. God wants us to follow Him as we live our lives. God wants us to make Him the king in our lives.
Who is Christ for me? Is he the king of my life, or do I live my life as I please, acting like the king of my own life? How can I say that he is king of my life? What areas of my life have I not surrendered to Him? Do I follow him even if it is not easy to?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding and challenging me today to make you the King in my life. I know that doing such is not easy. It will not free me from challenges and hardships in this world, but I know that you will always be there to guide me, help me and protect me. Lord, give me a heart that will make you the king, help me surrender all the aspects of my life that I have not yet surrendered to you. May I live my life with you as my king. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,
See related reflection:

Saturday, November 24, 2012

My God’s Not Dead

The WORD today (see reminds me that God is a God of the living, that He is really alive

The gospel says it:

the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob;
and he is not God of the dead, but of the living,
for to him all are alive."

We usually feel that God is not alive in our lives. We sometimes see Him, or know Him, as the God in the bible, or a God of the saints, or a God who watches from above. We usually do not see Him as the living God, one who is always with us, even if we don’t see him physically.

God is alive, and will always be alive. He is silently working in our lives, silently guiding us, directing our steps, protecting us, as we live our lives. He makes his love and presence known from everything around us. We just have to be sensitive to Him, and realize that indeed, he is alive and with us everyday.

Who is God to me? What is my relationship with God? Is he alive in my life? Do I feel him alive in my life? Do I live my life to make him alive and real to the lives of the people I interact with?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another weekend. Lord, I ask that you help me always be sensitive to you. Amidst the busyness of everyday, may I never forget you. May I always feel and know that you are alive. May I live my life testifying that you indeed are alive. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See video of a song by Newsboys whose title I used today:

Friday, November 23, 2012

Taste Buds

The WORD today (see reminds me of how generous God is for giving us taste buds.

I like eating. No, I love eating, especially if it’s free. We all know what happens to the food we eat – our bodies absorb some nutrients, some turn into fat, then eventually we excrete it. Same process. But what makes eating fun and exciting? Aside from eating with people special to you, I believe that the taste of food make us look forward to eating. Thank God for taste buds!

Imagine life without taste buds. Imagine how different it would be. Probably people would not look forward to eating, that we’ll just eat for survival, not for pleasure. We would look at food differently that we do now. That’s how great and generous God is, he gave us taste buds so we can enjoy and maximize the experience of eating food. Even that little detail, he still takes care of. What a loving God.

Man does not live on bread alone, but from every word that comes from the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 8:3)” In as much as we enjoy eating, we are also reminded to enjoy filling ourselves with the Word of God. Food is not enough to sustain us, we also need God to keep us alive, especially spiritually. Let us indulge ourselves not just with physical food, but with spiritual food as well – because in life, spiritual food is what we need more.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for Friday! Thank you for giving us resources that will enable us to buy food, and thank you for taste buds that allows us to enjoy food. Lord, as we enjoy whatever we are eating, may we never forget to think of others as well, to share to others, in whatever capacity we can, the blessings you have been giving us. Also, we ask that you give us not just a good appetite for food, but an even greater appetite for your word, our spiritual food. May we hunger and thirst for your Word, because in life, we know that it is only your Word that can truly satisfy us. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Purchased By the Blood

The WORD today (see reminds me how special I am.
The past few days, the first reading is taken from the book of revelation – about the end of days. Today, I am reminded of how special I am with the phrase “for you were slain and with your Blood you purchased for God.” Jesus deemed me worthy of his blood. Being the Son of God, he died and suffered for me. Even if I do not see myself as worthy of that, even if I am sinful, even if I feel I am normal and there’s nothing special about me, Christ deemed me worthy of His Blood. That’s how special I am.  That’s how special you are!
In life, we will not get everything we want. We will not everything we pray for. They say God is really wise that no single person has everything. We complement each other and as children of God, we all have something to offer Him. No matter how you look at yourself, you have something you can offer to God. It is only when we compare ourselves with other people, and see only the things they have that we don’t, and not the things we have that they don’t, that we feel inadequate, small or insignificant. We should not compare ourselves to other people, because God looks at each and everyone of us in a very special way.
Do I feel that I am special, especially in the eyes of God? Do I prefer to listen to my insecurities or to other people saying bad things about me, rather than listen to God and believe that I am special, that I am worth dying for? Do I always compare myself and my life with other people? Why?
Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how special I am. Lord, I pray that I see myself the way you see me – beautiful, special, worthy of your love, even of your blood. The world may make me feel otherwise, so I ask you Lord to always remind me how special I am in your eyes, and as I am reminded of that, may I never forget to give you back what you deserve. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Use It

The WORD today (See reminds me to use whatever God has been giving me.
I have a tendency to not use immediately my new things, especially if I really like it. For me, I don’t want to risk it being damaged or get worn out, that’s why it takes time, sometimes months, even years, before I use something I like. My parents tell me to use them, since it defeats the purpose if I won’t be using or wearing those things.
In the gospel today, Jesus asks us to use whatever God has been giving us. God has given us so much – time, talent and treasures, and these things should be used for God – to build God’s kingdom. We should not keep these to ourselves and should be generous and share these with other people, for God’s greater glory.
Am I generous with my time, talents and treasures? What prevents me from sharing those things to other people? When I share, is it for God – to build God’s kingdom, or do I just want to bring glory for myself? How can I use my time, talent and treasure for God today?
Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me to be generous with everything you have given me. Nowadays, it is easy to keep things to and for myself. Sometimes I compare myself with other people, who have much but do not share. Sometimes I get so focused on the world and on what is in the world that I forget to give back to you. Lord, give me a generous heart, a heart that knows that I did not bring anything to this world, and will not bring anything of this world. May I always remember that all that I have is from you, and all I have should be used to build your kingdom. I know you will continue to provide as I serve you and give of myself for you. Amen. 
Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Unexpected Visit

The WORD today (see reminds me that God visits us in times when we don’t expect Him.

Sharing with you a story I used in a past reflection:

One of the most beautiful of all Christmas stories was told by the American poet, Edwin Markham, about a cobbler, a godly man who made shoes in the old days. One night the cobbler dreamed that the next day Jesus was coming to visit him. The dream seemed so real that he got up very early the next morning and hurried to the woods, where he gathered green boughs to decorate his shop for the arrival of so great a Guest.

He waited all morning, but to his disappointment, his shop remained quiet, except for an old man who limped up to the door asking to come in for a few minutes of warmth. While the man was resting, the cobbler noticed that the old fellow's shoes were worn through. Touched, the cobbler took a new pair from his shelves and saw to it that the stranger was wearing them as he went on his way.

Throughout the afternoon the cobbler waited, but his only visitor was an elderly woman. He had seen her struggling under a heavy load of firewood, and he invited her, too, into his shop to rest. Then he discovered that for two days she had had nothing to eat; he saw to it that she had a nourishing meal before she went on her way.

As night began to fall, the cobbler heard a child crying outside his door. The child was lost and afraid. The cobbler went out, soothed the youngster's tears and, with the little hand in his, took the child home.

When he returned, the cobbler was sad. He was convinced that while he had been away he had missed the visit of his Lord. Now he lived through the moments as he had imagined them: the knock, the latch lifted, the radiant face, the offered cup. He would have kissed the hands where the nails had been, washed the feet where the spikes had entered. Then the Lord would have sat and talked to him.

In his anguish, the cobbler cried out, "Why is it, Lord, that Your feet delay. Have you forgotten that this was the day?" Then, soft in the silence a voice he heard:

"Lift up your heart for I kept My word.
Three times I came to your friendly door;
Three times My shadow was on your floor.
I was the man with the bruised feet.
I was the woman you gave food to eat,
I was the child on the homeless street."

In the gospel, Zacchaeus went on top of a tree to have a glimpse of Jesus. He did not even call him, much less asked Him to dine in his house. But Jesus, always full of surprises, told Zacchaeus to come down and prepare, for Jesus will stay at his house. That brought him salvation.

There are times, a lot of it, when Jesus comes in our lives unexpectedly.  There are people and situations that God uses in an attempt to visit us, however, we are not always sensitive, we are not always ready. We sometimes have a pre conceived notion of Him, and we expect him to come in a certain way. We box him in, and we do not allow ourselves to be surprised by God’s creativity. Thus, we fail to see him when he visits us unexpectedly.

What situations does God use to visit me? Who are the people God uses to visit me? Am I sensitive to Him, allowing him to surprise me when he comes, or do I expect a certain kind of visitation from Him? Do I do what I can to come to Jesus’ presence, like Zacchaeus, or do I just wait and expect Jesus to go to me? Am I full of excuses, or am I like Zacchaeus, who did what he could with his height, and made the effort to really see Jesus?

Father God,
I thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that you continue to visit me unexpectedly. Lord, I pray that I always be sensitive to your visit. May I always be aware of the different ways you visit my life, and when you come, may I be ready like Zacchaeus. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Monday, November 19, 2012

Bring Others to Him!

The WORD today (see reminds and challenges me to bring others to Christ, and Christ to others.
Although the gospel is similar to the one a few Sundays ago (see reflection:,  a different thing struck me today. Am I bringing others to God and God to others?
When the blind man received his sight, he followed and gave glory to Christ. His healing did not end his relationship with Christ, rather, it levelled it up. He gave glory to God, so the blessing did not end on him – he blessed others as well. People praised God because of him.
How about us?
Do we bring glory to God? Do we bring others to God?
God has been blessing us all our lives. Time and time again, he has shown his great love for and his great power to us. What have we done with it? Do we tell others how great God is? Do we live our lives praising and glorifying Him? Do people praise God because of us, of how we live our lives?
God has blessed us not only because he loves us, but also so that we can bless others as well. If we bring others to Him, if we bring Him to others, if we enable others to realize how great God is by our lives, that would be the best form of thank you we can give to God.
God’s blessings should not stop on us. It should be magnified through us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another weekend. Thank you for giving me another day to live. Lord, I ask that as I live my day, as I live my life, as I go through my day, that I may bring you to others and others to you. Lord, sometimes I really don’t know how to do it. I don’t know how I can bring you to the people I meet everyday, how I can praise you by doing my work, but I just have faith in you. May I always be sensitive and aware of your presence, for I know that as I do things out of love for you, as I offer things for you, you will use me to spread your love I don’t know how, but I just have faith you could, and you will. So Lord, may I always be an ambassador of your love to others. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Sunday, November 18, 2012

How would you feel?

The WORD today (see reminds me to check my reaction when God comes.
The readings are all related to Christ’s second coming and God’s love for us. The gospel, however, is more descriptive on how it will be when God comes again. Question is, how do we feel about it?
Are we scared with imagining it, knowing that God will judge us and we won’t like the judgement? Are we scared to even come face to face with God, knowing that we are not worthy and we have not been living consistently with God’s ways? Or are we excited, meeting God, the one we are serving, loving and the one who loves us the most?
As we celebrate the mass today, as we spend this Sunday with our family and loved ones, we are reminded to prepare. Our feelings on the gospel give us an idea on our current state. In as much as we prepare for things in our life, we are also asked to prepare for eternity, to prepare for judgement day, to prepare for our meeting with Christ, because we know that it surely will come.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for this Sunday you gave me to spend time with my family and loved ones, and of course, with you. Lord, thank you for reminding me today to prepare for eternity. Thank you for reminding me that my feelings towards the gospel give a glimpse of my current state. Lord, I ask that I do something about it, and work towards being prepared and doing my best to live a life pleasing to you. Amen.
Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Friday, November 16, 2012

Will He Find Faith?

The WORD today (see encourages me to work on my faith in God.

When we don’t get what we want, we do not always take it in a positive way. Sometimes we get angry, depressed or frustrated. Sometimes we just want to be away from anything and everything. Not everyone can deal with frustrations well. The widow in the gospel is the opposite of that. Just like the blind man (See reflection ), the widow did not lose hope when she initially did not get what she wanted. She could have easily gave up, thinking that the judge do not fear God or man, and the fact that she is a widow, means she was not significant in their society in those days. However, we see her faith, we see her perseverance in doing what she does until she gets what she wants.

As followers of Christ, no matter how much God loves us, he will not give everything to us as we pray for it. He will not take away challenges, he will not take away opportunities for us to learn and grow, even if these things would be painful for us. God wants us to grow and mature, and he wants us to persevere and develop our faith, especially when things are not easy. I believe that God, the teacher, do not stop giving challenges until the lesson is learned.

We should develop a heart of faith. We should learn how to keep praying even if God may seem distant. We should not give up easily on our faith, because we know that God will never give up on us. God’s silence does not mean he’s not there, sometimes he just wants us to look deeper, to listen more intently and to seek Him with all of our hearts.

Do I sometimes feel that God does not listen to my prayers? Do I feel his silence in my life? What do I do, do I persevere in prayer or do I give up on God easily? How can I strengthen my faith in God? Do I realize that when I pray for faith, God does necessarily give me faith, but rather, opportunities to build and strengthen my faith?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for this weekend. Lord, personally I feel tired. It’s been a long and busy week, but I take comfort in the fact that you appreciate everything I do for you, and that all my efforts done for you will be used by you. I ask Father that you help me strengthen my faith. May I be like the widow who does not stop, even if my prayers seem to fall on deaf ears, because I know Lord that your silence does not mean you are not listening. May I seek you deeper, and may I use these opportunities to develop my faith and strengthen my relationship with you. Amen.

Blessed weekend!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Everything Normal

The WORD today (see reminds me that Christ will come when everything is normal.

When we think of the second coming, we usually associate it with chaos, with wars and with calamities. We sometimes think that these things would serve as warnings for us – signs from God telling us we should prepare already. Last chance, if you may. However, in the gospel, Jesus tells us otherwise. In the time of both Noah and Lot, people were doing what they were doing – eating, dancing, buying, selling, drinking. Then disaster came. This is what will happen when Christ comes. We will be living our normal lives, working, dealing with pressure and stress, beating deadlines, paying bills, eating, etc, when Christ comes. Question is, are we ready?

Out of the 24 hours in a day, people spend a lot of time working, whether as an employee or for the own business. We sometimes get so caught up – wanting to go up the corporate ladder, or making the business grow, that we sometimes take for granted the need for spiritual nourishment. How many times have you come home at night from a busy day, wanting to pray but too tired, finding yourself sleeping before even starting to pray? How many of us would rather unwind with friends – eating, drinking or enjoying ourselves, and come home too tired and ready to sleep, instead of taking time to recharge our spirit as well? God is not asking that we drop everything, well at least for most of us. He wants us to continue our lives, but to remember him, to give him time in our lives. This will result in our deeper awareness of Him, and will help us live more meaningful lives.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that the time will come for us to be judged. Thank you for reminding me that when you come, it will be like an ordinary day, just like everyday, where we go on living our lives. Lord, sometimes I get caught up with the world that I forget to pray and prepare for your coming. Help me to remember you always, and help me to live a life preparing for your second coming. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Be Refreshed After Working

The WORD today (see reminds me that God will give us rest and will refresh us as we work for Him.

Work-Life balance is important. In the first company I worked it, this balance was given much importance. The company had high standards and expectations on the employees, but were supportive and encouraged a good work life balance. Employees were given opportunities to relax, such as free movie nights, different company sponsored clubs and activities, as well as sports events. They know that just as it is important to work hard, it is just as important to relax and get time to be refreshed to continue the work being done.

Before we can relax, we should work first. Before we are rewarded, we should do our part first. Jesus knew this, that is why he said in the gospel that “but he must first suffer…” before God’s plan can come into completion, before Jesus could rest and be one with the Father again, he must first suffer. He must first work and do God’s will. He must first do his part. Saint Paul, in the first reading, knows this as well. Since his conversion, he worked tirelessly for the Lord. In his old age, he knew there was a reward for all his work for God.

In this busy world, we should remember to also work for God. There are many distractions nowadays, and it is easy to get lost and lose our focus on God. Even if we work for God, things will not be easy. It will be hard and challenging, just like Christ and all God’s servants experienced. It will be tiring, but we are to seek comfort in the fact that as we work for God, he will reward us and refresh us. No work will be futile if done for God.

Do I give importance to work-life balance? Do I balance things between work in the sense of the world, and working for God? Do I give time to work for God’s kingdom, or am I distracted and busy in the world? When experiencing hardships and challenges, how do I react? Do I continue and trust that God will refresh me, reward me? Or do I give up?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that my work for you is not in vain, that you would continue to refresh me and reward me. Lord, I ask that you give me a heart for service. May I never be too busy or too tired to serve you. May I work tirelessly in building your kingdom, and if I get tired, may I say what St Paul said in the first reading – Refresh my heart in Christ.”

God bless!

In Christ,

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Forget Him Not

The WORD today (see reminds us not to forget God.

When you are lying with your back flat on the ground, you have nowhere to look but up. When you are do down in life, when challenges and trials weigh you down, there’s no way to look but up. During these desperate moments, it is easy to call on God. It is easy to beg him for his mercy, guidance, strength and help. It is easy to pray and let it all out – because we may feel we have no other option, so just make the most out of our last resort – God.

However, when we are on our feet again, when things are better, when our prayers have been answered, we don’t always look up to God. We get so distracted. We are happy, we celebrate with friends and family, we treat ourselves to something good, but we sometimes forget to go back and thank God. Sometimes, when things are doing well, when we are happy, we forget God, who made all those possible. We forget to thank Him, we forget to pay it forward to other people.

God’s power does not get stronger when we thank Him. God’s goodness does not increase when we thank Him. He doesn’t need our thanks – but we do. In the gospel, when he said to the one who thanked him: “stand up and go, your faith has saved you”, I believe he meant that the person learned a lesson that just saved his soul. He realized that what happened to him was more than physical healing. He realized that he was healed spiritually, and that only God can give that healing. When we realize that, we will be transformed, we will seek God and will live for him, thus saving our soul. This starts with a simple thank you – with a simple acknowledgement of who God really is and what he has been doing in our lives

Am I grateful for all the blessings God has been giving me, or do I feel that it’s normal to have those things because people around me have those anyway? How do I show my appreciation to God? Am I appreciative of other people’s help in my life? Do I go out of my way to help out other people?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you. I just want to thank you Lord for everything – for waking me up today, for the air I breath freely, for giving me eyes to see, hands to feel, feet to walk. Lord, a lot of times I take for granted these things because other people I encounter also have these. I fail to see that these are blessings you have been giving me, not just for me, but for me to share with others as well. Lord, help me always be aware and appreciative of my blessings, so that  I may praise and glorify you by using these things for the good of others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sense of Entitlement

The WORD today (see reminds me that we should not have a sense of entitlement.

A lot of hurt and negative emotions are caused by a sense of entitlement.

Some children feel that they are entitled to receive from their parents whatever they want, at whatever cost. Some people feel entitled to receive blessings from their family members that are more financially capable than them. Some breadwinners feel that they should always have their way just because they are the ones who contribute the most. Some people feel they should be getting the promotion at work because they are working so hard. Some people think that because they do good and serve God, they are entitled to receive more blessings, that they will receive whatever they ask from God.

Jesus in today’s gospel is clearly saying that we should not have a sense of entitlement as we serve Him.

We are his creatures, we are God’s servants. Our natural tendency is to love and worship him. We were made to worship him. and we need not be rewarded for doing what we are supposed to do – like not being rewarded for breathing, for if we don’t breathe, we will die. The same way, if we don’t love, serve and worship God, our lives will be empty.

The psalm reminds us to “Delight ourselves in the Lord, and he will give us the desires of our hearts” This does not mean we will get whatever we want if we serve Him, but that as we serve Him, we will be transformed and be consumed, thus making our hearts desire what God wants from us, and when we ask for what God wants for us, we will certainly get it.

In what ways do I have a sense of entitlement? Am I expecting to be treated a certain way just because of what I do, give or say? What is God telling me today?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day, another chance to love and serve you. Lord, I ask that I always be sensitive to your presence in my life. May I always be reminded of what I am, and what I can do when I am one with you. Always remind me that without you, I am nothing, and that I should not have a sense of entitlement for doing what I was created to do. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, November 12, 2012

Of Faith and Forgiveness

The WORD today (See reminds me of the relationship of faith and forgiveness
Isn’t it ironic that the one who hurt you is the same person who can take what pain away?
This is one of the quotes that I remember reading, back in the days when texting was free and people sent quotes to everyone. When you love, you open up yourself to someone, and with that, come the fact that you’ll get hurt. The more you love the person, the closer the person to you, the deeper you can get hurt. This is not just for romantic love, but relationships in general. Our closest friends and family members give us great joy, but at the same time, can hurt us the most.
The more we are hurt, the harder it is to forgive. Jesus knows that, that’s why a lot of times, he taught the disciples the importance of forgiving, both in his actions towards others, and in his words, as in the gospel. We know that Jesus is serious when he says that we should forgive seven times a day! What kind of person would hurt you and ask for forgiveness seven times in a day? Hopefully no one in our lives, but nevertheless, Jesus asks us to do just that… and he walks the talk. Probably we don’t know anyone who can hurt us seven times a day, but we ourselves are hurting Jesus more than that. Everytime we sin, everytime we think of something bad, everytime we refuse to help others, we hurt him… and he is ready to forgive us.
What about faith? It is easier to forgive if you know you have been forgiven. It is easier to forgive when you know the person will change. This is faith – knowing that God has been forgiving us all our lives, and trusting that our forgiveness, through God’s grace, will change the person as they feel and realize God’s love is infinite, thus will be moved to conversion. This is faith that moves us into forgiveness. This is faith that is alive, because we know that faith without actions is dead.
When was the last time I got hurt? Who was the last person who hurt me the most? Have I forgiven the person, regardless of whether or not the person asked for forgiveness? What makes it hard for me to forgive? Do I have faith that my forgiveness will bring God’s love more alive in that person? Do I have faith and am thankful because I myself am not perfect, and God has been forgiving me all my life?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the weekend. Thank you for the blessings and challenges I experienced last weekend. Lord, as I start another week, I ask that you remind me how blessed I am. Thank you for always being there to love and accept me, despite of my shortcomings. Thank you for always being there to forgive me, even if I hurt you everyday. Help me Lord to be as forgiving as you are, as I pass on your love to others in my life. Help me also to do my best not to hurt you and others as I receive forgiveness. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Give to Receive

The WORD today (see reminds me that we need to give to receive God’s real blessings.

Nowadays, prepaid services are very rampant. In prepaid mobile phone usage, you have to pay first for the load before you receive it. In online bookings, you have to pay for your flight before you even take the trip. In some restaurants, especially on special occasions, you have to pay for your meal before you even enter the restaurant. You have to give the payment first before you receive the service. This is similar to what God wants from us. Give to receive.

In the first reading and the gospel, we see two very generous widows. During that time, widows were really in a difficult situation. The men dominated society, and women and children get their identity from the men in their family. These men work to give them food and to support them. Women and children had no identity at that time, much more a widow. We could just imagine how tough life was for them, but that did not hinder them from giving God their all, their best.

Does God want to rob us of everything? Do we need to strip ourselves of everything to be able to serve Him?

I don’t think so. God does not necessarily want, or need, everything from us. What he wants is a willing heart. He wants us to be detached from anything of this world and willing to serve him, placing our full trust in Him. He wants us to be able to empty ourselves with our own concerns, our needs and wants – and desire only to serve Him.

Only when we are empty of ourselves can God fill us with everything of his.

If we hold on to material things, if we hold on to superficial and harmful relationships, if we hold on to bad habits, God cannot fill us up. We cannot receive God’s perfect and infinite blessings if we do not have space for it in our lives. We need to let go of our attachments, and completely empty ourselves, having complete faith that he will fill us up with more than what we gave up for him.

What things, people, relationships, habits in life am I holding on to?  What prevents me from detaching myself to these things and surrender completely to God? What is my attitude towards giving? Do I expect to receive first before I give, not wanting to become empty and lose what I have? Or am I willing to trust in God and give to be able to receive his blessings?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to learn about you, another day to experience you, another day to make your love alive in this world. Lord, I thank you for your generosity. Thank you, because no matter how I try, you simple cannot be outgiven. You refuse to let me beat you in being generous! Lord, I ask that you give  me a cheerful and generous heart. May I always be sensitive to others and do whatever I can to give of my time, talent and treasure for you.  May I always be willing to give. Help me empty myself out, detach myself with anything of this world, and surrender to you. I know that only when I am empty can you fill me with your infinite blessings. And as I receive these blessings, may I always want to share it with others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,