Saturday, July 19, 2014

He Cured All

The WORD today (See reminds me how generous and powerful God is to those who come to Him.

In the gospel, we see this in action

When Jesus realized this, he withdrew from that place.
Many people followed him, and 
he cured them all,

God does not disappoint. The people made an effort and showed their faith when they followed Jesus to be cured, to be healed. And he rewarded that. He cured them all.

How powerful. How generous. What a great reminder of Jesus’ love and power.

There were a lot of people who followed Jesus, a lot of people who showed faith. I’m sure they all had different sickness and diseases. Some had grave ones, who is at the point of helplessness and hopelessness. Some probably had minor ones, like fever or maybe even headache. But what is inspiring is how God cured them all. Lahat sila. Everyone who was there. Everyone who had faith in him. Everyone who wanted to be cured. God did not say he will cure only the serious sickness – those at the point of death. He did not say he will cure only the easy to cure stuff, the minor ones .No sickness or concern is too small for God to pay attention to, or too big that he cannot handle. He cured them all!

Good news – this love, power and generosity shown by Jesus two thousand years ago is still alive until now!

God is still able and is still willing to cure all who come to him. All who have faith to come to him. All who humble themselves to come to him. It does not matter if we come to him with huge, almost impossible situations, sickness or concerns.. it doesn’t matter if we come to him with almost trivial, small concerns. From then until now, God cures all who come to him… we just need to come to him in faith.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another weekend. Thank you your great and generous love for us. Thank you for reminding me today that you can and will still heal and cure all who come to you. Lord, may I always remember that, and may I always have faith. Sometimes, especially when my concerns are too big or too small, I do not come to you. Sometimes when it’s too big, I think that you cannot do anything about it anymore. When it’s too small, I get ashamed or shy to bring these little concerns to you. But father God, I know that I am important to you, and my concerns, no matter how big or  small they may be, are important and that you can do anything. May I just have that faith to come to with whatever concerns I have. Amen.

Blessed weekend!

In Christ,

see related reflections:

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