Sunday, September 27, 2015

Let Go to Gain

The WORD today (see reminds me that we should let go of certain things to gain greater things.

People usually do not want to let go. We can sometimes become too attached to something, to someone, to our possessions. There are people, including myself, who still have toys from our childhood, especially our favorite toys. However, some people are attached to greater things – to power, to richer, to fame, to things of this world. They do not want to share and to let go of these things, because they do not want their possessions to be decreased. They do not want their fame, power and influence to decreased. They value these material things so much.

Material things are very temporary. In the second reading, we see that all of these things get destroyed. However, the effects of these material, temporary things on us may be permanent if we are not careful. These material things can cause us to change, to have a hardened heart, to view things differently, and to live in sin – which has eternal punishment if we do not repent. That is why we need to let go.

Sometimes, letting go enables you to gain more than what you originally have.

In the gospel, Jesus told his disciples to cut off parts of their body that causes them to sin. Of course, this should not just be taken literally, unless really necessary. I believe that God is telling us that no matter how hard and painful it is, we should be detached from material things and from things that keep us away from Him. It may be hard, especially if these are our favorite sins, or these are things of the world that give us comfort and pleasure. However ,there is something greater in store for us. no matter how hard it is to let go and be detached, what we will get if we do it is far greater than what we originally had – for we will be getting eternity with God.

In the first reading, we see Moses telling Joshua not to be jealous for his sake. Probably what caused Joshua to tell Moses to stop others is also his attachment – attachment to fame and affirmation of doing good. He probably do not want others to have the same godly status as him – a prophet, a mighty worker for God. This tells us that even if we are doing God’s work, if we are not careful, these attachments can affect our service.

May we be reminded to always check our hearts, and be ready and willing to let go of the things we should not hold on to.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another Sunday. Thank you for another reminder of how you want me to live. Lord, sorry for my attachments. Sorry for holding on to things i need to let go – favorite sins, power, fame, money, influence – these things of the world that give my comfort and glory, but only in this world, not on your eyes. Help me let go. Help me to see the bigger picture, to remember you and your great love for me, to remember your promise of life everlasting in paradise. Give me the desire and the will to choose you over these things always. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,


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