Monday, September 28, 2015


The WORD today (See reminds me who the greatest is in God’s eyes

A few years back, there was a movie about the life of Muhammad Ali, whom many considered one of if not the world’s greatest boxer, although today Floyd Mayweather insists he is the greatest. The theme song of the Ali movie  had the title. “The World’s Greatest”. He won many fights, he was a well-respected boxer in the ring, and his skills are superior… that’s why he is a great fighter.

However, God’s standards are different from the world. In fact, it is the opposite.

The greatest in God’s eyes are not the strong and mighty, but the dependent and childlike.

In the gospel, Jesus told his disciples that a child is great in God’s eyes, and they should welcome and be like children. Back then, children together with women were the least in the society, so it surprised them that Jesus said those words.

Why is a child great? Because of his nothingness. He knows he cannot do anything on his own, so he is fully dependent on his parents. The same way, God wants us to be like that, to know and remember that we really cannot do anything on our own… that we should be fully dependent on God, our father. This is something difficult, especially for successful and independent people who think they can do anything and can exist on their own.

If we know and accept our nothingness, and fully depend on God, then we are great. For it is when we humbly ask for His grace and guidance that we can be filled with everything God wants to give us. And when we are filled with God, then we are certainly great, for God is in us.

May we be reminded of what it takes to be great in God’s eyes, and do our best to be one.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another week. Thank you for your reminder. Thank you for sending people in my life who remind me how much you love me and how special I am to you. Lord, I am sorry for the times I put you out of the picture, when I just rely on myself and do things on my own. Sorry for the times I focus too much on myself, how I can be great in the eyes of the world. As the week starts, help me start it right. Help me have the childlike attitude and faith that will always rely on you as I live. Help me live like your child so I can be great in your eyes. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

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