Friday, August 31, 2012

Stay Awake

The WORD (See today is a continuation of the gospel message yesterday. We are encouraged to stay awake and be prepared

In the gospel, we see the parable of the ten virgins. We should aspire to be like the five wise virgins and be prepared by living a life consistent to God’s ways. We should go beyond superficial goodness and strive to live a life deeply rooted in Christ. That will be the spare oil we will have. Like the ten virgins, it is easy to appear prepared and ready. However, when the going gets tough, that’s when we will know who is really prepared.

Living a life deeply rooted in Christ will enable us to light up the lamp again if ever we fall asleep, if ever we run out of oil. Although we are asked to be awake, there may be times we fall. We can fall asleep and run out of oil. However, if we are rooted in Christ, it will be easier for God to call us back, it will be easier to light up the lamp again. By staying awake, we are asked to be prepared and root our lives in Christ, beyond the superficial level of faith, goodness and obedience to Him.

Do I prepare for Christ’s coming? Do I do my best to live a life deeply rooted in Christ, or am I living a superficial life of obedience to Him? Am I willing to go out of my comfort zone and strive to get to know God more and live my life the way he wants me to?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for reminders like these. Lord, I pray that I be sensitive and heed your call to prepare myself. I know that all of us will face you eventually, so I ask that you give me the grace not only to accept it, but to prepare for it as well. May I not be deceived by the enemy into thinking that I will still have time to change my ways in the future. Help me change my ways and follow you now. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Be Prepared

The WORD today (see reminds us to always be prepared as we wait for God’s coming.

In the gospel, Jesus encourages us to do right while waiting on the master’s coming. It is easy to get distracted by the world, and we can be fooled into thinking that the master will take his time or will not come back at all. This can lead us to living a life not pleasing to the master. They say that the strongest lie of the devil is to make us think that there is still time, that we can continue living in a worldly manner first and enjoy the world, because there will still be time to repent. The master may not come yet, but before we know it, we may be too engrossed in that lie and just realize that it’s our time to face the master and we have no time to repent anymore.

Although it is not easy to live a life pleasing to God, it is possible. Paul writes in the first reading, and reminds us today, that we “are not lacking in any spiritual gift as we wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will keep you firm to the end.” Yet again, God reminds us that we have what we need to remain faithful to Him. it is now our choice if we would choose to live that life.

Like the psalm, may we praise God’s name forever by living a life pleasing to Him all the time.

Do I know and accept that Christ will come again? Am I prepared for Christ’s coming? Am I trying to prepare, or am I deceived in the enemy’s lie that there is still time, and that I may first enjoy the world? Am I living a life pleasing to God? Do I go to confession when I fall?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your Word that reminds us to be prepared. Lord, mahirap. There are a lot of distractions in this world. The enemy’s lie is very powerful. Pero Lord, I know that they are nothing compared to your great power and great love for me. Help me focus on that love and power, Lord, and not be distracted by this world. May I live a life pleasing to you, because you deserve it, because you deserve my best attitude, because I love you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Work to Eat

The WORD today (see reminds us that we need to work for what we want.

In the first reading, we can see the value St Paul teaches the Thessalonians:

On the contrary, in toil and drudgery, night and day we worked,
so as not to burden any of you
if anyone was unwilling to work, neither should that one eat

We are told not to be free riders in life. We need to work first before we eat. However, I believe this does not only apply to food. This also applies to God’s kingdom. We need to work first for God’s kingdom before we can enjoy it. We can’t just pray to enter God’s kingdom, to be with him in paradise. We also need to get our hands dirty and work for God, living our lives for his greater glory, for his purpose, then as the psalm says, we will eat the fruit of our handiwork..

As we commemorate the Passion of Saint John the Baptist, we see that his life is a reflection of this value. He worked for God. Unceasingly. Untiringly. He continued to work for God even if it was not easy, even if it was not comfortable to. Thus, we can say that as by the way he lived his life, by the way he worked for God’s kingdom, he will reap the reward after his life on earth.

Am I willing to work for God’s kingdom? Am I ready to get my hands dirty? Or am I just praying to reap the fruits, to eat, without working for it? Am I ready to work for God even if it is not easy to?

Father God,
Thank you for your word. Thank you for reminding me the importance of working for your kingdom. Lord, give me the strength to work tirelessly for you. It is not easy, but I know it is worth it because I am working for you, I am serving you. I ask Lord that you accept whatever little work I can offer, and use it for your purpose and for your glory. I may not understand everything, but I just surrender and work in faith, knowing that when the day comes, I will be able to reap the fruits of my labor, I will be able to eat with you in paradise. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Do Not Be Shaken

The WORD today (see reminds me to be firm and not be shaken.

In life, there are many challenges – both circumstances and people. There are circumstances that seem impossible to get through. There are circumstances in which we feel that we do not and will not have enough strength to face. Of course, by ourselves we cannot, but if we always call upon God, we can do anything. There are also people who will try to distract us from following God. There are those who will test our faith, or those who will make us question our faith. God calls us to be firm and not to be shaken amidst these challenges life brings us.

God is in control. We just have to trust in Him. There are things we cannot see, things we cannot understand. This is where faith comes in. We need to trust in God to take care of us. We need to allow God to protect us. We need to allow God to love us. We need to trust that God sees what our eyes cannot, and understands what our minds cannot. We just need to surrender and let him take control of our lives.

What are the things in life I am afraid of? What are the things in life that bother me? Do I include God in the scenario? Do I trust him enough to let him take control, even if I cannot seem to see or understand his wisdom in the things happening? How can I strengthen my faith in Him?

Father God,
Thank you for giving me another day to live. I am sorry for not giving you my best in everything. Sorry for not always focusing on you and taking things in my own hand. Lord, help me surrender to you every day. I know this is not a one time decision. I need to constantly choose to surrender to you, and by this, I know that slowly, my faith will be strengthened and I will not be shaken by anything that is not of you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, August 27, 2012

See Beyond What The Eyes Can See

The WORD today (see inspires me to see beyond what the eyes see.

In the first reading, we see an exhortation to the Thessalonians:

so that you may be considered worthy of the Kingdom of God
for which you are suffering.

We always pray for you,
that our God may make you worthy of his calling
and powerfully bring to fulfillment every good purpose
and every effort of faith,
that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you,
and you in him,
in accord with the grace of our God and Lord Jesus Christ.

Life as followers of Christ is not easy. If you experience suffering for Christ, then you’re on the right track. Times like these, we too are encouraged to see things beyond what our eyes see. We need to have faith and trust that God will use us to fulfil his purpose. We should also remember to put the focus on him – all the glory to and for him, never on ourselves. Our lives, both  challenges and victories, should always magnify God, not ourselves.

How is my life right now? Am I going through rough and challenging times? How do I face it? Do I look it with eyes of faith, trusting that God will get me through this and that his purpose will be fulfilled by what I am doing for him, or do I complain and lose my faith in him during these times?  During moments of victories, who do I really glorify, myself or God? Is the way I am living my life bringing honor and glory to Him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me to keep my focus on you and look beyond what my eyes can see. Father, I pray that you increase my faith. May I always be certain that you will come and rescue me no matter how difficult or challenging the situation may be, and may I always be reminded that no work for you is wasted. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Choose God

The WORD today (see reminds me to choose God

They say that variety is the spice of life. Yes, I personally believe that it is good to have options, to have choices. God believes that too, that’s why he gave us free will so we can choose for ourselves if we want to follow him or not. He does not want to force anything on us.

God is not forcing us to choose him. He does not bless us so we would choose him. He does not need us to begin with. He just loves us so much that he continues to bless and protect us, with the hope that after experiencing that love, we will eventually choose Him – like Joshua and the people in the first reading.

Choosing God is not a one-time decision. We have to decide every day. We have to constantly renew that decision. Every time we are faced with something, we have an option to choose what god wants or what we want, which may not necessarily be consistent with what God wants. Needless to say, following God is not easy. We won’t be spared from all the challenges once we follow God. Some, like those in the gospel, find it hard to follow Him and returned to their old way of life. As followers if Christ, we should expect challenges and should remain strong in Christ. We should surrender to Christ, as the second reading says,  and have faith that he will take care of us.

Do I realize that I am faced with a decision to follow Christ every day? Do I constantly choose God, or only when I feel like it or when it is comfortable for me? What aspects of my life do I need to surrender to God?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your word that reminds me how much you love me. Thank you for free will. Thank you for continuously blessing me, even if sometimes pasaway talaga ako. Lord, I pray that I would always let you love me. May I always feel our love, and may love transform me to love you back. Help me choose you every day, in the simple and big things in life. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, August 25, 2012

God is with Us

The WORD today (see reminds us that God is with us, that he is alive.

In the gospel, we see Jesus warning us to live our lives consistent to what we preach. Saying and preaching is one thing. It is good to know what God wants, and ask others to do those things as well. However, doing is another thing. We should not only know and say what we need to do, but more importantly, do it as well. By living a life consistent to what we preach, consistent to the gospel values, then we will really experience Christ alive with us.

The first reading and the psalm both remind us that God is alive, that he is with us. He says that he will dwell among his children. His glory will dwell in our land. However, this is not God’s work alone. We should also do our part. Living a life pleasing to God makes us not only experience God’s love and presence alive in our lives, but also enables God to use us to make his love alive in the life of others. Yes, we can really be ambassadors of Christ if we just surrender and allow God to rule our lives.

Do I believe that God is alive and is with me right now? Am I living a life consistent with what I preach, with what God wants me to do? Do I realize that God is using me to make his love more alive in other people? Do I cooperate?

Father God,
Thank you for today – the start of another long weekend. Thank you for your love and your presence in my life. Lord, I am sorry for not always living a life consistent with what I preach. Sorry for not always doing what you want me to do, even if I am aware of what you want me to do. Lord, help me live a life pleasing to you that I may be a representation, however unworthy I am, of your great love to others. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Friday, August 24, 2012

Do you believe just because…?

The WORD today (see asks us a question that challenges our faith.

In the gospel, Jesus asked Nathaniel: “Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree?” God is asking us today – do we believe in Him just because…?

We all have different and personal experiences with God. Some experienced him in a mighty way, saving them from sickness, accident, and the like. Some have experienced him in the ordinary things in life that others usually take for granted – vacant parking slot, available seat in the bus, a good movie on TV, etc. Jesus is asking us – do we believe just because of these things? What if we don’t feel him anymore, will we still believe? What if we don’t feel his blessings, will we still believe?  May we work on strengthening our faith and not base it on our feelings and experiences alone.

Is my faith based on my feelings or emotions? Do I get mad at God? Do I question him and move away from him when things are not going the way I want it to? How can I strengthen my faith in Him?

Father God,
Thank you for who you are. Thank you for continuously blessing me beyond what I deserve. Thank you for always making me feel your love and presence. Lord, I am sorry for not loving you the way I am supposed to. I ask that you help me strengthen my faith so it won’t be based on my feelings or emotions. May I have a solid faith founded on you and you alone. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Complete Outfit

The WORD today (see tells us that we should go all out for God.

In the gospel, we see the chosen people did not respond to the invitation. Thus, the king invited whose initially uninvited – ordinary people from the streets. That is why it may seem harsh what the king did to the person not dressed. We may think that the person was so poor that he had no dress for the occasion. Well, that’s not the case. During those times, when a king invites you to a banquet, he provides the necessary garments as well. Ayos diba? That’s why the person was provided garments, hindi nya lang sinoot.

We see God angered by the one person who came unfit, the same way he was with those who did not respond to the invitation. God wants us to go all out for him! If we want to serve him, we should do so with everything we’ve got. He provides us everything we need to serve him, and we just have to do our part and make use of all he has been giving us and serve him.

First reading says that we are God’s people, and in the psalm, God says he will pour clean water and wash us clean with our sins. When God calls us, when God invites us, he does not look at our faults or sins. He does not look at our capabilities. He invites us all. However, few respond. When we make that decision to respond to God’s invitation, let us be confident that God will clean us and provide everything we need, we just need to do our part.

Am I sensitive to the different ways God is reaching out to me? Am I sensitive to the different blessings God has been providing me? What prevents me from fully surrendering to God? What prevents me from giving my all in serving him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the reminder that you always give us what we need to serve you. Lord, I ask that today, you make me sensitive to your blessings and your call. May I listen to you and obey you as I give my all in serving you. And as I serve you, may I bring other people as well. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Envious of God’s Goodness?

Today’s WORD (see reminds me to not compare myself with other people.

In the gospel, we see a lot of people working in different levels, but being paid the same. Sometimes we are like that. Sometimes I am like that. I tend to compare myself with other people. I tend to look at the things they have that I don’t. I ask why God seems to bless them with a lot more than me. However, the gospel reminds me of the evil in that.

What God does with his riches is of no matter to us. We do not deserve these things to begin with. We should be thankful with whatever God gives us, and not compare ourselves with others. Chances are, we have a lot as well, we just tend to see the things we don’t have, and take for granted the things we have that others don’t. In his wisdom, God gives us what we need. It may not necessarily be what we want, but these are what we need to continue to serve and love him. In the first reading, he says that he will take care of us. We just need to have faith.

Do I believe I have everything I need to serve God, or do I always come up with a list of my complaints and my wants in life? Do I envy other people? Do I compare my blessings with that of other people? What are the things I want in life? What are the things I have that I tend to take for granted?

Father God,
Thank you for a very long weekend. Thank you for giving me a chance to spend it with the people dear to me. Lord, I ask that as I start another week, I always focus on you and be thankful for every blessing you give me. May I always remember that have everything I need to serve you, and be thankful for that. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The WORD today (see reminds us that in God’s time, we will be rewarded.

Sometimes, we get too comfortable. We get overconfident. Like the people in the first reading, just because we are always blessed by God, we feel we will always have that blessing from him. We feel entitled to it, and we forget that these blessings are from God, not from our human capacity. God warns us not to forget we are human beings totally dependent on God.

Jesus warns us of us losing our focus on Him. This attitude makes it hard for us to enter God’s kingdom, because we are full or ourselves. We cannot detach ourselves with what we have accomplished and gained in this world. (see related reflection).  It is hard to always focus on God, but Jesus is affirming us that in God’s time, we will be rewarded. Whatever sacrifices we gave for him will be returned to us, sobra sobra pa! We are encouraged to keep our focus on God and live our lives pleasing to Him, having faith that in his perfect time, we will be rewarded.

What keeps me busy in life? What occupies bulk of my day? Work? Career? Family? Studying? Gimmicks? Do I give time for God in my busy day? What things take my focus out of God? How can I remain focused on God as I live my life?

Father God,
Thank you for today. I am sorry for the times I lose focus on you, for the times I trust in myself too much, for the times I get weak and allow temptation to win over me. You know I love you, Lord, and you know what is n my heart. I love you Lord, mahirap lang talagang maging consistent. Lord, I ask that you give me the grace, together with the desire, to keep focused on you and to live my life consistent with your teachings, all the time. May my life be a testament of my love for you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Monday, August 20, 2012


The WORD today (see reminds us what can happen if we focus too much on worldly things and lose our focus on God.

In the first reading and psalm, we see God being angry. The people forgot who God is. They forgot all the mighty things he has done for them. They became too comfortable and too full of themselves. They lost their focus on God. They lived lives of sin.

In the gospel, we see a man, not living a bad life, but attached to his wealth. He was a good person, but cannot let go of his possessions. We see that Christ expects us not to just do his commandments, but to totally surrender to Him, knowing that everything we have is his.

In this day and age, it is easy to be attached. We have a lot of gadgets and material things we think we cannot live without. Successful people may think they cannot live without their cars, money, fame and power. We tend to forget that we started out with nothing and will bring nothing when we die. In the words on Job, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked will I depart.” He further states “The LORD gave and the Lord has taken away…” (Job 1:21). We need to accept that and be reminded of that – and not be attached to whatever material thing God has given us in this life

What do I treasure the most in life? What is my greatest possession? Is there something, or someone, that prevents me from fully following God? What makes it hard for me to be detached – from something or someone? Do I pray for God’s help?

Father God,
Thank you for the additional day of rest. thank you for the things I enjoy in my life. Lord, you have been giving me a lot of blessings that I do not deserve, so I thank you for that. Lord, in as much as I am thankful and enjoy your blessings, I pray that I do not become attached to them. Always remind me that everything I have is from you, and that you can take anything and everything away anytime. Lord, help me let go of whatever is hindering me from fully following you and fully serving you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Para kanino?

The WORD today (see  reminds me of a particular commercial. There is a coffee commercial asking people, “para kanino ka bumabangon?” Today, we are asked, “para kanino ka nabubuhay?”

The second reading reminds us how we should live our lives. We should not live “of the world” – meaning having the focus on things of the world with all its pleasures. Worldly success, fame, fortune and pleasures will all disappear and fade together with this world. God is asking us to look beyond the here and now, and see ourselves spending eternity with God and preparing for it.

In the gospel, Jesus again teaches us about the Eucharist. What a bold, but true statement. Unless we eat him, we do not have life. Actually, we can put it the other way around. Unless we eat him and let him consume us, we will not have life, real life. Only Christ can give us real life – life outside of this world, life that no evil or death can take away from us. Eternal happiness with God.

We should live our lives in preparation for that. Although we can only imagine what eternity with God is like, it does  not mean we cannot prepare for it. On the contrary, preparation for eternity with God starts NOW. We should live our lives acknowledging he is our God. We should work not for earthly gain, but for eternal ones. As he consumes us, we should die of our own selves, our desires, and let him fill us up with everything that is his. Only then will we be able to prepare for eternity with God. Only then will we really live.

How am I living my life? Do I acknowledge that this world and everything on it is temporary, or am I too focused on achieving my worldly goals? Do I let the pleasures of this world blind me from seeing the reward of eternity in heaven? Para kanino ako nabubuhay, para sa sarili ko, o para sa Diyos?

Father God,
Thank you again for the reminder. Thank you for letting me realize that everything in this world is temporary. Lord, mahirap mag focus sa inyo, kasi madaming distractions. Lord, you know what is in my heart, and I ask that you always remind me of it. Sa inyo ako, Lord, and I pray that no matter how distracting the world may be, I remain focused on you and live my life in service of you and in preparation for eternity with you. Amen.

Have a blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Be a Child

In today’s WORD (See we see how much Jesus loves the children. Jesus loves a child-like faith and attitude. (See related reflections)

In the first reading, we see that he does not want death or evil to be upon us. We will bring it upon ourselves if we constantly choose to disobey him, but he does not want it. He wants us to be saved, he wants us to be with him. However, only we can make that decision. Only we can humble ourselves and be childlike and let him be God in our lives.

When we confess, we accept that we are children of God. We try to make peace with him. We accept that we need him. We accept that we are sinners. We humble ourselves make an act of surrender. This is what God needs from us. This is what will make him happy.

Do I have a childlike faith or a childish one? Do I surrender to God and allow him to control my life? Am I humble enough to accept that without him, I am nothing? Do I make the most of the sacrament of reconciliation?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for this weekend. Lord, I pray that you always remind me to humble myself, and Lord, sana makinig ako. Help me to constantly live a life pleasing to you, having a childlike faith in you. Amen.

God bless!

In Christ,

See related reflections

Friday, August 17, 2012

A Loving God

Today’s WORD (see reminds us that we have a very loving God!

The first reading is a reminder of who and what we are before God came into our lives and took care of us. We were dirty, unwashed, uncared for – sinners, before God came into our lives. He saw the beauty in us. He saw the goodness in us. OF course, he created us! He took care of us, he sent his Son to save us, he loved us. Then, we abused that love and favour we have from God and sinned again. But his love is still there. Seeing the goodness in us. Patiently waiting for us to change and go back to Him.

It is not easy loving someone unlovable. When your love is rejected and not appreciated, it makes you want to stop. It can even turn the love for that person to hate. However, God is not like that. It must have been difficult to love us! Pasaway tayo eh. We sin and hurt him. We take his love for granted. We abuse his love. Yet, he is patiently loving us, patiently waiting for us to change and get back to him. How blessed are we to have a God who loves us that way.

What is my definition of love? Do I expect the love that I give to be given back to me? Do I expect to be reciprocated for the love I give? Do I look for love in all the wrong places and people? What is God telling me today in terms or loving? What is God telling me in terms of my worth as a person? Do I love God? Do I live my life showing it?

Father God,
I may not always say this, I may not always live my life consistent with this, but I Love You. Thank you for loving me, thank you for seeing the goodness in me. I pray that I may love others the way you love me, so that in my own little way, I may be a representation of your love on earth. Amen.

Stay Blessed!

In Christ,

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Peace Na?

Today’s WORD (see reminds us how important it is to forgive.

Forgive and forget. This is a very common saying, but very hard to actually do. Yes, easier said than done. So, just how important is it to forgive? Aside from today’s reading, we can look at the Lord’s prayer, the prayer that Jesus himself taught us, how important it is to forgive…

“..Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us…

This means we should first forgive others before we ask God to forgive us. We should first give forgiveness before we receive it. Not forgiving others is like saying that we do not need and do not ask God’s forgiveness. Yes, it is that important.

We may get angry at the servant in the gospel. After being forgiven his huge debt, he chose not to forgive someone who owes him a much smaller amount. Nakakainis no?  Ungrateful. Inconsiderate. So many words to describe the person. But come to think of it, we are like that. We tend to forget that God forgave us from our sin. He sent Jesus, his only Son, to die for us to save us, because he loves us and forgave us. Tapos tayo, hindi mapatawad yung taong nagsinungaling or yung taong sinaktan ka. Yes, it’s hard to, but it’s doable, by God’s grace.

The more we hate, the more we find it hard to forgive, the more we show God we are full of ourselves. We are too focused on our feelings, on our emotions, on our hurts. We forget what great forgiveness we received from God and focus on the little hurt someone has caused us. We refuse to accept God’s love and forgiveness, and choose to hold on to whatever hurt, bitterness and pain the other person has caused us. Sino talo? Sino makulit? Sino ungrateful?

How do I feel towards forgiveness? Do I accept and acknowledge that I am a sinner and that I need God’s forgiveness? Do I confess to ask for his forgiveness? IS there someone I find really hard to forget? Why? What prevents me from letting go of my personal hurt and pain, and from accepting God’s love and forgiveness?

Father God,
I thank you for loving and forgiving me, even before I ask for it. Thank you for your great love that is always ready to forgive me. Lord, I am sorry for taking you and your love for granted, and for holding on to past hurts. I ask that you help me let go and accept your love. Fill me up and enable me to forgive, so that everything of me is from you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Little One made Big

Today’s WORD (see personifies what Jesus was talking about yesterday (See reflection:

As we celebrate the Assumption of Mama Mary, we see how great she became. We see how special and favored she is by God. We also see an epitome of a childlike faith and attitude.

Life was not easy for Mary. Yes, she was chosen by God, but that does not mean she had things served to her on a silver platter. As she was told she was chosen to by the mother of God, she knew there was a danger of her being humiliated (for becoming pregnant without getting married), yet she subjected to God’s will. She had that faith to surrender and just say “yes” even if she did not understand everything that is going to happen.

In the gospel, we see what we call the “Magnificat” or “The Canticle of Mary.” We see that the focus is really on God and not on herself. We see her magnifying and glorifying God. She was proclaiming God’s greatness. This attitude, this childlike faith, saying “yes” to God even if we do not understand everything, and giving back all the glory to God, is what makes her great in the eyes of God. This is what will make us great in the eyes of God, too.

Do I give my “yes” to God even if I do not understand everything he wants me to do? Am I willing to suffer for Christ? Am I ready to give back all the praise and glory to God, not on myself? Am I willing to be small and to have that totally dependent, childlike attitude and faith to God, and wait on Him to make me big in his eyes? Do I want to be like Mama Mary?

Father God,
Thank you for your word. Thank you that you continue to have faith in me and that you continue to see the goodness in me, even if I myself do not see it. Today, help me be like Mama Mary. May I have her faith and her love for you. May I be willing to give you everything and allow you to be God in my life, to the point of suffering for you. In my own little way, may I make you happy and glorify you. This I ask through the intercession of Mama Mary. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Little One

Today’s WORD (see shows us how BIG becoming a LITTLE ONE is.

In today’s world, no one wants to be little, no one wants to be insignificant. These things are associated with being called “little one.” All of us want to be hotshots – successful in whatever we get ourselves into – business, career, sports, etc. We want to excel, we want to be admired, we want other people to look up to us and say “Wow, ang galling mo!”

However, Jesus says otherwise. In the gospel we see Jesus say some powerful words:

Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,
you will not enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Whoever becomes humble like this child
is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven

We need to be like children to be able to enter the kingdom of God. Not only that, a humble child is the greatest in that kingdom. Wow.

Children represent helplessness and humility. Having a childlike attitude means we depend entirely on God and what he will do to and through us – totally opposite of what we usually want – our own personal success. When we are childlike, we recognize that we are nothing without God and we need God to do anything. Thus, a humble and childlike faith is needed for us to accept who God really is and live a life based on that fact – eventually being able to enter the kingdom of God.

What do I want to achieve in life? Do I want to achieve success in whatever I do? Do I recognize that I cannot do anything alone, and that I need God? Do I recognize that all that I have, my skills, talents, abilities, knowledge, all came from God? Am I willing to be humble like a child, and totally depend on him as I live my life? Do I want to enter his kingdom?

Father God,
That is who you are to me, my Father. Lord, as a humble child, I come to you with nothingness. I know that I cannot do anything on my own. I know that all I have came from you. Lord, I ask that I always remember this. Help me live my life like a humble child, totally depending on you to achieve things in life, not for my glory, but only for yours. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Monday, August 13, 2012

Sensitive Ka Ba?

The WORD (See today reminds me that God reveals himself to us in different ways.

In the first reading, God reveals himself and his glory to Ezekiel in a grand way. We see the prophet Ezekiel trying his best to explain his vision through words. We could just imagine how mighty that vision was. On the other hand, in the gospel, we see Jesus revealing himself to Peter and his passion and death to his disciples. He was just talking as he revealed these things – no visions or signs accompanying them. Simple lang.

God reveals himself to us in different ways. Minsan grand, through visions or dreams or something else. Minsan simple lang, by something we read in the bible, we hear from others, or something other people tell us. What is important is we acknowledge these things, and that we are sensitive to these things. God uses different ways to reach out to us, so we should always be alert and sensitive to recognize him.

Do I want God to reveal himself and talk to me? Am I sensitive enough to recognize him in the big and small things?  Do I pray for a heart that seeks and recognizes him? As I start the week, what is God telling me?

Father God,
Thank you for the weekend. Thank you for giving us another week. I pray that I always be sensitive enough to know and recognize you revealing yourself to me. May I always seek you, and as you reveal yourself to me, may I be ready to heed your call of living a life pleasing to you. Amen.

Have a blessed week!

In Christ,

Sunday, August 12, 2012

What Do You Eat?

Today’s WORD (See ) talks about food. Yum!

We Filipinos generally love to eat. Jesus does too! He was often seen eating and drinking with people – bad people at that. This is why some were saying he is a drunkard. He may seem like one, but Jesus eats with tax collectors and other “bad” people at that time, because he knows how powerful sharing a meal is. It is easy and fun to know a person over a good meal, and Jesus takes opportunities like these not just to fill their stomach, but to fill the souls of the people as they partake of the physical food.

Food is important. In the first reading, we see Elijah being fed to prepare him for the journey. This is not only physical food, but spiritual as well. God knows Elijah was tired physically and spiritually, and he made sure Elijah got the nourishment he needed in all aspects.

The gospel further describes the spiritual food we need and he provides. He is the bread of life. He is the living bread. If we only come to him, we will never be hungry, we will have life. Jesus is inviting us to come to him for spiritual nourishment so he can fill us. He is asking us to make Him the God in our lives. Only when we allow him to fill us up with his spirit, with his whole being, will we ever be contented with life. Only when we are filled with God that we will be able to truly live.

Jesus concretized this by instituting the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. He gives us an opportunity to receive him in the host – his whole body, soul, spirit and divinity. We are blessed that He continues to be faithful to us and gives us this beautiful sacrament for us to receive him, for us to be closer to Him. Now it is our choice what we will do with this, if we will take full advantage of it or would just ignore him.

Do I believe in the saying that “you become what you eat” and consume Jesus in the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist? Do I come to him for nourishment? Do I accept that I need him in my life, or is my heart hard and believe that I can take care of myself? Do I prepare myself spiritually first before receiving Christ in the Holy Eucharist?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how important it is to quench not only our physical hunger, but more importantly, the spiritual one. Thank you for the Holy Eucharist which enable us to be closer to you. May I make the most of this opportunity and always receive you so I can be more and more like you. Amen.

Have a blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Step Up in Faith

Today’s WORD (see ) again emphasizes the importance of faith.

Faith is important. Faith is powerful. Faith is needed. We know that lack of faith hindered Jesus to perform miracles in his hometown (see ), and in the gospel, we again see an effect of little faith. The disciples were not able to heal a boy from a strong demon. Their fear was stronger than their faith. This is God’s challenge to us. We need to step up in faith, we need to pray for and work to strengthen our faith.

The first reading reminds us what faith in God does. “…but the just man, because of his faith, shall live.” Other than doing mighty works in God’s name, as we see in the gospel, faith in God will enable us to live, to truly live. Live to see eternity with God. Life is not always easy and happy. There will be challenges. The enemy will try hard to destroy us and bring us down. However, amidst all these, if we have faith in God, we will live, we will surpass all these and have life in God.

How is my spiritual life? How is my faith? What is the limitation of my faith? When faced with a seemingly impossible thing, do I still have faith in God’s power or do I let my human emotions and logic take control? When things are challenging, do I have faith in God and his plans, or do I take things into my own hands? Do I believe Christ when he said in today’s gospel “If you have faith…nothing will be impossible for you”?

Father God,
Thank you for the gift of faith. Thank you for such a strong and powerful gift. Lord, I know I have only a mustard seed of faith, and Lord, I ask that you help me develop this seed, that you help me grow it so that it may eventually become a sycamore tree that would give glory to you. Amidst all the challenges in life, help me live a life of faith that will praise and glorify you. Amen.

Have a blessed weekend!

In Christ,

See related reflections