Monday, August 20, 2012


The WORD today (see reminds us what can happen if we focus too much on worldly things and lose our focus on God.

In the first reading and psalm, we see God being angry. The people forgot who God is. They forgot all the mighty things he has done for them. They became too comfortable and too full of themselves. They lost their focus on God. They lived lives of sin.

In the gospel, we see a man, not living a bad life, but attached to his wealth. He was a good person, but cannot let go of his possessions. We see that Christ expects us not to just do his commandments, but to totally surrender to Him, knowing that everything we have is his.

In this day and age, it is easy to be attached. We have a lot of gadgets and material things we think we cannot live without. Successful people may think they cannot live without their cars, money, fame and power. We tend to forget that we started out with nothing and will bring nothing when we die. In the words on Job, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked will I depart.” He further states “The LORD gave and the Lord has taken away…” (Job 1:21). We need to accept that and be reminded of that – and not be attached to whatever material thing God has given us in this life

What do I treasure the most in life? What is my greatest possession? Is there something, or someone, that prevents me from fully following God? What makes it hard for me to be detached – from something or someone? Do I pray for God’s help?

Father God,
Thank you for the additional day of rest. thank you for the things I enjoy in my life. Lord, you have been giving me a lot of blessings that I do not deserve, so I thank you for that. Lord, in as much as I am thankful and enjoy your blessings, I pray that I do not become attached to them. Always remind me that everything I have is from you, and that you can take anything and everything away anytime. Lord, help me let go of whatever is hindering me from fully following you and fully serving you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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