Sunday, August 26, 2012

Choose God

The WORD today (see reminds me to choose God

They say that variety is the spice of life. Yes, I personally believe that it is good to have options, to have choices. God believes that too, that’s why he gave us free will so we can choose for ourselves if we want to follow him or not. He does not want to force anything on us.

God is not forcing us to choose him. He does not bless us so we would choose him. He does not need us to begin with. He just loves us so much that he continues to bless and protect us, with the hope that after experiencing that love, we will eventually choose Him – like Joshua and the people in the first reading.

Choosing God is not a one-time decision. We have to decide every day. We have to constantly renew that decision. Every time we are faced with something, we have an option to choose what god wants or what we want, which may not necessarily be consistent with what God wants. Needless to say, following God is not easy. We won’t be spared from all the challenges once we follow God. Some, like those in the gospel, find it hard to follow Him and returned to their old way of life. As followers if Christ, we should expect challenges and should remain strong in Christ. We should surrender to Christ, as the second reading says,  and have faith that he will take care of us.

Do I realize that I am faced with a decision to follow Christ every day? Do I constantly choose God, or only when I feel like it or when it is comfortable for me? What aspects of my life do I need to surrender to God?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your word that reminds me how much you love me. Thank you for free will. Thank you for continuously blessing me, even if sometimes pasaway talaga ako. Lord, I pray that I would always let you love me. May I always feel our love, and may love transform me to love you back. Help me choose you every day, in the simple and big things in life. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

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