Wednesday, August 1, 2012


The readings today remind me to examine my life and look deep into my heart and see what my treasure is.

The London Summer Olympics 2012 is currently on-going. The best athletes in the world are gathered in one city to compete with each other and with themselves. They gave up a lot to be where they are right now. They trained for years, others probably their lifetime, to be able to be the best they can be, to be able to be the best in their country and represent their country in the Olympics. They gave up family time, night outs, and a lot of things and prioritized their training to be able to achieve their goal, their treasure – to represent their country and win the gold medal.

Athletes do so much to attain their goal, their treasure. How about us?

Have we found that treasure? What are we willing to give up to attain that treasure?

In life, there are different things that motivate us. People save up to be able to be able to buy expensive things – bags, gadgets, cars, etc. People put a lot of effort and time to grow their business or excel in their respective careers. People go out of their way to build a good reputation and image and achieve fame, power and influence. However, these things are temporary. These things will not satisfy us. We will only be wanting more, and thus, the cycle goes on and on.

God tells us that only the kingdom of God, the knowledge of who He is, having a personal relationship with him, is what will truly make us happy. This is the true treasure in life – the one we should strive to find, the one we should give up everything for. Only God can satisfy our lives. Only He can make us happy, contented and at peace. In this busy life, this is something we should work for, something we should look for, and once we find it in us, we will be ready to give away everything to always have this, to remain in Him, knowing he is the only real and true treasure in life.

What is my treasure in life? What is something I really want to achieve or attain? What am I willing to give up to attain this? Is there a place for God in my life?

Father God,
Thank you for your word. Thank you for knowing us and for talking to us. Lord, I know in this life, I have a lot of things I want to achieve or want to prove. But lord, I thank you for reminding me today that no amount of worldly success or achievement can equal the real treasure that only you can provide. Lord, help me look for you in this busy world, and when I find you, may I give up everything to remain in you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

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