Saturday, August 4, 2012

Men of Great Faith

Today’s WORD (see show us examples of men with great faith, faith that is firm until the end.
In the first reading, we see a continuation of yesterday’s story. The people wanted to put the prophet Jeremiah to death. However, this did not dampen his faith. His faith was unshaken. He still remained true to God and was rewarded for it.
The gospel tells us how John the Baptist died. He went head on against Herod, the king at that time. He did not let Herod’s power and position intimidate him. This got him in trouble with a lot of people, including Herodias who asked for his head. John was unfazed, even to the point of death. He remained true to God and his purpose of preparing the way for Christ.
In this life, it is not always easy to stand up for our faith. There will be situations where we will be tested. Persecutions, intimidations and humiliations will come. No one is exempted from this – the saints and even Jesus experienced this. However, what’s different is how we would react to this. Will we let the seemingly powerful people intimidate us? Will we bend our ways to fit into a sinful society, so we can be one with them, so we can be cool with them? We know how we should react, problem is, are we strong and confident enough to stand up for our faith, to stand up for Jesus?
When is following God and his ways not easy? Have I ever experienced pressure, persecution, humiliation or mockery as I follow him? How did I react? Am I willing to stand up and suffer to Christ, if necessary? Do I have faith that God is powerful and nothing is impossible for Him?

Dear God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for this weekend. Lord, I ask that I always be inspired by people who really lived their faith. May I get strength from you to stand up for my faith. May I be confident enough in your will and power and be ready to face whatever as I serve you. May my life be an example that would also bring people to loving, trusting and serving you. Amen.
Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

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