Friday, January 31, 2014

Just Plant

The WORD today (See reminds me that as we work in God's vineyard, we should just continue to plant seeds of goodness.

When I was in school, one of the sure projects each batch had was to plant mongo seeds in a cup (or pot) and let it grow. Students were given similar mongo seeds to plant, water, and take care of to make it grow. After the specified time, student were asked to bring the seeds to school. Even though they were given same seeds, they ended up differently. Some looked healthy, some looked dry, while some did not survive at all. The teacher then explains that a lot of things affect the growth of the seeds - air, sunshine, soil, water, etc.

This is true with our faith as well. We have the same source, God, but we end up differently. A lot of things affect our growth, and some are beyond our control. But God just asks us to plant seeds, something we can all do. Share God to others. Tell of what he has done in our lives. Love others, especially the unlovable, the way we are loved by God.  Be fair and just with our dealings with others, even if we have the option not to. We just need to do our best, knowing that we cannot control a lot of things, so we just lift the rest to God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another day to rest and spend time with people important to me. Lord, I pray that I be a faithful sower. May i just do my best to plant seeds for your kingdom, and just trust in you, knowing that you will be the one to make the seeds grow and bear fruit for your kingdom. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, January 30, 2014

No Secrets

The WORD today (see reminds me that there are no secrets with God

In the latest movie of Spiderman (The Amazing Spider Man), there was a scene where Peter Parker’s Aunt May told him – Secrets have a cost, they’re not free. Not now, not ever. In the gospel, we see this said in a different way “there is nothing hidden except to be made visible, nothing is secret except to come to light” we really cannot hide anything, especially from God.

There are things we consider trivial, or sins that we think are too small that nobody gets affected, or probably even a bad habit we can’t let go, thus makes us live double lives. Even if we are successful in hiding these things, the time will come when it will eventually come out. Probably not the sin/bad habit itself, but the manifestations of it will eventually come out. Being secretly angry at someone may not seem harmful to anyone, but as you harbour that anger, it eventually consumes you and will eventually come out as you deal with others, especially with people close to you. Same is true for addiction to pornography. Probably It may seem harmless, especially if no one knows and no one gets affected, but there are studies that show that as one gets deeper into pornography addiction, one’s mind unknowingly gets affected – the way one sees women or men, the expectations on a partner, etc. these things eventually manifest and affect people as well.

May we humbly come to Jesus for healing and ask him to clean and purify us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for reminding me how much you love me, how much you want me to be a clean person. Lord, I am sorry for the times I think that my sins or secrets are not harmful. Sorry for thinking that I can get away with these things. Lord, I humbly come to you and ask you to clean me, to purify me. I know that only you can do that, and I ask that you help me renew myself so I can live a clean life pleasing to you. amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me how important it is to ask, so we can know God more.

Not all people want to ask. Some people even say that asking for help is more difficult for men – because it projects that they are not man enough to know and do things. That is why some men find it very difficult to ask for directions, even if they are already lost, and will insist on finding the way on their own.

However, Jesus does not want us to act like this. He wants us to ask. He wants us to research. So we can know him more. In the gospel, Jesus explained to the disciples because they asked, because they admitted that they did not understand the parable. In life, we too will have instances where we do not understand things. We can either just accept it, or choose to ask Jesus. And as we ask, we should be moved into action, to do our part – research, pray, ask spiritually mature people, so that we will be able to know him more, we will be able to understand more. Jesus rewards our actions, and as we seek him, we will definitely find him.

May we not be contented on just hearing things, but always be humble and ask, and as we do so, may it move us into action.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Lord, thank you for being a generous and gracious God. Thank you for answering me, and for revealing yourself to me as I seek you with my heart. Lord, may I have the heart that will always be humble and come to you for answers, for I know you will not disappoint. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Fair with God

The WORD today (see reminds me that with God, things are fair.

They say that life is unfair. Some people are really lucky and blessed that they are born in a good and wealthy family, that they don’t have to work to survive. However, some are born in poor families, where they need to work all their lives just to makes ends meet. Unfair, right? To think that choosing the family is not for ours to decide.

However, with God, that’s not the case. We all have equal opportunities to be part of God’s family, to be God’s children.

In the gospel, we see that family ties does not matter that much to God. Spiritual ties are not born with, they are relationships that are made. And Jesus tells us how – “whoever does the will of God is my brother, and sister, and mother.” We all have equal opportunities to have that relationship with Jesus. We all know how to be God’s children. There is not limit to his family, we just need to do our part.

May we always take comfort that no matter how unfair this life may treat us, in the spiritual life, we are all equal – and all of us have the opportunity to be God’s children.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for reminding me how to be your child. Thank you for being fair, for being generous, for being loving. Lord, I pray that I may choose to do your will every day, in the little and big decisions that I make. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, January 27, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me that God is faithful and will always be with us as we respond to his call

Last week we saw the story of David, how he was called, anointed, and said yes to God. He was a young shepherd, inexperienced in leadership and battles, yet God called him and used him mightily – first to bring down Goliath, then eventually to be king. We are assured and reminded through David’s story that God indeed equips those who respond yes to his call, and he is faithful to guiding those who serve him.

My faithfulness and mercy shall be with him

In the first reading we see that David grew steadily more powerful, for the Lord was with him. indeed, God did not leave him hanging. God was faithful to helping David, as David was faithful to serving God. If God calls us to do something, especially if it is something big that we are overwhelmed and inexperienced with, it is good to be reminded that like with David, as long as we say yes and are faithful to serving Him, he will also be faithful to us, and make sure we will be able to do great things for his name.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another week! Thank you for another opportunity to love and serve you, to glorify you through my work. Lord, I am thankful for your faithfulness. Thank you that as I am doing my best to serve you, that as I say yes to you, I know that you will always be there to help me, to guide me – I know that you will equip me to do your work, and I know that I will do great things as I glorify your name. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Not Giving Up

The WORD today (See reminds me that God does not give up on us easily.

In the gospel we again see Jesus calling his first apostles (see reflection ( However, this is the second time it was used recently. Last time it was used was last Monday, jan13. This reminds me that God does not give up that easily. That he will again remind you to follow Him, that he will not tire of asking you to follow him.

As we try to follow God, there are times that we most probably will fall or falter. We will not always be able to do his will. However, we are reminded that it is okay. More important than falling is the act of getting back at our feet. God reminds us that everytime we fall, we just have to dust ourselves, apologize to Him, and take baby steps to get ourselves back on track.

May we always reply yes to his invitation to us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to rest. Lord, I thank you for not giving up on me that easily. Thank you for your patience and your love. I pray that during the times i fall or act as a hard headed kid, may i come back to my senses and just get up on my feet and follow you again. May my baby steps towards you be multiplied and magnified. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Saturday, January 25, 2014


The WORD today (See reminds me that Jesus calls each and every one of us to conversion, and eventually to evangelization.

Today we celebrate the feast day of St Paul’s conversion. This day started it all, from being one of the fiercest persecutors of Christ’s followers, he became one of, if not the greatest evangelizers.

We are reminded that like St Paul, God has a plan for us – no matter how lost we currently may be. God sees us not for what we are right now, or what we have done in the past, but for what we can become if we just allow him to use us, if we just submit to his will.

God calls each of us to conversion, no matter how little or big our change should be. And as we strive to live lives for God, we are also called to evangelization and bring others to Him.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for St Paul, one of the greatest evangelizers, who worked tirelessly fir you. Thank you for making him an example that you never give up on us, and what great things we can accomplish if we just allow you to work through us. Lord, may I have a surrendered and willing heart like St Paul. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, January 24, 2014

Kill the Enemy

The Word today (See reminds me how to best kill your enemy.

They say that the best way to kill your enemies is by loving them, that way you won't have enemies anymore.

This is what David did in the reading. Saul wanted to kill David, and when God delivered Saul into David's hands, he repaid evil with good. Just shows how good a person David is and how in synch he is with God. He did not give in to the temptation of killing the enemy, but because he knew God's word "that from the wicked comes forth wickedness, he knew that he can kill the enemy by loving him, showing him undeserved mercy and compassion, and glorifying God in the process. God did not disappoint and delivered him from Saul.

In our lives, there are people who are mean to us for seemingly no reason. And there may be times that we have the opportunity to be mean back at them, to make even the score. May we be inspired by David and repay evil with goodness, for through it others will know that we are of God, and we will glorify God in the process.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for people who improve my faith and who make me love you more, who make me hold on to you more. Lord, I pray for my enemies. Give me a huge heart that would enable me to love those unlovable. Help me repay evil with goodness. As I do so, may you be glorified. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Unclear and Unfair

The WORD today (See reminds me that even if things seem unclear and unfair, God is still in control.

The first reading is the continuation of yesterday. And initially, it was not looking good for David. After killing the enemy and saving their city, the King, Saul, became jealous of the attention David got, that he planned to kill David. What was that, right? After doing God's will, after saving the city and glorifying God, his life was in danger by threat of his own king. What was he supposed to do? Probably these were the thoughts that came in our heads.

As we live our lives, we may sometimes feel like David. Lord, i have been serving you, but why are my finances still problematic? Lord, I am doing things for you, but why is my family still broken? Lord, i already surrendered and doing my best to love and serve you, but why do we still have health concerns? These are some of the questions we may have, knowingly or unknowingly, as we live our lives.

God is still in control. In the reading, God took care of David through Jonathan. And even after the threat to David's life, he did not question or rebel against God, instead, served the very person who was planning to kill him. Talk about surrendering to God. Faithfulness to God.

May we remember that even though we may experience challenges, even if things may seem unclear and unfair, God is always in control and he will always protect and deliver us. Let us continue to trust in Him.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to do things for you. Lord, a lot of times i question you or what is happening in my life. Lord, never let me go. Help me to just trust in you. Help me to just surrender, for I know you will always come through. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

David and G

The WORD today (see reminds me that David has something greater than Goliath - he had God on his side.

All of us have Goliaths - seemingly unbeatable problems and unsolvable challenges in our lives. They stare at us right in the face, telling us that we cannot win over them. Add to it the fact that there are people, like the Philistines, who push us down, scare us, and make us doubt ourselves. It is easy to get distracted and really doubt if we can win over Goliath. Logic tells us no -  like David, a young shepherd, cannot win over Goliath, an experienced and big warrior. It is in moments like these that we should be inspired by David, and not forget we have an even bigger God - we just have to focus on Him.

Don't tell God you have a big problem. Tell your problem you have a big God.

There is nothing God cannot do. The devil is powerless against him. We see it in the first reading when David beat Goliath, and in the gospel where Jesus' power was greater than sin and sickness. Nothing, really nothing can stand against God. We just have to focus on Him, call upon Him, and surrender to Him as we let him fight our battles in life.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you it's midweek already. Lord, thank you that you are bigger than my problems and my fears. I pray that you help me have that faith in you, and like David, a surrendered heart towards you. For really, if you are for us, nothing can stand against us. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

God’s Eyes

The WORD today (See reminds me that God’s eyes and his standards are very different from ours.

Today’s first reading is an inspiring one. We see how God chose and anointed David, a young shepherd, over his older brothers. Probably his older brothers looked mightier than him. however, God’s eyes are not like man’s. It is inspiring and affirming to know it – “Do not judge from his appearance of lofty stature…not as man sees des God see, because he sees the appearance, but the Lord looks into the heart.” God looks at the heart, not on the worldly qualifications of man. Indeed, God does not call the qualified, he qualifies the called.

God is more concerned with your heart than your worldly skills, talents and qualifications. God created everything, so he does not need an intelligent, talented and experienced person to do his work. Rather, he needs a person whose heart is in the right place, who has the proper perspective, whose heart is open for God’s indwelling – because that is something God cannot force upon us. He will not command you to make space for him in your heart. But as we do so, as we make space for him, as we love him, it will be easier for him to equip us and qualify us to do his work.

May we be inspired by this, and work on having a proper heart – a heart that loves God above all, a heart that is willing to be empty so it can be filled by God, a heart that has space for God, and not on worldly qualifications.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for the reminder how important to you our heart is. Lord, my heart may not be so clean right now, but I will do my best to prepare it for you. I ask that you help me prepare my heart, and as I do so, I pray that you equip me and use me to do your work here on earth, so that I can glorify you with it. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, January 20, 2014

Totally New

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to be totally new.

In the gospel we see a familiar lesson – Jesus tells us that old and new do not match. If you put them together, they will both be ruined. Old patch to old cloth. New wine to new wineskins. They cannot mix. This reminds us that God wants us to be totally new, to fully accept the gift of new life, of new self, of new beginnings.

God gives us a fresh start everyday. As we live for Christ, he gives us a new self (2 Corinthians 5:17) – a self that is released from the bondage of sin and death. However, it is not that easy to embrace the new self because it takes us out of our comfort zone. In another verse it says that not all want the new – and no man having drunk old wine wants new, for he says, the old is better (Luke 5:39). Change is not easy for it usually takes us out of the normal, the comfort zone. But God wants us to change – for the better, and he wants us not to look back at our old lives and our old selves as we embrace the new self, the new life he is giving us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another week. Lord, thank you for another opportunity to do my best in work for you. Lord, I pray that I may accept my new self, my new beginning, everyday. May I make the most out of it. Help me live it, and may I not be tempted to look back to my old self, to my old life, Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Not On Me

The WORD today (see inspires me to be like John, putting the focus on Jesus, not on myself.

They say that if on a first date the man talks too much and all he talks about is himself, the girls are turned off. While it is natural for us to be proud of ourselves, too much of it is not good. In the same way, it is not good to feel inferior to others and look down on ourselves. In the gospel, John teaches us how we should act and live – being proud of what we do, but putting the focus on Jesus. We are only second to him.

John baptized people. He gained fame for this, and even had followers. But he did not let these worldly things get in his head. He did not let man’s approval and affirmation get in the way of God’s approval and affirmation of him. He did not lose focus on his task – to prepare the way for God. He knows that He must decrease and God increase.

In our lives, may we always remember to be proud of what we are doing, but always submit to God. May we remember that we are only second to Him, and that in what we do, God should increase and be glorified.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another opportunity to rest and spend time with you and the people I love. Lord, I pray that you always remind me to put the focus on you. May my life be a testament of my love for you, and may my actions glorify and praise you, not myself. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Call the Sinners

The WORD today (See reminds me that God calls sinners.

A hospital is a place for people to get well. Naturally, majority of the people there are sick. In the same way, the Church is a place where people get well, thus, there should be a lot of sinners there – not enjoying themselves, but wanting help and support as they change their ways. It is said that if your church has no sinners, then it probably is not a church.

In the gospel we see how Jesus calls the sinners. He is spending time with them not to tolerate their sins, but to help them change their ways. We are also called to do the same. First, we should strengthen our own personal faith. We need to be firmly grounded and rooted in Christ first before we reach out to others. Then, after we have built a solid foundation, we are called to reach out. As we spend time with sinners, we are called to help them change and influence them, not the other way around.

Christ needs workers – people who would do his work. May we respond to his call, and call sinners to conversion, not condemnation.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for your unending love for us. Thank you for continuing to chase us and wanting us to be free from sin. Lord, I pray that in my own little way, I may also be able to help out others in conversion and in knowing you. amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, January 17, 2014

Faith Of Friends

The WORD today (See reminds me how important the faith of others in our lives is.

Friends are important and influential in our lives. There is a saying that goes “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are” And in many cases this is true. They say that in romantic love, opposites attract, but with friends, you usually have those whose values and attitude are same as yours. That is why in the gospel, the man is blessed to have friends whose faith is similar to him.

The man cannot do anything on his own to get to Jesus. He is paralyzed. However, his friends also had faith in Jesus, and brought the man to Jesus using the roof. Yes, that faith, that is willing to do the unusual to get to Jesus.

Let us take a look at our friends. Do we have friends that would do the same – go out of their way to bring us to Jesus? Do we have friends whose faith is similar, or even greater, than ours? Or are we the kind of friends that would bring others to Jesus, and be willing to do crazy things out of faith in God?

May we be inspired to be like the friends of the paralyzed man, and choose friends who would bring us closer to Jesus.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another weekend coming up. Lord, I pray that you give me people in my life that will bring me closer to you. Also, may I be the kind of friend that will bring others to Christ. Use my faith in you to bless and heal others around me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Dirty No More

The WORD today (See reminds me that Jesus wants us to be clean.

The gospel today is a different account of the gospel last Friday (see reflection ), and similar to the one yesterday. This reminds us that Jesus is serious when he says he can and wants us to be clean and free from sin and sickness and disease.

Jesus makes all things new. Lepers were outcasts because they were considered unclean. Anyone who touches them becomes unclean. However, in the gospel we see the opposite. Him touching the leper did not make Jesus unclean, but the exact opposite - the leper, the outcast, the unclean became clean. Like soap, who cleans everything that touches it.

May we humbly come to Jesus and ask him to clean us, to give us a fresh start.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another day to love. Lord, thank you that you make things new, and that your presence changes everything. May I always welcome you in my life and allow you to heal me and make me clean. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Here I Am

The WORD today (See reminds me how important it is to know and be familiar with God's voice.

The first reading tells us of the story of the young Samuel being called by God. He was called three times before he was told by Eli how to answer, that it was the Lord calling him. At that time Samuel was still young and did not know the Lord yet. He does not  have a relationship with God yet, so he did not recognize his voice.

This can happen to us as well. If we do not know God's voice, we will not hear him even if he calls us always. If we are not familiar with his voice, no matter how persistent he is, we will not recognize him. We need to develop a relationship with him so we can be familiar with his voice.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the reminder of how important it is to know your voice. Thank you for not giving up on me even if I don’t recognize your voice. May I work on developing my relationship with you so I will know when you are calling me. May your voice always be loud and clear and understandable in my life. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Not Enough

The WORD today (see reminds me again that knowing God is not enough.

Romantic relationships usually start with attraction. Then after it, one does a lot of research to get to know  the person. Ask common friends. Stalk on facebook, twitter and instagram. And eventually trying to know the person in a personal level. No matter how much you know about someone, if you don't know him personally, then it is not enough. This is what we are reminded of with our relationship with Jesus.

Like the unclean spirit, we may know who Jesus was - the holy one of God. (He knew this even if others at that time still do not know who Jesus was) but this is not enough. Knowing about Jesus is very different from having a personal relationship with Him. Only when we have this relationship, and put our effort into building and strengthening it, can we really claim to know Him.

May we be inspired and challenged to step up our relationship with Jesus.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for the reminder and challenge to know you in a personal level. May i not be satisfied with textbook knowledge about you, but strive to have a personal and intimate relationship with you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Follow Him?

The WORD today (See asks me if I am willing to follow Jesus.

In the gospel we see the disciples doing what they do in life when Jesus called them. They were not in a retreat nor contemplating what they want in life. They were working, minding their nets and boats as they were fishermen. Yet when Jesus called them, they all left everything and followed Christ.

Tayo rin, ganun.

All of us are doing what we do. Work. Study. Business. And like in the gospel, Jesus is calling us. He is not necessarily telling us to leave everything and follow Him, but as we mind our own business, he comes in expected and unexpected ways, and calls us to follow him - by doing what is right, by respecting others, by acting out of and living a life full of love.

May we never be too busy and too focused to notice him calling us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another week. Thank you for another chance to live life for you. Lord, as I go about my daily duties, may I be sensitive to ways you are calling me to follow you, and may I have the heart and desire to act as such. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, January 12, 2014

New Beginnings

The WORD today (see reminds me that God always gives us new beginnings.

As we celebrate the baptism of Jesus, we remember our own baptism, and eventual confirmation. We declare that we are of God, and that we denounce Satan and all his evil works. We celebrate new life - the dying of the old self, a slave of sin, and the birth of a new creation in Christ.

We are only baptized once, but we should renew it and live it everyday. God is generous, everyday that we wake up, he gives us a new opportunity to live for him, to right a wrong, to choose Him, to be repentant, to do his will. Everyday we get the opportunity to have a new beginning, a fresh start.

As we start another year, may we make the most out of this. May we start to live for him everyday, choose him everyday, and maximize the new beginning available for us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another opportunity to love for you, to choose you, to make you happy. Lord, may I have the heart, the desire, and the will to constantly choose you everyday, and make new beginnings with and for you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Increase and Decrease

The WORD today (See reminds me that in our lives, we should be ready to decrease so Christ can increase.

It is written that man cannot serve two masters. One cannot serve both money and God. One must choose, and in the gospel, John tells us who we should choose.

We must decrease and Jesus must increase.

We cannot both love God, and love the world and what it brings. The values of the world is different from God's. Money, fame, power, riches, influence and possession are different from love, kindness, gentleness, forgiveness, mercy and compassion. We must choose only one.

God is a generous God, and in the first reading we see that if we ask according to His will, he will definitely give it to us. If in making God increase in our lives, he decides to bless us with things of the world, that's great. But as we deliberately choose Him, as we decrease of ourselves and our personal wants, so his will be done and he increase in out lives, we should be ready to forgo the things of this world and just be satisfied with only having one treasure - Jesus.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another weekend. Lord, I pray that you give me a heart that would deliberately choose you always so that you can increase in my life, as I decrease and submit to you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, January 10, 2014

Personal God

The WORD today (see reminds me that God is a personal God.

Leprosy is one of the more serious diseases of that time. A leper is considered not only sick, but unclean - an outcast in society. That is why when Jesus touched the leper, it was a symbol not only of healing, but also of the man being brought back to society. Jesus got personal and touched the man. No amount of sickness can prevent God from touching us, from being personal, from reaching out to us.

God makes all things new.

His touch restored the person to health and back to society. His love took away the darkness brought about by sickness and disease.

May we always remember that whatever situation we may be in, God will always be ready to get his hands dirty and reach out to us, touch us, and heal us. That's how personal God is to each and everyone of us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for always being personal - for being ready to reach out to me and going down to my level. I pray that you never tire of making me feel your love in a personal way, in a way I would understand and feel. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, January 9, 2014

He Loved You First

The WORD today (See reminds me that God loved us first.

An excerpt of the first reading:
Beloved, we love God because he first loved us

We cannot claim that we love God more than he loves us. No matter what we do, even if we are full time workers of God, we cannot claim we love God more than he loves us. Our actions toward him is just a natural reaction of the love we have been getting from Him. He loved us first, and in another verse it adds on, that "while we were still sinners, he loved us first". God did not base his love for us from our actions or how we would respond. He simply loved us first.

We may have insecurities in life. We may have a lot of problems. We may sometimes feel unloved. This verse tells us how loved and how special we are. May we always remember this, may we allow God to continue to do this, and may this move us to repay God and love and serve him more.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for loving me first. Thank you that you don't love me based on how I will react or repay you, but instead, you love me unconditionally, regardless if I will love you back or not. Lord, I will allow you to love me. And I pray that as I feel your love for me, that it grows on me and encourage me to love you more. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Off to Pray

The WORD today (see reminds me how important prayer is.

As we started 2014, a lot made resolutions. Eat right. Exercise. Be focused in work. Be driven. Be kinder to others. But did we ever give prayer a thought? Do we want to develop a deeper love for prayer, or are we contented with our current state.

In the gospel, after feeding the five thousand and teaching them, I'm sure Jesus was tired. However, he did not just sleep and rested. He went to the mountain to pray. That is how important prayer is for him. It sustains him. It keeps him focused on the task.

As we live our lives, we are busy with a lot of things. Deadlines. Deliverables. Quotas. Presentations. It's good to be busy and do our best, but may we never forget to pray. No matter what we do, may we have a heart for prayer and may we have the desire to always pray so God can continue to sustain us and keep us focused.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the gift of prayer. Lord, I pray that you give me a heart that longs for prayer. May I desire it like I desire air. May my day be incomplete without it. No matter how busy I am, even if I am doing your work, I pray that you give me the wisdom and energy to create time for prayer. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Body and Soul

The WORD today (see reminds me that God is concerned with both our body and soul.

In the first reading we see that God loves us - as made true on Christmas that he sent his only son to save us. In the gospel we see Jesus demonstrating that love. He loves us and cares for us - both physically and spiritually. After he fed the spiritual needs of the people, he gave them physical food as well.

Life should be a balance. The way Jesus is concerned with both our body and spirit, so should we also take care of both. We cannot just take care of the spirit and tell God to take care of our bodies. We also cannot just focus on our bodies without nourishing the spirit, the faith.

As we start the new year, may we be inspired by how Jesus is concerned both with our physical body and our soul. May we deliberately take care of and nourish both.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day. Thank you that in the midst of all the challenges in life, your light shines through. Lord, I pray that I be inspired to take care of my soul and nourish my faith, and to take care of my body as well, for it is the temple of the holy spirit. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, January 6, 2014


The WORD today (see reminds me that we should come to Jesus with whatever we have.

St Augustine said that “God who created you without you cannot save you without you” and in the gospel, we see that this is true. Jesus is able to heal anything – any disease and sickness, even those possessed. He healed them all – all who came to him. However, there is an action needed on our part – to come to him, and ask him to heal us.

As we start another year, Jesus invitation is still open. Come to him, and he will heal you. come to him and he will help you with your concerns. Come to him and you will find rest.

May we have faith in Him and humble ourselves and come to Jesus.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for your reminder that your love and power is so great. It is inspiring to see that you healed all who came to you. nowadays, I believe this is still true. You still can and will heal all who will come to you. may I be humble and have faith to come to you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Where Is He?

The WORD today (see reminds me that we should not stop looking for Christ.

The magi did not have it easy. They had a hard time looking for Jesus. However, they did not give up. Nowadays, it may not always be easy to look for Jesus. Busyness clouds our vision. Worldly pleasures distract us. Crime and injustice makes us doubt or question. Poverty brings us down. However, in the midst of all of these, we know that Jesus is always there. Like the baby in the manger, even if seemingly out of sight, he is just waiting for us to really make an effort to find him. And when we do, like the magi, we will be asked not to stay with him, but return home, sharing him to the people along the way.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding and inspiring me to be persistent in looking for you. May I never stop looking for you. And as I find you, may I always have the desire to share you to others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,