Sunday, February 19, 2012

Be made new in Christ

The readings today remind me that we are a new creation in Christ. God invites us to come to him, and allow him to change us, change our lives, to make us new creations in him.
The first reading says that God is doing something new, and asks that we don’t forget all the things he has done in our lives. The gospel, Jesus healed a man brought in in faith by his friends. Jesus did not immediately heal him physically – he first cleansed him from his sins. Again, let us remember that during that time, sickness and diseases were considered physical manifestations of the sin of the person and/or his family. Thus, Jesus first healed the man of the root or the cause of his paralysis. He cleansed him. Then, he told the paralytic to rise up and walk – thus showing to the scribes that he indeed has the power to forgive sins as shown by the person being healed. Yes, the man was healed spiritually, socially, and physically. He became a new person in Christ.
God is asking us and reminding us to come to him. He knows that is in our hearts. Jesus knew what was in the scribes’ hearts even if they were not saying it aloud.  God is asking us to trust in Him and remember all the things he has done for us, and allow Him to change us and to make us a new creation. He wants to heal us, and he is willing to. We just need to come to him in full faith and with a humble heart. Then, like the man, we will be renewed, cleansed, and be made new.
Do I accept that I need to be made new? Do I know that only Christ can make me new and cleanse Him? Do I come to Him, with a humble and repentant heart? Do I have full faith in Him? Do I bring others to him, or do I allow other people to bring me to Christ?
May we all accept and realize that we need to be made new in Christ, and may we come to him for healing and cleansing.

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