Friday, February 24, 2012


The readings today again tells us about fasting. In the first reading God tells the peopleLo, on your fast day you carry out your own pursuits , which means that yes, they fast per se, but their hearts are not in the proper place. Their focus is not on God.  Maybe they want to be seen as righteous people by fasting, maybe they want to gain something by fasting. Fasting is more than just not eating 3x a day. Fasting is a way of being one with Jesus as he suffered for us. As we experience pain and difficulty, we ask God to be with us as we ask for strength and totally rely on Him. We want to get closer to Him. We want to be more and more like Him. The reading says that it entails doing what is right and just for God through other people. Being more like Christ.

When we fast, aside from wanting to be close to God, we repent and ask forgiveness for our sins. The psalm reminds us to be humble and repent. As we fast, we pray for forgiveness and ask God to help us change our ways, to help us be better children of his father.

The gospel reminds us that everything has its proper time. The disciples were learning from Jesus. They were experiencing Jesus first hand. They were happy. This is why Jesus acknowledges that the disciples do not need to fast just yet. However, the time will come when they will be ready, and they too will fast. Parang tayo. God lets us experience him first. We are happy and blessed seeing how powerful God is, and what he can do in our lives. We see miracles in our lives and the lives of the people around us. Then as a result of this, when we have a personal relationship with Him already, our fasting becomes more meaningful. We fast out of love for God. We fast to be closer to Him. We fast to be with him and deny ourselves of the earthly comfort.

Do I fast? Do I see the importance of fasting or do I just do it for the sake of fasting? Do I have a personal motive for fasting (or abstinence) – more savings, lose weight, etc, or is everything dedicated to God? What can I give as my love offering for Christ this season?

May we be reminded of the importance and beauty of fasting (and abstinence), especially this Lenten season. As we give Christ our love offerings, may we give him everything we can, and bless others as well in the process.

God bless!

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