Friday, March 11, 2016

Not Yet Time

The WORD today (see reminds me that nothing happens without the approval of God. 

The story of Job is probably one of the most challenging in the bible. He had a lot, he had a good life, blessed with material things while being God's faithful servant. Then God allowed satan to test him. He lost everything - his possessions, his family, even his health. But he remained faithful and God blessed him, more than what he had before. This reminds us of God's love and power. 

Everything happens with God's permission. 

Satan asked God's permission to test Job. And in the gospel, we see that without God's permission, if it is not yet God's perfect time, things will not happen. The people seem to have control and power over Jesus. He seemed to be trapped. But nothing happened because it was not yet God's time. 

In our lives, a lot of things happen. Things we don't want to. Things we cannot control. There are a lot of surprises. However, we should take comfort in the fact that even though it may be a surprise for us, it is not a surprise for God. Good or challenging, God has permission for things to happen. And no matter what the situation may be, things will not happen if it is not according to God's time, to God's will, and to God's plan. 

May we have faith in God's protection, plans, and timing in everything that happens. 

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to love and serve you. Thank you for the reminder. Lord, sorry for the times I get so stressed with the things that are happening. Sorry for feeling that you are not watching over me, or that you are not in control. Help me have faith like Job. Remind me to trust in you for I know everything that happens is according to your perfect plan. Amen. 

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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