Sunday, March 20, 2016

Painful Love

The WORD today (see reminds me of the pain Jesus endured because of his love for us

Today, we celebrate Palm Sunday, the start of the holy week. We see in the first and second readings how much Jesus had to suffer for us. He endured pain and humiliation leading up to his death on the cross. He was one with God, but allowed to become human to be like us, and willingly took on the pain that comes with saving us. 

The gospel is probably one of the longest, if not the longest gospel to be read during mass. We see a lot of things happening – from his last hours, last supper, last prayer to God and eventually his passion and death. It reminds us of how much God loves us. How much pain he was willing to endure for us. His passion and death was caused by God’s love for us, unworthy sinners. But I believe the most painful for Jesus was when he bore our sins, thus the psalmist echoes Jesus words “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me.” 

God’s ultimate demonstration of his love for us is Jesus’ death on the cross.

Jesus is both God and man. He was a man like us so he felt anguish, pain and fear because he knows what is coming. He knows what will happen. And he is God as well, so from the beginning, he was always with God. He loved God. However, at that moment on the cross, he was separated from God. Because at that moment, he bore all our sins. And God cannot be associated with sin. 

Jesus death and eventual resurrection saved us. It gave us life. It gave us a new beginning, a new opportunity to live for Him. Jesus’ death signifies that we are no longer slaves of sin because we have been redeemed by God’s love.

No matter how we feel about ourselves, no matter how the world makes us feel or treat us, we should always remember God’s love. God loves us so much, and his loves makes us worthy. And he does not ask anything in return, but to allow ourselves to be loved by Him. His love is so great, that as we allow him to love us, we will slowly be changed and be moved to be better ourselves and love him back.

May we remember how much God loves us and look at ourselves as God sees us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another Sunday. Thank you for loving me. Lord, I know I am not worthy to be loved. I am sinful and I don’t always do your will. But Lord, I thank you for seeing me in a different way. Thank you for seeing the beauty and goodness in me. help me see myself the way you see me. Lord, I allow you to love me. I allow myself to be loved. I know as I experience your great love for me, I will be moved and slowly be transformed to be better so I can love you too. Be with me in a special way this coming week that I may feel you more, that I may be one with you in your pain and suffering for others, all because of love. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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