Sunday, September 30, 2012

How We Should Live

The WORD today (See reminds me how we should live life here on earth

The second reading shows us that we really cannot hold on to something of this world. Indeed, it is true that we are merely passers-by in this world, but where we would go next would depend on how we live our lives here. As such, we should not hold on to anything that is of this world. Wealth can be gone in an instant. Money and gold can be destroyed. Clothes would eventually be torn. While it is not a sin being rich, we should not get caught up acquiring these riches. Other people would do anything to increase their wealth, wanting more fame, power and money in their hands, thinking that these things would give them security or would make them happy. Having this kind of attitude is dangerous, especially when you would stop at nothing to get what you want. People tend to abuse others just to get what they want.

Instead of acquiring worldly possessions, God wants us to focus on Him and prepare for eternity. Instead of acquiring worldly possessions and depending on them, God wants us to recognize his blessings and for us to depend on Him. In the first reading and the gospel, we see God giving us what we need to serve and praise Him. He equips us to do his work. In serving him, we should not act like worldly people. We are not in a contest of who is the greatest, who is more blessed, who can perform harder things, more miracles, write better reflections, preach better, pray better, etc. All of us are serving God, so we should not compare what we do with other people. We should just focus on God, and do our best with whatever he gives us.

How do I see material possessions? Do I want a lot of things, and work so hard to get these things that I tend to abuse others or do whatever is necessary to get these things? Am I a slave of material things, or do I use them to build God’s kingdom? Do I use my God given gifts to serve him and build His kingdom? Am I jealous of other people’s possessions, both material and spiritual? Am I spiritually proud of my gifts, thus having the tendency to exclude of look down on other people? Is my focus always on God? Am I living my life on earth as preparation for eternity with Him?

Father God,
Thank you for your Word. Thank you for reminding me how I should live my life. Lord, I ask that you probe my heart and tell me the things you want me to change, the things you want me to do. You know that I love you and I want to serve you the best way I can. May I always allow myself to be molded by you, as I focus on you and serve you with my life. Help me live my life on earth to praise and glorify you, as I prepare to spend eternity with you. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Are You Willing?

The WORD today (see asks me if I am willing to fight for God.

As we celebrate the feast of Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, we see that they fought Satan. Though they knew that Satan was no match to God, they still did their part and fought for God. It probably was not an easy fight, but they had faith in God’s power. We see their faith being rewarded as they see and experience God’s dominion, power and love.

We are also asked to do the same, to fight for God. The battle with Satan is real. In as much as God is real, Satan is real and is working hard to deceive us. We are asked to remain faithful to God and be soldiers fighting for Him and His kingdom – not because God can win without us, yes he can and he has, but because we love him and wants others to experience that love as well. As we fight for God, we should be grounded and close to Him, getting strength from Him, to avoid being deceived by the enemy.

Am I willing to fight for God and his kingdom? Do I know that the fight with the enemy is real? Am I afraid of the enemy and its power, or do I remain focused on God and His kingship and dominion, knowing that He already won? Am I grounded and close to God so as to avoid being deceived by the enemy?

Father God,
I praise and thank you for today. Thank you for another opportunity to rest and refresh. Lord, thank you for winning the war for me. Thank you that because I am your child, the enemy has no power over me, that I can use your name and claim victory over the enemy. I ask that you give me a heart that would be willing to fight for you, and will continue to get nourishment from you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, September 28, 2012

Who Am I to You?

The WORD today (see asks me who Jesus is for me.

In the gospel, we see Him asking the disciples who other people say that he is. Of course, He is not interested with what other people say he is. He is interested in the answers of the disciples, who Jesus is for them. Their knowledge of Him should not be based on what other people say or think, rather, what they feel inside based on how they know Jesus, based on how well they listen to Him. Then we see Jesus quickly reminding them that being the “Christ of God” does not spare Jesus from suffering and persecution, but a promise of victory awaits him.

Jesus is asking us the same question today. Who am I to you? Who am I in your life? He wants to know who he is in our lives – not by merely saying who he is, but by living our lives as a proclamation of who he is. We cannot say he is our provider if we ourselves are not willing to provide and reach out to other people. We cannot say he is our mercy if we are very hard on others who have hurt us, if we cannot extend that same mercy to others. We cannot say he is our rock if we ourselves cannot provide strength to others who need us. We cannot say he is our savior or father is we are unwilling to step out of our comfort zone and be reach out to other people. Jesus is asking us who he is, and we should answer, not just by saying it, but by living it.

Who is Jesus in my life? What do I want him to be in my life? Am I living my life proclaiming who Jesus is, or do I just say it with my lips? Am I willing to suffer and experience persecution as a follower of Christ, knowing that a promise of victory is always there?

Father God,
Thank you for another day. Thank you for Fridays! Today, Lord, I ask that you help me live my life as a proclamation of who you are. May I praise and worship you not just with my lips, but with the way I live my life for you. Amen.

Blessed Friday!

In Christ,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What For?

The WORD today (See reminds me to examine what my purpose is for looking for Jesus.

Herod the tetrarch heard about all that was happening,
and he was greatly perplexed because some were saying,
"John has been raised from the dead";
others were saying, "Elijah has appeared";
still others, "One of the ancient prophets has arisen."
But Herod said, "John I beheaded.
Who then is this about whom I hear such things?"
And he kept trying to see him.

Why was Herod looking for Jesus? To see what the fuzz is all about? To see if he is really is John? To see if he would continue John’s preaching to him? to see if Jesus is really powerful and mighty? To see if he should have Jesus beheaded too?

There could be many reasons why Herod was looking for Jesus. However, what’s more important is our reasons for looking for Jesus – if we are looking for Him in the first place. Who is Jesus for me? Who do I want him to be in my life? What am I doing so we can have the relationship that I want us to have?

Jesus is anything and everything we need. He is the Son of God. He is able. He loves us. We just need to seek him and humbly come to him, surrendering ourselves to him. IF we seek him, we will find him, if we seek him with all of our heart (Jeremiah 29:13)

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for your word that tells me I will find you if I look for you with all of my heart. Lord, I ask that you give me a heart that will look for you for the right reasons. As I search for you, allow me to let you love me, for I know that out of that love, you will slowly transform me to love you and become more and more like you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Power Over Sickness

The WORD today (see reminds me that God has power over sickness and he wants us to be healed.

Jesus summoned the Twelve and gave them power and authority
over all demons and to cure diseases,
and he sent them to proclaim the Kingdom of God
and to heal the sick

I believe that there is a special reason why aside from giving the disciples authority over demons, they also had power to cure sickness. Jesus sent them to proclaim God’s kingdom and to heal the sick. Probably God wants to remind us that He has power over sickness. Maybe he wants to tell us that he does not want sickness, that it is from the enemy and not from Him. I believe Jesus never turned away anything who came to him for healing. In the old testament, although God allowed Job to be tested, He did not let Job die of that sickness. God wants us to have a healthy body as we serve Him, as we proclaim His kingdom.

Let us have faith that we can come to God for healing, and he will equip us to do his work, that we do not need a lot of things to serve him, that is why Jesus ask his disciples to take nothing for the journey (See related reflection . God will provide, he always have and always will. We just need to humble ourselves and trust in Him.

How do I see sickness? Do I believe that God has power over it, or do I doubt it when faced with a seemingly incurable sickness? Do I believe that Christ does not want me to be sick, but serve him with a healthy body? Am I taking care of myself and my body so that I can serve God better?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that you have power over sickness and you do not want anyone to be sick. Father God, today, there are a lot of people I know who are sick. I lift them up to you, Father. I know nothing is impossible to you. May you take care of them and heal them, in body and spirit. I ask this in faith, but I also humble myself and submit to your perfect will, even if I do not understand it yet. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hear and Act

The WORD today (see reminds me that God wants me to act, aside from hearing and knowing his Word.

Knowing is different from doing. Knowing the law is different from following the law. Knowing God and his commands is different from following and doing God’s commands. Knowing God is not enough, for even the devil knows God! God calls us to further our faith and prove our love to Him by not being contented in knowing Him, but doing his commands us well.

God plays no favourites. Although there were chosen people, they were not saved simply because they were chosen. God still needs us to act and do our part. In the gospel, we see Jesus validating this, when he said that those who hear God’s word and act on it are his family. Indeed it is true what Saint Augustine said, “God who created us without us, cannot save us without us.” We need to want being saved, and out of that desire and that love, stems our action of following God’s word, doing his will, and being his ambassador here on earth.

Do I know God? How? What do I do, or can I do, so that I can know God more? Am I contented with knowing God, or am I moved to act on it as well? What can I do today so I can prove to God that I love him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for loving me, even if I don’t deserve your love. I know that you don’t need me, you don’t need my love, but you love me because you are loving, because you are love. Lord, I ask that you give me the heart that would desire to know you more. May I have a passion to get to know you more, and do my part so I can know you more. And out of that, may I always be willing to act and do your will and be your ambassador here on earth. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Monday, September 24, 2012

To Whom Much is Given..

The WORD today (see reminds us that God expects something from us as well.

To anyone who has, more will be given,
and from the one who has not,
even what he seems to have will be taken away         

I think the famous line from spider man, with great power comes great responsibility, is similar to this bible verse. To whom much is given, much is required. An uncle of mine always mentions this bible verse to us, as a reminder of our responsibility not only to our family, but more so to others who do not have the capacity to pay us back for helping them out. A dear lasallian brother told us before his take on this verse. To whom much is given, much is expected. Nobody will force us to share, but as Christians, this is what is expected of us.

Giving comes not only in financial form, but more importantly in spiritual one. Yes, we are required to help our brothers in need by financially sharing what we have, but there’s more to that. Spiritual giving is just as important. Loneliness, hopelessness, spiritual dryness. These are some things that may not be easily seen, but just as serious, or even more serious, than poverty. Being children of God who are starting and continuing to know Him, we should also give this knowledge, this hope, this faith to others who may need it. This would take up time, energy, and entail sacrifice, but as mentioned, we are given much, and much is expected from us.

God expects us to not delay giving help to others. We are asked to give not just when it is comfortable to, or when we feel like it, but when others need it, regardless of our state. May we never hold back expressions of love on others.

Am I willing to give back to others what I have received from God? Am I doing something to give back to others? Am I willing to give of myself, not just financially, to others? When I give, do I expect words of thanks, affirmation or gratitude, or do I give without expecting anything in return?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the weekend. Thank you for blessing me with so much. Today, I ask that you use me to be a blessing to others as well. I open up myself for your taking. Use me to fulfil your purpose, use me to spread your love to your children here on earth. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Actively Seeking God’s Will

Today’s WORD (See reminds me to actively seek God’s will in my life.

In the gospel, we see Jesus sharing what will happen to the disciples. The disciples did not understand, but instead of asking him to explain to them, they became afraid and did nothing. It may be because they did not care, or they were afraid Jesus would be mad since they did not understand, or they did not want to really understand because it will bring them to the reality of suffering. Instead, they argued who was the greatest among them, then Jesus taught them another lesson.

In life, we will not understand everything that is happening to us. However, we should not be contented with that. We should do our part and actively seek God’s will, especially when we don’t understand things. This does not guarantee that we would understand what is happening, but in every step of the way, we should seek his will and have faith in Him.

What things in life do I not understand now? What do I do about it? Do I do my part, pray, and actively seek God’s will in my life, or do I just wait passively for things to happen? What can I do today to know God more?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for always being there for me, even if I do not feel you or I do not understand what is happening in my life. Lord, I ask that you give me the grace and perseverance to actively seek your will in my life, especially when I don’t understand things. May I have full faith in you and your plans for me, knowing that you have the best in store for me. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Scatter Seeds

The WORD today (see reminds me to continue scattering seeds of faith.

In the gospel, we see different reactions of people to God’s word. Jesus explained the parable already, so we should know what happens to us and what God wants to happen to us. However, what struck me was the importance of scattering seeds. The farmer needed to scatter the seeds for it to grow. God needs our participation in scattering seeds of faith – in bringing him and his word to the people of this earth.

The farmer did not need to know what happened to the seeds. He did not want credit for seeds that grew and produced fruits. He did not let those that died discourage him from scattering seeds. This is how God wants us to act. We should just go and continue to scatter seeds as we work for him. we need not know what happens to the seeds of faith we scatter. We should not take or want credit for those seeds that produced fruits. We should just continue serving God, having faith that God will do the work after we scatter the seeds. We do our part, what we can, and trust in him to do the rest.

Am I a faithful servant who just continues to do my part to proclaim God’s kingdom? Do I let challenges or setbacks discourage me from doing God’s work? Do I always want to be praised and recognized for the good effects of my works? Do I focus on God as I work for Him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for this weekend. Thank you for reminding me that all you want me to do is scatter seeds of faith. It does not matter what happens to these seeds, I do not need to know what happens, because I know that you will be faithful and take care of these seeds. Help me focus on you and not want credit for seeds that bore fruits. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, September 21, 2012

Bear with One Another

The WORD today (see reminds me that it is not without challenge to live with others in community.

In life, there will be conflicts, even among children of God. We all have different backgrounds, different personalities, different attitudes and different ways of reacting to situations and coping with situations. This is why it is not surprising to have conflicts among members of the church, of the community. This is why, during times of conflicts, we are reminded to bear with each other with love, remembering that all of us are serving God in the way we can, accepting each other as co-servant of God, and loving each other despite our differences. Focus on God, the one we are serving, not on our differences and conflicts.

IF we focus on conflicts, hurts and differences, our service will be affected. No matter what we do, there will always be people not agreeing with us. In the gospel Jesus himself experienced this. He gave Matthew a second chance, but instead of being happy about it,  some people were questioning him. However, instead of letting this distraction affect Him, Jesus instead continued to focus on God and the task assigned to Him. He did not let this dampen his spirits and just continued serving God, doing the purpose he was called to do.

What are the conflict/s in my life right now? How do I handle it? Do I remember to bear with one another in Love, focusing on God instead of on the conflicts? Do I let distractions bother my service to God, or do I pray that I keep focused on Him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for speaking to me. Thank you  for reminding me that there will always be conflicts and misunderstandings, but these things should not affect my service to you. Lord, I ask that you give me a heart that will continue to love my brothers and sisters in Christ, despite our differences and conflicts. I also ask that I continue to be able to focus on you amidst all distractions in life, knowing that even your Son Jesus experienced distractions and challenges on earth. I know that you will be pleased, especially when I continue to love and serve you despite these challenges. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, September 20, 2012

More for more

The WORD today (See reminds me that the more we are aware of God’s goodness to us, the more we will love and serve Him.

In the gospel, the pharisees do not necessarily have less sins. I believe they are just self righteous, having the impression that they are holy people. They are closed to receiving God’s love and fogiveness because they think they do not need it.

This is opposite to what the woman was feeling. She knows she is sinful. She knows that she desperately needs the love and forgiveness of God. She generously gives of herself and what she has, to receive that love and forgiveness. As for us, we don’t need to do these things. We already have God’s love and forgiveness. We just have to be aware and receive it – and out of that, continue loving and serving God.

Do I realize that I also need God’s love and forgiveness, or am I self-righteous like the Pharisees? What am I willing to give God as a sign of my love and gratitude for all he has done for me? What am I holding back, unwilling to let go for him? How can I express in a concrete way, my love and appreciation for Him?

Father God,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for always reminding me and speaking to me through your WORD. Lord, I ask that you help me always be aware how much I need your love and forgiveness in my life. May I always be aware and be always be grateful for that. As a result of your love, Lord, help me love others back as a way of serving you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


The WORD today (see remind me how important love is.

Love is very important. Well, it is the root of our salvation history. God’s love. God loves us, that is why he sent his only Son Jesus to save us from our sins. That’s how important and basic love is. All our actions, no matter how great or noble they may seem, should stem out of love for God, manifested through love to other people. Good works, helping the poor, serving and praising God, even faith – if without love, is nothing. All our actions and our motives should be based on love for God, not on ourselves or on any  other thing, so that it will be pleasing to God.

In the gospel, we see people not believing in Christ. However, God’s love is not based on what we give him. He still loves us, even if we reject him. That’s real love, divine love. The gift of God’s love, of salvation, is for all. However, we cannot enjoy it if we will not accept it. Accepting his love is our choice, not his.

When I hear the word love, what is the first thing that comes to my mind, romantic love? What is the intention behind my actions? Am I motivated by a real love for God, of do I do things for human appreciation and acknowledgement? Do I believe that God’s love, forgiveness and salvation is readily available, I just have to accept it?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for reminding me how important love it. Lord, I ask that you expand my heart. Make me love you more than how much I think I can. Make my love for you big that I may love you even if it is not easy to, even when it hurts. In my own little way, may I make you feel how much I love you by extending that love to other people, without expecting anything in return. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Do Your Part

The WORD today (see encourages us to do our part in building up God’s kingdom.

As in building a house, God needs different things from us as we build God’s kingdom. He gave us different talents and capabilities, and he wants us to use these to build his kingdom. We should not compare ourselves with others, much more be envious of others. God gave us exactly what we need to build his kingdom. It does not matter how big or small you think you’re contributing. What’s important to God is you joyfully use what you have to build his kingdom.

Am I aware of my gifts I can use to build God’s kingdom? Do I use and enhance these gifts? Do I compare myself to other people, and become envious of what they have, or do I just focus on serving God with whatever he has given me?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how important it is to do my part. Thank you Lord for blessing me with what I need to serve you and build your kingdom. Help me focus on you, and joyfully use my gifts and give of myself to build your kingdom. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, September 17, 2012

Never Too Late

The WORD today (see reminds us that no sickness is too grave to receive the power of God’s healing

In the gospel, we see the slave who is terminally ill. People tend to think that a person who’s terminally ill is just waiting for time. Yes, that’s how we would normally think. That’s how we would logically think. However, we see a centurion with great faith, not to mention genuine kindness towards others, even his slaves. By God’s grace and power, what the enemy intended for death and destruction, was turned into something great and glorious for God, through the centurion. Amidst the worldly situation, the centurion had unwavering faith in Christ’s power over sickness and death, and we see his faith being rewarded.

The condition for a miracle is difficulty. A condition for a great miracle is impossibility

Again, we see Jesus showing us how powerful and loving God is. We are encouraged to be like the centurion, who genuinely cared for others, even his slaves, and showed great, unwavering faith in God, especially during very difficult and seemingly impossible situations.

Is my faith based on the situations in life, or is my faith in God constant and unwavering? Do I let sickness overcome me, or do I have faith in the power of God over sickness? Who is the one person that comes into my mind as I read the gospel? Do I realize that God can use my faith to heal that person, no matter how impossible we may think the situation may be?

Father God,
Thank you for another week! Thank you for the weekend. Bitin sya, as always, but I am thankful that I was able to rest and at the same time, have fun with good friends and spend time with people closest to me. Lord, I thank you for your message today. Thank you for reminding me how loving and powerful you are. I ask that you help me have faith like the centurion. May I have faith in your word, may I have faith in your power. Remind me, Lord, that nothing is impossible for you, and that you can use my faith to heal others, no matter what the situation may be. May you always be glorified. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Faith and Action

Today’s WORD (See remind us that we need action to go with our faith.

The reading says it explicitly – “Faith without works is dead.” As followers of Christ, we need to live our faith. Our actions should be a testament of our faith. We cannot just say we have faith in God and we love God if we do not move our feet and do things for other people for the glory of God. We cannot say we lift everything to God and have faith that God will provide for others. He needs people too to reach out to others. God needs us to help out others and make them feel his love. As we do that, not only are they blessed, but we too as well.

God asks us to walk the talk.  God asks us to act. He is not contented with lip service – with words professing our faith and love to him. He himself said in today’s gospel – whoever wants to follow me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. Sumunod daw. Gumalaw. He himself did this, when he died on the cross for us, to save us from our sins and give us everlasting life. He did not just say I love God and I love you guys – he lived his faith and his love, even when it is difficult and painful.

Am I living my faith in God, or do I just do lip service? How far am I willing to go to live my faith? Do I just work when I feel like it, or am I willing to step out of my comfort zone and do things for God even if it is not easy to, even if it is not comfortable for me? How can I encourage others to live their faith as well?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how important it is to live my faith. Lord, I am sorry for the times I failed you, for the times I did not do as you please. I ask that you help me life my life as a testament of my faith. May I be willing to move my feet and step out of my comfort zone for you – to make your love alive in people and to live our my faith and love for you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sacrifice of Praise

The WORD today (see tells us what else we can sacrifice to God.

When we hear the word sacrifice, the first thing that comes to mind is usually related to something negative. It usually means giving up something. I will not drink softdrinks as a sacrifice. I will not eat rice or desserts. I will not shop. In ancient times, they sacrificed meat and other things. They gave these things up for God (although others did the same to false gods). However, today’s reading gives us another perspective on sacrifice – something positive.

We can sacrifice in a positive way as well. Instead of giving up something, we can start doing something. I will attend mass aside from the Sunday mass. I will start praying the rosary. I will start praying everyday. I will read the bible everyday. These are sacrifices that makes us start to do something good – for God.

The WORD tells us to give God a sacrifice of praise. We are asked to praise God in everything – not only in joys and victories, but in defeats and sorrows as well. In the gospel, we see situations of sorrow, especially for our dear Mama Mary. The situations may be sorrowful, but I believe Mama Mary continued to praise God for everything, despite of the situation. A quote from one of my favourite movies, Facing the Giants, says ; If we win, we praise Him, and if we lose, we still praise Him. God does not desire our victory as much as our praise – win or lose.

What is my notion of sacrifice? Am I aware and willing to sacrifice in a positive way? When do I praise God? Do I praise Him in all situations in my life?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another weekend. Lord, today, I ask that I be aware that I should always praise you, no matter what the situation may be. Help me to give you praise and glory in whatever I do and in whatever situation I may be in. Amen.

Have a blessed weekend!

In Christ,

Friday, September 14, 2012

He Emptied Himself

The WORD today (See reminds us that we need to empty ourselves so God can fill us up and use us.

We see the story of the bronze serpent who heals those bitten by serpents. In the gospel, we are reminded of Jesus being lifted up and healing, curing and saving peope, more than the serpent in the first reading. (See related reflection: ).

What made it possible for Jesus to do this? I believe it is because he emptoed himself.

He was God, but took human form so that we can relate to Him, so that we will know that it is possible to do these things through God’s power. He gave up everything, even being one with God – when he bore our sins on the cross. He lived a simple life, carpenter’s son, and preached the earth in a way we could relate to and understand. He emptied himself and allowed God to fill him and use him – that is why he was able to accomplish great things and gave glory to God.

What about us? Are we full of ourselves – our worldly achievements, power, possessions, that we don’t give space to God? Are we hanging on to these worldly things that prevent us from fully following God? Are we willing to empty ourselves with all that we have, and allow God to fill us up and use us for his purpose?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that you don’t look at my credentials or accomplishments, rather, you look at my heart. Lord, I ask that you help me empty myself out and allow you to fill me with everything that is of you. As I do this, I have faith that you will use me mightily for your purpose and for your glory. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Go The Extra Mile

The WORD today (see reminds me that as followers of Christ, we should go the extra mile.

God wants us to go beyond the normal expectations. In the first reading, we are reminded that it is important for us not to sin, but it does not end there. We should also eventually want others to be saved, we should also want others not to sin. We are asked to not only do good, but also go the extra mile and do whatever we can to prevent other people from sinning as well. Hindi lang tayo ang dapat mabait, dapat pati ibang tao.

In the gospel, we see Jesus giving us a lot of examples and commandments to live by. He is setting the bar high. He wants us to love even the unlovable and even if it is not easy and comfortable to love. He wants us to be detached from this world, from material things, from our pride and from money. Only then will we be able to love like God. As we do our part and step out of our comfort zone to love beyond our means, to love like God, we will experience immense blessings from God.

What is my standard in living? Do I do good to be saved or to please God? Do I also want others to be saved? Do I do my part, even if it is difficult to, to bring others to Christ as well? Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone and love the unlovable, do the things I cannot do, so that I may more and more love like Christ? Do I trust Him that he could change me and make me love beyond how I think I can?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Lord, we are sinners, yet you do not give up on us. Your love is constant and unchanging. I ask that I always be sensitive and thankful for that love. I ask that I experience that love, I be moved to love others in the way you love me. Help me step out of my comfort zone and go the extra mile for others out of my love for you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Things Are Not Always What They Seem

The WORD today (see remind me that things are not always what they seem.

This life we are living on earth does not necessarily reflect our life in eternity. Our life on earth will not necessarily be continued as we leave this earth and enter eternity. On the other hand, our life in eternity will be determined on how we live our short and temporary life here on earth. We should remember this as we live our lives.

In the first reading, we see Paul warning the Corinthians. It may seem that Paul is against marriage, but by no means was he against it. What he is warning is for us to lose focus on God. It is not right to get married for the wrong reasons. There will be challenges in life, and these will become even harder if we do things for the wrong reasons – for comfort, human satisfaction, peer pressure, etc. He warns us that the world is passing away, that we will die and spend eternity whether we like it or not, whether we are prepared or not. We should not lose focus on eternity. Possessions, challenges and joys of this world are all temporary, thus we should be detached from them and prepare for eternity.

The gospel shows us the Beatitudes. Here we see Jesus reminding us the way St Paul did. Life on earth is temporary, and nothing in this world will remain. IT is important to keep our focus on God, to keep preparing for eternity with him and not lose ourselves as we live our lives here on earth. Wealth in this life does not necessarily mean life with God in eternity. We should constantly strive to remain faithful to Him, live our lives detached from anything of this world so we can fully focus on Him, so that nothing in this world can slow us down or prevent us from doing whatever God wants us to do, to go wherever God wants us to go.

What are the things in life that I cannot understand? Do I remember that things are not always what they seem, that God’s plans are not always obvious and do not conform to human standards? Do I seek to understand him beyond what is obvious? Do I trust that he has great plans for me? Do I know that everything in this world is temporary, and that I should live my life in preparation for eternity? Do I give importance to preparing for eternity?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that things are not always what they seem, that I need to look behind the surface and look behind what the eyes can see so I can know you more. Thank you Lord, for reminding me to prepare for eternity. I know that my life on earth is a means for me to prepare for eternity with you. Lord, I ask that you help me remain focused on you amidst the distractions of life. Help me prepare in this life so I can spend eternity with you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Power of Prayer

The WORD today (see reminds us how powerful and important prayer is.

In the gospel, we see Jesus spending the night in prayer before making a very important decision – selecting his 12 apostles. These would be the closest to him, and would later on be the foundations of his church. We see how important prayer is. We see how important waiting on God and seeking Him is. In the bible it is emphasized that Jesus prays before and after doing something great, something important. Even if his 3 years in his ministry was all about doing God’s work, it did not suffice for prayer time alone with God. Kung si Jesus, na anak ni God, ganun, what more tayo?

we also see how powerful prayer is. After choosing the 12, they were followed by  huge crowd of people. They came to be healed from their diseases and to be freed from demons. Great power came from him and he healed everyone who came to him. How powerful and important prayer is – because it let’s us be in tune with God, because it equips us to do God’s work and refreshes us as we serve Him.

When faced with important decisions, how do i react? Is my initial reaction to pray, or do I do other things on my own strength? Do I give importance to prayer? Do I remember to thank God after he answers my prayer? How can I strengthen my prayer life?

Father God,
Thank you for the gift of prayer. Thank you for always being available when we reach out to you through prayer. Father God, I ask that you give me the desire to persevere and realize how important and powerful prayer is. May I always set aside quality time so that I can get to know you more, so that I can be more and more like you. All this I ask in the powerful name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

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