Sunday, August 31, 2014

Transformed by Love

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to be transformed by love

The movie transformers has always been a favorite of people. from the cartoon days, to modern adoptaion of the movie, it is still a hit. It is such an awesome sight to see seemingly normal cars transform into huge robots and do great things.

God’s transformation of us may not be graphically exciting as them, but it is more powerful.

In the second reading, Paul reminds us as he reminded the romans, that we should not conform to his world. This is an evil world, thus we should not be one with it. Instead, God wants us to be radical, to allow him to transform us from the inside – from our mind and our hearts.

Do not conform yourselves to this age
but be transformed by the renewal of your mind

The gospel reminds us that Jesus wants this from us as well. He rebuked Peter for thinking like the world – protecting their master from harm. His mind was not transformed to see the greater good it will bring. Further, Jesus wants to transform the thinking and lifestyle of his disciples.

Then Jesus said to his disciples,
“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself,
take up his cross, and follow me.

It will not be an easy task, but God wants us to be transformed and deny ourselves as we follow Him.

What should motivate us to transform? The transformers just does not transform for the sake of transforming. They have a goal as they transform – to save or protect someone, to destroy something, to find something or to fight someone. In the same way, our transformation should me motivated by something. Our transformation will only be real and constant if we are motivated by the right thing. God. Love for God. May the psalmist echo our motivation to transform – “My soul is thirsting for you,  O Lord, my God.” As we thirst for him, may we allow him to fill us and quench our thirst as he transforms us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another Sunday. Lord, I thank you for the reminder that you want to change and transform me. May I be humble and willing. I know it may be difficult and challenging, but I know that you will be with me all throughout. Lord, may I always thirst for you, and may I always allow you to fill me and transform me with your love. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, August 30, 2014

All Things New

The WORD today (See reminds me that God makes all things new.

I have recently been listening to a different genre of praise music. I was blessed to find hillsong tracks remixed by different artists to get a chill/house music vibe. Aside from that, I have also discovered praise music in hiphp/rnb genre by different hip hop / rnb artists who chose to sing praise songs instead of the usual secular songs. A very different take on the usual house, chill, hiphop and rnb genre which people usually associate with drugs, sex and violence. Indeed , God makes all things new!

In the first reading, we see again how God makes all things new. He does not use the credentials the world gives importance to. Instead, he uses simple, humble people to do great things.

Not many of you were wise by human standards,
not many were powerful,
not many were of noble birth.
Rather, God chose the foolish of the world to shame the wise,
and God chose the weak of the world to shame the strong,
and God chose the lowly and despised of the world,
those who count for nothing,
to reduce to nothing those who are something,
so that no human being might boast before God.

God’s power outweighs that of the world.

God is generous and powerful. He has given us what we need to serve him, and in the gospel, we are reminded to make use of whatever God has given us. It does not matter to him how much we make or what effect our actions and our service has. What matters to God is that we use whatever talents and gifts he has given us. What matters to him is we do our part and serve him. Then it is up to him to use our actions and service for his purpose and glory.

God is a wise God. He would give us what we can handle. And as long as we continue to love and serve him, he will continue to use us mightily, to do great and greater things to and through the gospel Jesus said that to everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich. Rich not in the sense of the world, though probably it can also happen, but for sure, rich in the kingdom of God.

God makes all things new. He is able to make our simple actions into great actions. May we always be ready to serve him, and humble especially when we see our actions bear fruit. St Paul reminds us in the first reading, that “whoever boasts, should boast in the Lord.” Let us always reflect the glory and honor back to him.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another weekend. Thank you for fresh opportunities. Thank you for new beginnings. Thank you that you make all things new. Lord, may I always be humble and willing to serve you. Make the most out of my simple service Lord. May my actions give you glory and praise. Amen.

Lovely weekend!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ready to Rest

The WORD today (See reminds me that God would one day call us and give us permanent rest.

Almost everyone I know is excited for Fridays. Everyone looks forward to weekends. To resting, To enjoying time with family and friends. To get off work. However, today, we are reminded not only of weekend temporary rest and recreation, but our forever rest with God.

As we commemorate the Passion of John the Baptist, we are reminded to look beyond the grief of death, and see it as a permanent resting time with God.

John was a faithful worker of God. Even before he personally met Jesus, he was working hard to prepare the way for Jesus. And he continued doing God’s work even after that. He tirelessly worked and served God, even to the point of suffering and as we see in today’s gospel, death.

John may have had a cruel death, but it was a start to a glorious life in heaven with God.

He may have had a difficult and challenging life here on earth doing God’s work, but we know that God will reward him forever in heaven.

We may feel like this as we work for God. The world doesn’t reward those not of it. We may not have a very easy and fun life on earth as we do God’s work, but we are reminded that God will reward us when we meet him in heaven. Temporary pain and challenges for everlasting joy and happiness.

May we be faithful and remember that working for God may not pay much here on earth, but his retirement benefit is out of this world.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. thank you for another weekend coming up. Lord, I thank you for the gift of life. May I make the most out of it by serving and loving you. Give me strength to do your work, and help me leep my focus on you as I experience challenges. Amen..

Blessed Friday!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Be Prepared

The WORD today (see reminds us to always be prepared as we wait for God’s coming.

I am reminded by the lyrics of the song “Be Prepared” from The Lion King. Of course, the purpose and intention of Scar is very different, some lines could actually fit into what Jesus may say to his followers.

So prepare for a chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
A shining new era
Is tiptoeing nearer

And where do we feature?

Just listen to teacher
I know it sounds sordid
But you'll be rewarded
When at last I am given my dues!
And injustice deliciously squared
Be prepared!

In the gospel, Jesus encourages us to do right while waiting on the master’s coming. It is easy to get distracted by the world, and we can be fooled into thinking that the master will take his time or will not come back at all. This can lead us to living a life not pleasing to the master. They say that the strongest lie of the devil is to make us think that there is still time, that we can continue living in a worldly manner first and enjoy the world, because there will still be time to repent. The master may not come yet, but before we know it, we may be too engrossed in that lie and just realize that it’s our time to face the master and we have no time to repent anymore.

Although it is not easy to live a life pleasing to God, it is possible. Paul writes in the first reading, and reminds us today, that we “are not lacking in any spiritual gift as we wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. He will keep you firm to the end.” Yet again, God reminds us that we have what we need to remain faithful to Him. it is now our choice if we would choose to live that life.

Like the psalm, may we praise God’s name forever by living a life pleasing to Him all the time.

Do I know and accept that Christ will come again? Am I prepared for Christ’s coming? Am I trying to prepare, or am I deceived in the enemy’s lie that there is still time, and that I may first enjoy the world? Am I living a life pleasing to God? Do I go to confession when I fall?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for your Word that reminds us to be prepared. Lord, mahirap. There are a lot of distractions in this world. The enemy’s lie is very powerful. Pero Lord, I know that they are nothing compared to your great power and great love for me. Help me focus on that love and power, Lord, and not be distracted by this world. May I live a life pleasing to you, because you deserve it, because you deserve my best attitude, because I love you. Amen.

Have a blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Work for Nourishment

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to work to be nourished.

Most of us need to work to survive. That's a fact. We need to work to be able to eat, pay our bills, and have a comfortable life. However, it is interesting and surprising to know that even God wants us to work. He is that concerned and involved in our lives. The first reading says that “if anyone is unwilling to work, neither should that one eat.”

God does not want free riders and wants us to work for food. But this not just the worldly food to sustain our bodies. Yes, it is true we need to work to have physical food, but this also applies to spiritual food. We also need to work to develop our faith. We also need to work to have our souls nourished. We have to do our part – read the bible, pray, maximize the sacraments – so our souls would be nourished as well.

In as much as God wants us to work to be spiritually nourished, we should not stop there.  We should work not only for ourselves and our own nourishment. He wants us to work for his kingdom too – to do his work, spread his love, and build his kingdom. If we are unwilling to work for Him, then we definitely would not taste the fruits of his kingdom.

Am I willing to work for my spiritual nourishment or do I expect God to just feed me? Am I ready to work for God’s kingdom and reach out to others? Am I ready to get my hands dirty? Or am I just praying to reap the fruits, to eat, without working for it? Am I ready to work for God even if it is not easy to?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to love and serve you. Thank you for the reminder Lord that you want me to work for my nourishment. Help me move and act to work for it. And as I find nourishment for myself, my body and my soul, may I be ready and willing to work for you to build your kingdom. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Stand Firm

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to stand firm for Him.

I remember watching a Filipino movie “She’s Dating the Gangster” with my girlfriend a few weeks back, and one of the scenes there was the leading man, Kenji, was expecting to meet his ex girlfriend. She told him she will meet him in their usual spot, so he waited there. There were bullies making him go away, and he even got a beating. But despite that, he remained firm. He stood his ground and waited there.

This is how God wants us to live our lives.

The first reading shows us Paul telling the Thessalonians to be firm in faith. Despite everything they may hear, they are encouraged to be firm, put the focus on God, and continue loving him and serving Him. in the gospel, we see Jesus denouncing evil deeds done by scribes and Pharisees. God does not tolerate evil, and sees the evil and hardened hearts of these people.

God wants us to be firm in our faith.

We may face difficulties and uncertainties in life.  We may see evil people prosper and become powerful and influential. These things may lead us into thinking twice about following the faith, about standing firm in faith. However, God reminds us today what he wants from us. No matter what happens, or what other people may do, we should remain firm. God will not let anything happen that we cannot handle by his grace, and his reward for us being firm will be eternal. His never ending love, goodness, and protection should be enough to help us stand firm in faith.

May we heed God’s call to stand firm in faith, no matter what, for we know that the psalmist’s words will come true – “The Lord comes to judge the earth

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. thank you for another chance to love and serve you. thank you for another work week. As I start working this week, I ask that you help me stand firm. May nothing and no one keep me from following you and standing up for you. I know that as I try to do so, you will continue to send your love and protection over men. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Monday, August 25, 2014

Proclaim Always

The WORD today (See reminds me that we should always proclaim God’s goodness through our lives.

Situations affect our mood. When things go well and there are no conflicts, we are happy. It is easy to be optimistic and positive. It is easy to serve and proclaim God. However, when situations change, when we are faced with problems, difficulties and challenges, we feel otherwise. We don’t feel like serving God. We don’t feel like sharing him. We just want to focus on the problem, or we are paralyzed by the situation. God does not want this .

Whatever the situation is, we should always proclaim and share God.

In the first reading, we see that Paul exhorts the Thessalonians  to persevere in faith. There may be sufferings and difficulties they are experiencing, but they should remain faithful and loyal to God. In the gospel, Jesus warns us not to be like the scribes and Pharisees who are hypocrites – fake proclaimers of the faith. Lip service is not enough, God wants us to act and live our faith, no matter how simple our witnessing to Him may be.

I am always reminded by the line in the movie Facing the Giants. “If we win, we praise Him, if we lose, we still praise Him. Either way, we’re giving God the glory

God is not asking us to praise Him only when it’s happy and things are easy. We may not feel like it, and it may be difficult, but we should still praise Him in difficult times. Situations may make us feel that our praise and witnessing to Him during these times is less effective, because we are carrying concerns. However, it is actually more powerful. When we praise God in the storm, we are actually letting God live in us. Human will and power are not enough to do this in tough times, so when we do, it is probably God living in us, enabling us to praise and serve Him despite all that is happening.

No matter how the situation may be, may we heed the psalmist’s call to “Proclaim God’s marvellous deeds to all the nations

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. thank you for another day to rest. Lord, help me be consistent in praising and proclaiming you It is so easy to do these things when I am happy and when things go my way, but really difficult to do it when I am stressed, tired and challenged. Help me Lord to be consistent in loving and praising you, for I know that this will give you joy and glory. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Who Is He?

The WORD today (see reminds me to always put things in perspective so I can see who God really is.

There is a Filipino saying that goes “sometimes, a fly that lands on a carabao feels itself to be higher than a carabao.” Sometimes, people are like this. We forget who God really is in our lives. We forget all his provisions, blessings, power and love in our lives. We think that because we have achieved a lot in this life, we are bigger than Him and don’t need Him anymore.

We should put things in perspective.

In the first reading, we are reminded of God’s power. He can basically do anything he pleases. And in the second reading we are reminded that we have not done anything to God that would make us deserving of his blessings. God does not owe us anything. Well, we are reminded who God really is.

In the gospel, we see Jesus asking the disciples who they say he is. He affirmed Peter when he said that it was God who revealed to him who Jesus really was. This is also the answer we would give Jesus if we have things in perspective. He should be our Messiah. We should remember that without him, we are nothing. We should always be dependent on Him, no matter how much we have achieved in this life. All things, all blessings came from him, and we really cannot take credit for anything. God has been so good and gracious to us, that’s why we are able to achieve things. There is nothing that happened or will happen, that God does not know. Everything has his blessing and permission.

May we be a Christian in the true essence of it. CHRISTian. Without CHRIST, I am nothing. Let us be one with the psalmist in praying: Lord, your love is eternal. Do not forsake the work of your hands.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to love and serve you. Lord, thank you for another Sunday. I pray that I would always have things in perspective. May I always realize how little I am and how big and great you are. May I always be dependent on you. May my life be rooted in you. For I know the truth, that I cannot do anything on my own, and everything I have is from you. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Glory Through Consistency

The WORD today (See reminds me that we should be consistent with what we say so the glory of God can be more alive in us.

The first reading and the psalm both remind us of God’s glory. The first reading describes God’s glory.

and there I saw the glory of the God of Israel
coming from the east.
I heard a sound like the roaring of many waters,
and the earth shone with his glory.
but spirit lifted me up and brought me to the inner court.
And I saw that the temple was filled with the glory of the LORD

And the psalm reminds us that God’s glory is not a concept so far and so abstract. God’s glory is in us, in our land. “The glory of God will dwell in our land

Still an abstract concept? How can we be sure God’s glory is in us? How can we feel God’s glory?

I believe that in the gospel, Jesus teaches us a practical and doable way on making it happen, on making it real. Live a life consistent with the gospel values. Jesus reminds us to practice what we preach. We should have integrity – to do what you say, and say what you do. If we tell others we love God, then we should live it. Lip service is not enough. Our lives should be a testimony of our faith. As we do this, as we live like this, as we humble ourselves before God, we will know that God will exalt us. And as he does it, we will know and feel God’s glory in our lives. We will feel God’s love in our lives. We will feel God’s power in our lives. Not only us, but the people around us. And that’s how we can make God’s glory more alive and more real in our lives.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another weekend. Thank you for another day to love and serve you. Lord, may I be challenged today. Help me live a life consistent with your values. May I give you more than lip service. May I praise you not just with my lips, but with my heart and my life as well. Lord, I lift up all those celebrating their birthday today, especially my sister Kat. May you always guide, bless and protect her, and may her life always be a testament of her love for you, and your love for her. Amen.

Blessed weekend!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Friday, August 22, 2014

High But Simple

The WORD today (See reminds me that God has high standards when it comes to us loving him.

The gospel tells us in simple words the greatest commandment of God.

“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart,
with all your soul, and with all your mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment

This is how we should love God. Simple right?  But not that easy. He wants us to love him with all we’ve got. With all we have. Why is he asking for too much? Why not be happy with what we can give? We have a lot happening in our lives and we cannot give him our all, right? Well, he expects a lot from us because he loves us. It is true that he gave us everything – we came into the world with nothing, so we really can’t take credit for what we have. Everything we have it from God.

God is not a conditional God. His love is without conditions. He will love you no matter if you love him or not. He asks us to love him with our all NOT because he gave us everything, but because HE WANTS to GIVE US so much MORE. He wants to give us an abundant life, he wants to give us eternal life. And we cannot have that if we do not love him with our all – if we are focused on accumulating worldly riches. Only when we love God with everything we have, can he give us what we really deserve – because only then will we be ready to receive it.
May we be ready and open to loving God with all we have.
Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for reminding me how high your standards are – not because you need our love, but because we need yours. Lord, you won’t get anything if we love you, you’re God already. On the other hand, we will get a lot if we love you, especially if we love you with all we have. Change my heart, Lord, make it yours, and make it yearn for you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,


See related song

see related reflections:

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Dressed for Heaven

The WORD today (See reminds us that God wants us to be properly dressed for the occasion

Not being dressed for the occasion is a very awkward feeling. It goes both ways – be it being overdressed and underdressed. It is important that one dress appropriately for the specific occasion.

The gospel tells us of a story – a king calling a wedding fest. The original invitees did not attend, so the invite was opened to all. However, the king daw someone not dressed for a wedding garment, and it enraged the king.

But when the king came in to meet the guests
he saw a man there not dressed in a wedding garment.
He said to him, ‘My friend, how is it
that you came in here without a wedding garment?’
But he was reduced to silence.
Then the king said to his attendants, ‘Bind his hands and feet,
and cast him into the darkness outside,
where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.

OA si king?! Why? Paano kung mahirap lang talaga yung tao at walang damit na pang kasal?

They say that the clothes were not a problem that time. When the king invited people, it was said that
he also prepared the clothes for them to wear to the feast. How cool is that? Libre na ang pagkain, libre ka pa sa damit! That’s how festive and how well taken care of the guests were. So we can understand the king expecting, and in this case, demanding the guests be in the proper attire.
What is the significance of this in our lives? This does not happen anymore anyway. Right?

We know that God, our king, invites us to the feast –
heaven. It is now up to us if we will heed his call, if we will go to the invitation. However, it does not end there. We cannot just say we want to go to heaven, and show up there. We need to be dressed appropriately. We need to prepare and do our part. As the king gave clothes, God also gave us this life to wear properly. He gives us opportunities to shine for Him
,and to prepare for us attending the feast. Then when he sees us, we will know if we prepared enough – if he will be happy to see us in the feast, appropriately dressed, or if he will get mad at us attending not being properly dressed, and send us away.
Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another day to love and experience your love for me. Lord, thank you for inviting me to the feast. And thank you for all the opportunities you give me to prepare myself for it. You know I want to be there, Lord, so I ask that you help me live my life preparing for it. May you be delighted to see me appropriately dressed for it. Amen.
Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Generous God

The WORD today (see reminds me how generous God is.

God is a generous God. His standards are not the same ours. That is why in the gospel, he gave the same benefit to those who worked a bit as to those who worked the whole day.

‘My friend, I am not cheating you.
Did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage?
Take what is yours and go.
What if I wish to give this last one the same as you?
Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money?
Are you envious because I am generous?

Unfair to those who worked for the whole day? Probably, in the twisted sense of the world. We would think those who worked more should be given more.

However, they were given what was told them.
God is fair and did not cheat those who worked for the whole day. He just decided to be extra generous and gracious to others, like the ones who worked last, like the repentant thief crucified beside Jesus whom he brought in heaven. If the people had not known there were late comers who got the same benefits as them, probably there wouldn't be a problem because they got what they expected, what they were told. Being envious changed everything.

We can feel like this if we
focus on ourselves
. We have been trying to live a good life, following God, and we think that others who enjoy this world too much should go to hell. We only think of ourselves and not their salvation. Probably we are envious of them – that they enjoy this world, yet if they repent on the last minute, they can still go to heaven. Unfair?

Looking at our lives,
we have enough. We can read, can write, can eat, can move about, can breathe, can work. We may not have much, but we have what we need to survive. We have what we need to serve and love God
. We should be contented, right? Problem is when we look at other people and see things they have that we don't. That's when things change. That’s when we feel envious. That’s when we feel God is unfair.

May we focus on God, his generosity and grace, and not on our own concerns, wants, and feeling of envy towards others.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for your blessings. Thank you for your generosity. Lord, I  ask your help me focus on them and not on what other people have. May I always be contented, knowing how much you love me and how much you have been providing for me, and not look at what other people have. As I experience your love and blessings, may I also want to share you to others and may I want other people to be saved as well. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

You Already

The WORD today (See reminds me that we should always know where we stand

There are people who are so intelligent and so great. They seem to have Midas’ touch, that anything they get their hands into, succeeds and they prosper. They seem to know everything. And a common expression we say to these people is “Ikaw na!” (Humorously translated into You Already). Ikaw na ang magaling. Ikaw na ang matalino. Ikaw na ang mayaman. Ikaw na ang gwapo. These qualities and achievements sometimes get into people’s heads and they think so highly of themselves.

This is what God warns us in today’s readings.

In the first reading, we see God reminding us that no matter how intelligent or rich we are, we should remember that everything came from God. We cannot take credit that what we have is a result of our own efforts or intelligence. In the gospel, we see Jesus warns the disciples and he is warning us today, that it is hard for rich people to enter the kingdom of heaven. Is he against rich people? Of course not! What makes it hard for worldly-rich people is that they are too attached and too engrossed in their riches that have no time and space for God. So if that’s the case, then they really won’t be able to enter God’s kingdom – because they would rather enjoy their riches here on earth.

As we grow older, we usually tend to accomplish more things. We get more successful in life – whether to grow our business or climb up the corporate ladder. We get to send our children to good schools, and are able to provide our family a better, more comfortable life. we tend to make connections to important and influential people in this world. Ikaw na! But we are reminded today to not let these things get in our heads. All of these are because of God – of God’s grace, of God’s goodness, of God’s love. They are never because of us.

The psalmist echoes God’s reminder – It is I who deal death and give life.

May we always know where we stand with God. Let us heed his call and know our place before our God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to love you. Lord, I thank you for all the blessings you have been giving me and my family. Thank you for your goodness, thank you for your grace. And Lord, I ask that you help me to always be grounded. May I never think of myself more than what I am. May I always remember to continue loving and serving you, especially despite of all the great blessings you give me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, August 18, 2014


The WORD today (see reminds me that God wants us to be detached from everything in this world so we can be free to follow him wholly

The gospel today shows us a man asking Jesus.. “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life…” Well, he certainly
knew who Jesus was and was humble enough to ask Jesus what he needs to do. Jesus tells him the basics – follow the commandments. The man, like pretty much like all of us, he says he is trying to do these things. Then Jesus says something harder for him.: “Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me."
We can see by his answer that the man is
looking for something. The man knows he must do something else. When Jesus said he must follow the commandments, which he already does, he knew he must do something else. Alam nya, kasi hindi nya sinabing “yey, ok na ako, thanks!.” Jesus also saw what the man needed to do. In Mark’s account, it says that Jesus looked at him and loved him, and told him what he needs to do. Yes, Jesus loved the man, even if Jesus knew the man was not yet ready to give up everything for Him.

Good news – if we can say that we have been doing (or at least have been trying to do) the commandments that Jesus told the man, we are on the right path. We are halfway there!
Bad news – is it not enough. There is still something lacking. Jesus wants us to be detached from material things.

Jesus is not telling us getting rich is bad. Jesus is not telling us material wealth is bad. Of course it is nice to be rich – especially if you would share your blessings to those who need it. What’s bad is the
attachment to material things – money, power, fame, etc. It becomes dangerous if accumulating such becomes the goal in life – when these things become the gods ruling our lives, and we lose sight of eternity with God. This is what happened in the first reading and the psalm. In the first reading, we see that the people have turned away from God. The psalmist says that you have forgotten God. When we give too much importance to material things, then we lose the focus on God. Only when we are detached from material things can we truly focus on God and can wholly follow Him.

What am I clinging on right now? Do I want to follow God and have eternal life? What is preventing me from fully following God? Material things? A bad habit? An unhealthy relationship? Do I feel that I cannot let go of these things? Do I believe in God when he says he loves me, like he loved the man in the gospel? Do I pray to God to give me the desire to let go, and ask him to help me all the way?

May we pray that God help us and grant us the desire to follow him and let go of anything that is preventing us from fully following Him.
Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for last weekend. Thank you for this new week you gave me. Thank you for the gospel that reminds me that you love me and you want me to be saved. Lord, I ask that you help me have the desire in my heart – to follow you and to rid myself of anything that is hindering me from fully following you. I pray for faith – in you, your love, and your power in my life. May I live this week aware of what I should do to glorify you. This I ask in Jesus name, Amen.

Have a blessed week!

In Christ,

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