Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Envy and Generosity

The WORD today (see reminds me how much evil being envious can bring. 

God is a generous God. His standards are not the same ours. That is why in the gospel, he gave the same benefit to those who worked a bit as to those who worked the whole day. 

Unfair to those who worked for the whole day? Probably, in the twisted sense of the world. We would think those who worked more should be given more. 

However, they were given what was told them. God just decided to be extra generous and gracious to others, like the ones who worked last, like the repentant thief he brought in heaven. 

Again, we feel like this because we focus on ourselves. If the people had not known there were late comers who got the same benefits as them, probably there wouldn't be a problem because they got what they expected, what they were told. Being envious changed everything. 

Looking at our lives, we have enough. We can read, can write, can eat, can move about, can breathe, can work. We may not have much, but we have what we need to survive. We are contented. Problem is, when we look at other people and see things they have that we don't. That's when things change. 

May we focus on God, his generosity and grace, and not on our own concerns, wants, and feeling of envy towards others. 

Father God, 
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live, and to rest. Lord, i pray for those still affected by the typhoon. Continue to protect, bless, and keep them safe. I also ask your help lord that i be able to focus on you and be thankful for the blessings you have been graciously giving me, and not dwell on what I don't have and and be envious of other people. Amen. 

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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