Friday, August 2, 2013

Faith or doubt?

The WORD today (see reminds me of the importance of faith.

There is a story of a man who put out posters saying that anyone who has debt come to him on a specific day, between 8-5pm, and he will help them with their debts. Naturally, people wondered if this was true. They were thinking 'what's the catch' and why is the man doing it? When the day came, people were wondering what's going to happen. He was waiting all day but no one came. Then at 4pm, a man came and asked "is this where i should go to get help from my debts?" Then he said yes. After checking all documents to make sure the man really was in debt, he gave him a check totaling his debt. When people found out, a few others came. Then when they were sure, a lot went to the door, but he turned them away because it was already 5pm.

How many times do we act like those people?

God is a loving God. He is forgiving. He is powerful. But he needs us to do our part. In the gospel we see people doubting Jesus for different reasons. They did not have the one thing needed from us - faith. Their lack of faith limited what God can do in their lives.

God is powerful, but he needs our faith to help us. He was not able to do a lot of miracles not because the sickness of the people were grave or because their concerns are over his power. He was not able to do great deeds because of their lack of faith.

Today, he still can do great and mighty deeds! In our world, in our country, in our community, in our family, and in our lives... If we have the one thing he needs. No matter what our concerns are, let us come to him in faith and know that he never disappoints.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for Friday! Lord, i thank you that your love, power and goodness continue until today. I thank you also for the gift of faith. I ask that you help me develop that faith, and may it always be enough for you to continue to do mighty needs in my life. Amen.

Blessed Friday!

In Christ,

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