Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Faith and Lack of It

The WORD today (See shows me two situations which shows different kinds of people.

The first reading shows the Israelites again complaining to God and showing no faith in him. After what he has done for his people, from saving them from the Egyptians, from providing manna in the dessert, the people still choose to doubt him, to go against him. He has proven his love and protection for them a lot of times, but it was not enough for the people.

This was the complete opposite from the behaviour of the woman in the gospel. She came to Jesus in full faith, not for herself, but for her daughter. Jesus has not yet done anything for her, she has not even met him yet, but she came to him in full faith. When she gets to talk to Jesus, her faith was tested more. Jesus did not receive her warmly, unlike other people. I guess we can say he tested her faith – not once but thrice! First he ignored her, second he said he was not sent to her people, and third “degraded” her. Throughout all these, she kept her faith, and was rewarded by Jesus. “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish

Who do we relate to?

Are we like the Israelites who seem to have a short memory span? Do we forget all the wonderful things God has done in our lives in the moment we feel scared or hopeless? Do we forget how loving and great he is?

Are we like the woman? There are times when God seems distant, or God does not seem to answer our prayers. What do we do? Do we feel bad? Do we sulk and move away from him? Do we have this sense of entitlement, that we get mad at Him when we don’t get what we want the way we want it? Or is our faith firm and strong, like the woman, and continue to stay faithful, loving and humble no matter what happens, no matter how silent or snobbish God may seem, knowing that He will reward our faith?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to love and serve you. Thank you for another day to live and develop my faith. I am sorry for the times I act like the Israelites, when I forget all that you have done in my life and turn my back on you when things does not seem to go my way. Lord, I pray that you help me increase my faith. May I have a strong faith like the woman who was unshaken despite your seemingly snobbish treatment of her – knowing that her faith will be rewarded. Amen.

Have a faith filled day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

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