Saturday, August 3, 2013

End on Earth

The WORD today (See reminds me of the inevitable – our end on this earth.

We have seen a lot of times how God’s power saves his followers - .Jonah and the whale, Daniel and the lion, the three men in the fiery furnace, Peter and the angel leading him out of prison, and even Abraham and his son Isaac. We have seen how God does the impossible in seemingly impossible situations. There’s no question in that, however, it does not happen all the time.

In the gospel, we see how John the Baptist died. His head was cut off, as requested by Herodias’ daughter. OF course, there were a lot of ways God could have saved him. His death does not mean God loves him less, or God’s power is not enough for him. Rather, this means that John has done his part, and God loves him so much that he wants John to be with him in his kingdom.

In our lives, God has been saving us through little and big ways. However, this does not mean we will be free from sufferings and challenges. Like John, there will come a time when we will be imprisoned and will experience the challenges of the world, because we are not of the world, but followers of God. And inevitably, we will experience what John did, leaving the earth. This should not scare us, but rather, excite us… because the only way we can be with God in his kingdom is if we leave this earth.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another weekend! Lord, thank you for reminding me how loving and powerful you are. I pray that even if I don’t feel your power and I experience challenges in this earth, I may always remain faithful to you… so when the time comes that you call me from this earth, I may be ready and excited. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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