Thursday, August 15, 2013

Serve, despite of

The WORD today (See inspires me to serve God despite of my personal concerns.

In the movie “Facing the Giants,” the team captain Brock is the leader of the team. People look up to him and follow him, and he leads pretty well. However, during one crucial moment, when Brock is all worn out and about to give up, his coach tells him – “I know you’re tired. It’s easy to lead when you’re strong, but now is when you lead

I believe serving God is the same. It’s easy to serve when you are with friends, it’s easy to serve when things are fun and easy. But Mama Mary shows us how it is to really serve – then she served despite of her personal concerns. She is pregnant, she do not understand fully what she said yes to, and she has a lot of questions on what will happen to her – getting pregnant without a husband, etc. but despite of that, she still went out of her way, travelled alone, and visited Elizabeth. Not just that, after all she did, she served Elizabeth when she got to their house. What a heart of service.

IT is easy to love God when we feel his love. When blessings abound, it’s easy to give away and praise Him. The same way, it’s easy to serve Him when we are with friends serving him as well. It is easy when serving is new and fun. It is easy to serve when we are so blessed and don’t seem to have problems. However, when the going gets tough, when we experience problems on our own, when we have conflicts with or experience persecutions from people we are serving with, it gets challenging, a lot challenging. However, these are the times when we really serve, these are the times when we need to focus on God, the one we are serving, the reason we serve, and not on ourselves, our problems, and other people.

As we celebrate the Solemnity of Mama Mary’s Assumption, may we be inspired by Mama Mary’s selfless service to and love for God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your love. Thank you for giving us Mama Mary to help and inspire us as we live our lives on earth. Lord, I am sorry for the times I focus on myself and my problems. I am sorry for allowing these things to hinder my service to you. A lot of times they seem like valid excuses – that I have personal concerns and problems so I can’t fully serve you. Sometimes also I let other people become my excuse, that they persecute me or give me a hard time from serving you. Lord, may I just focus on you, may I always remember that you are the reason for my service, and that you are pleased when I persevere in serving you despite the challenges I am experiencing. May you be glorified in my life, in my service. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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