Sunday, August 25, 2013

Narrow Road

The WORD today (See reminds me what the narrow road to Christ entails.

I attended a 7:30 AM mass earlier, and the homily of the priest was a great way to start my day. He talked about the narrow road towards God.

It is not easy to enter through the narrow gate, but everyone can through it.

In the road, there are signs that tell us if the road ahead is going to be narrow.. Narrow roads, gates and spaces are not easy to enter, unlike wide roads. That is why more discipline is required if we want to enter the narrow road, tha narrow gate. If we want to pass through the narrow road, we should be more careful. We should be sensitive to our surroundings and to other motorists on the road, so as not to get into an accident. Unlike with wide roads that we tend to just speed away and be more careless, because there is more space, more opportunities to do what we want.

Same is true with narrow doors. Some buildings, and churches are huge, but have narrow doors – some just enough for people to go inside. Some even allows just one person at a time to go in. This requires us to be mindful of other people, to have discipline and leave behind unnecessary things that cannot pass through the narrow gate. Unlike buildings with wide gates, which sometimes causes chaos.

The road towards God, towards his kingdom, is narrow. It is not easy to get to him. it requires discipline, sacrifice, and love. It requires us being mindful and sensitive to other people. Good news is, everyone can pass through it. May we be challenged and at the same time, encouraged, to walk the narrow road and pass through the narrow gate towards God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for waking me up early, thank you for starting my day early and in a great way. Lord, I thank you that hopefully, this is my last working weekend, at least for the next month. I pray that I may be able to glorify you as I work this weekend. Lord, in a special way, I also ask that you help me life my life in the narrow road. IT may be difficult, but I know it is possible. And as I meet you, may I be ready to enter through the narrow gate, with only essential things with me. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

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