Saturday, August 17, 2013

You Decide

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to decide who we shall serve.

Jesus said to his disciples in one occasion that “whoever is not for me is against me. (Mt 12:30)” IT shows that we are either for God or against God, no in between, no 50-50. In another verse in the bible, it says that “but since you are lukewarm water, neither hot or cold, I will spit you out of my mouth” (Rev 3:16). Yup, God wants us to choose.

In the first reading, we see Joshua, Moses’ replacement, telling the people to decide. He did not force the people to choose to serve God, he just told them that he, together with his household, will serve the Lord. And eventually when the people proclaimed they will follow God, Joshua held them accountable, he told them that it is not enough to proclaim it, that with the decision comes the accountability, that we should live our lives like it.

God wants us to decide, and act on our decision. We cannot just serve him when we feel like it. We cannot just love him when we feel loved and blessed. We cannot follow him just when we want to. We cannot live double lives. When we decide to choose him, it should be a hundred percent – a total dedication of our lives to him, choosing him in every big and especially small, seemingly insignificant decisions of our everyday life. These small decisions actually prove we love him, these small decisions actually develop our character – wether or not to follow traffic rules when no one is watching, wether or not to obey our parents and other authorities in our lives despite differences in our opinions, wether or not to do good even if no one can see and will acknowledge us.

May we decide to choose God, and follow him always.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another weekend. Though I have a busy weekend ahead of me, weekend that will require me to work, I thank you because of the gift of work. Lord, I pray that you give me a heart that would always decide to choose you. May I always be optimistic and see how I can choose you in the little and big things in life, and as I work this weekend, I pray that I be able to give you my best and glorify you with whatever I am doing. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related song:

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