Monday, November 28, 2011

i will serve you while im waiting...

The gospels have constantly been about being prepared, about readying ourselves for Christ's second coming. Yes,we have to be prepared and ready. Being awake, not physically, but spiritually. And being spiritually awake, being spiritually prepared is unfortunately one of the the things we often forget. Christmas is a time to remember God's great love for us, but unfortunately, we tend to forget that. We prepare gifts, we decorate our homes, we sing carols... But we dont always prepare spiritually to receive Him in our lives.

As we wait, as i wait, for His second coming, for his coming into my life everyday, for his great and perfect plan to come to fulfilment in my life, i am reminded of a long from john waller. I am reminded to wait patiently, to wait joyfully, and serve Him as i wait in faith.

Reflection questions
how can i prepare spiritually for his second coming? If Jesus is to come in my life today, what will he see? am i waiting patiently? Am i excited to see him, or am i afraid?

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