Monday, November 7, 2011

Increase our faith!

The readings from today remind me of how well God really knows us. Well, he created us, so he knows us more than we know ourselves. The first reading and the psalm remind and affirm how much God knows us, and how present he is in everything.

Because God is the witness of his inmost self
and the sure observer of his heart
and the listener to his tongue.
For the Spirit of the Lord fills the world,
is all-embracing, and knows what man says

In the gospel, because he knows us so well, he teaches the disciples things that he knows they need to learn and be reminded of.  First thing he taught was on causing sin. In other translations, it was referred to as scandals. It was a stern warning to not cause sin, or lead others to sin, especially those who are weak, the little ones who are so close to Jesus’ heart. It is a stern reminder not to abuse the little ones, be it the ones still weak in faith, those under our authority, or people we influence. God blessed us to be a blessing to others, to serve others, and not to abuse or exploit other people.

Second thing was about forgiveness and correction. If he sins, rebuke him. We should not tolerate sin, and we should not turn a blind eye on someone who sins just because it doesn’t concern us directly or just so to avoid “conflicts” that might arise in rebuking others. With rebuking comes forgiveness if he repents. We should always be ready to forgive. We ourselves are sinners and should always be ready to forgive others as Christ forgives us.

After these teachings, it’s interesting to note how the disciples react. They did not say, “and hirap naman nyan, Jesus” or “ok” just for the sake of saying it. They asked for something they need to be able to do it. They asked for faith. They were humble enough to accept that they need faith, a lot of it, to be able to do Christ’s teachings. They were also wise enough to ask for it, to know that they need that. And Jesus replies by affirming them and saying how powerful faith in God is… that even a small portion of it is enough to do great things. Nakaka inspire. God will use mightily whatever small thing you have or you can offer to build his kingdom and serve him. What a God!

May we all have that faith needed to move mountains, and continue to seek and pray for more of it.

Christ is Risen!

The WORD today reminds me that  Christ is Risen and has won over sin and death. The gospel tells us different accounts/stories about Christ’...