Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Stressed and Busy

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/100714.cfm) reminds me not to stress myself with life’s busyness.

Service is good. It is actually one of the love languages. Some people express their love by serving others – especially those they love. We also see that God wants us to serve him through others as a means of expressing our love for Him. He said that “faith without woks is dead,” and we see in the first reading how Paul served God as he spread his message to others.

So why is it that in the gospel, Jesus seemed to favour Mary, who was not serving him? why did Jesus tell Martha that Mary, who was listening to Him, chose the better part?

Service should be done with love. You should be a happy servant. We should be happy as we serve God, because it is our way of telling him we love him. it is one way of expressing our love to him. as such, it should not be considered a burden, and should not stress us out – which was what happened to Martha. She was so busy doing the work that she forgot to focus on, and even complained to, the one she should serve.

There is a time for everything. Yes, Jesus needs someone who will attend to their needs, but it is wiser to first focus on Jesus because he will not be around forever. With us, yes, service is important, but we should also have time for spiritual nourishment and rest as we serve. This makes our service more empowered and more effective.

So, what are you stressed and busy with? Take a break, talk to Jesus.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for continuing to remind me how you want me to live my life. Thank you for reminding me how important and necessary service is. And I ask that you give me a heart of service -  a heart that would always want to serve you through others. But Lord, as I serve, please remind me to take a break to rest and refresh my body and spirit. Like Mary, may I take time to rest and listen to you. may I work to be nourished by you. I am sorry for the times I focus too much on serving that it overwhelms me and stresses me, thus I lose focus on you. May I be a balanced and happy servant of you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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