Friday, October 10, 2014

Stay Clean

The WORD today (See reminds me of the importance of staying clean

Recovering dependents, be it alcohol or drugs, should have something to get busy with. They should have a hobby or a sport to focus their energy and attention with. That is why it is recommended for recovering dependents to go into sports. When one is dependent on drugs, there is so much energy to do things, and in taking the drugs away, there should be something to replace it with – so the energy and time would be put to good use.

This is what God wants us to do with our faith and with our life. in the gospel we see:

When an unclean spirit goes out of someone,
it roams through arid regions searching for rest
but, finding none, it says,
‘I shall return to my home from which I came.’
But upon returning, it finds it swept clean and put in order.
Then it goes and brings back seven other spirits
more wicked than itself who move in and dwell there,
and the last condition of that man is worse than the first.”

This is what happens to some people who go cold turkey or immediately stop smoking. At first, it works. But just one stick and you will eventually find yourself smoking again, and maybe even in a worse state than before you attempted to quit. God does not want this to happen in our lives.

Changing for God should be permanent. It should be consistent. As we try to live a life pleasing to Him, we should be consistent. We should be focused on God. We should not entertain thoughts of our old life, of living in sin and enjoying the world. Rather, we should fill our life with God – with good works, with service of Him through others, of prayer, sacraments and love. That way, there would be no way the enemy can lure us back into a life of sin again.

We need to fill our lives with God and everything of Him so there will be no more space for the devil to come in.

May we be willing to stay clean and remain in God’s love and live in God’s ways.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to experience your love. Thank you for another weekend coming. Lord, I thank you for all the reminders you have been giving me. Thank you for the opportunity to change and live for you. I pray that you help me live right always. Help me to stay clean and stay in you always. Help me fill my life with you – with service, love, prayer – everything that is of you, so that there will no more space for the devil to come in. Wrap me in your embrace and never let me go. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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