Friday, May 31, 2013


The WORD today (See reminds me how powerful our presence is

After Mama Mary was visited by the angel and she said yes to her being the earthly mother of Jesus, she set out to visit her cousin Elizabeth. She did not focus on herself and her concerns. I’m sure, things are not yet clear to her, she may have questions or concerns on what will happen to her. Plus she’s already pregnant with Jesus. Yet, she set out to visit her cousin Elizabeth – to show her support and serve her.

What a heart of service. A heart full of love. A blessed heart.

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting,
the infant leaped in her womb,
and Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit,
cried out in a loud voice and said,
“Most blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb.

This shows how powerful our presence is – if we bring God with us! We will never be as blessed as Mama Mary, but in our own little way, God can use us to bless others. God can use our presence to make others feel his love and his power. God can use our presence to serve others.

What may be a simple visitation to us may be exactly what other people need to remind them how great, loving and selfless God is. May we be inspired to live in Christ, so that as we visit people, as we interact with people, it may also be a divine visitation of God to them through us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for always visiting my life – through different people I encounter. Lord, I pray that you help me live in your love, that I may always be aligned in you, so that as I interact with others, you can use me to reach out to them. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Throwing It Away

The WORD today (See inspires me to have faith in God and throw away anything that I am holding on to and just rely totally on God.

In the Philippines, rummage sale or what Is more commonly called “garage sale” is a normal thing. People clean their clutter and sell the things they do not need anymore. In this way, they free up space and they earn extra money in the process.

However, in the gospel, we see someone throwing away what he really needs.

Blind men during the time of Jesus usually live on the streets, and one thing very important to them is their cloak or blanket. This keep them warm at night and protects them from sun, rain and dust. So pretty much, this is really their “security blanket.” That is why when a crazy and faith filled man throws his blanket, it is inspiring… because he has faith that he won’t be needing it anymore. Yes, he even had faith to continue to call on Jesus even if the people were asking him to shut up,

How many times do we let doubt or fear stop us?

When Jesus seem distant or when he does not seem to answer our call, do we persist in calling him like the blind man, or do we listen to the people and shut up? God’s silence does not mean his absence. He may not answer immediately, he may not answer in the way we want him to, be definitely, he is listening to us. It is not up to us to continue calling him, continue praying and show him our faith, or to just give up.

What are we holding on to? What is our security blanket?

Jesus wants us to be all out in following and serving Him. Too much? Well, he asked for it – Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength (MK 12:30) .” ALL. Not just a part. Not just majority. But ALL. And we cannot love him fully if we are holding on to something. It may be our careers, our relationships, or our habits and vices. There should not be anything in our lives that would prevent us from fully following God. We should pray for faith like the blind man – who threw what he was holding on to because he knew God would give him something better.

Father God,
Thank you for this day. Time flies so fast, it’s almost the weekend! Lord, I thank you for the opportunities you have been giving me – in my work and career, in my family, in my relationships and in my service to you. Father God, I pray that I make the most out of these opportunities so I can glorify you even more and make you happy as I serve you, as I live my life on earth. Lord, there are a lot of things I am holding on to. There are a lot of doubts, fear, hurt and trauma in my life that prevents me from fully following to you, from fully surrendering to you. I pray that you take all these away and replace it with your love, with your joy, with your peace. Lord, I pray that you increase my faith and enable me to act like the blind man – who threw what he was holding on to, having faith that you would give him something better. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


The WORD today ( reminds me how important it is to react properly in challenging situations.

There’s a story of a dad who woke up late for an important meeting. He was rushing and on the way out, his 5 year old daughter accidentaly spilled her milk on his tie. He shouted at her for being careless and went back up to change. Meanwhile, the mother, seeing the little girl cry, left the kitchen to attend to her daughter. She forgot the food she was cooking so it got burned and when their son came down, he was angry not being able to haviebreakfast before going to school. The mother felt irritated at that, and took it out on the father as he was coming down the stairs. They fought in front of the little girl before the dad left for the office.

What a sad situation it was. Just becase the dad reacted in a bad way, a lot of people were affected.

In the gospel, we see the opposite. It was a challenging situation. After Jesus telling his disciples he would suffer before rising again, James and John asked him a favor, a selfish one. Instead of hearing, Lord, what can we do to help, or Lord, we will pray for you – he heard his disciples wanting glory when he rises again. However, instead of reacting in a negative way, Jesus used the situation to teach them and remind them a valuable lesson. He did not scold them or lose their temper at them for thinking of that in such a situation. Jesus shows us how important it is to react properly in challenging situations.

In our lives, we sometimes let emotions get the better of us. We sometimes react instinctively, based on spur of the moment emotions. Because of that, we unintentionally hurt people, create a bigger probem or lose an opportunity to praise and glorify God through our actions, through our lives. May Jesus today remind us to not let our emotions get the best of us and be in constant prayer so we can react properly, in a way God wants, to challenging situations – thus glorifying God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your WORD. Lord, I pray that you always remind me how important it is to react in a way that would glorify you. There are a lot of times that I lose my temper, that I react based on my emotions or feelings, and because of those situations, I hurt other people and I lose an opportunity to glorify you. I pray that you always be with me, help me be able to control my reactions, and give me patience and peace that will help me react in a way that would glorify you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Something Positive

The WORD today (See reminds me that sacrifice does not always mean you giving up something.

When we say sacrifice, it usually is related to separation or giving up something. I will sacrifice meat, junk food, sweets, etc. However, Christ puts a different perspective on sacrifices today.

and when he gives alms he presents his sacrifice of praise.
To refrain from evil pleases the LORD,
and to avoid injustice is an atonement.
With each contribution show a cheerful countenance,
and pay your tithes in a spirit of joy.
Give to the Most High as he has given to you,
generously, according to your means

Happily giving to others. Happily praising God.

Giving is not simply giving. The manner of giving and the attitude of the giver is important as well. If we give to others and God – our time, talents and treasure, that’s very good. But how do we give? Do we give just a bit, so we can say we gave. Do we give more, but not enough to hurt us. Or do we give our all? How do we give? How do we feel as we give? Do we treat it as an investment, wanting to get back something from it? Do we give with a heavy heart? Or do we give joyfully, our of love and gratefulness to God for all the blessings? Do we celebrate God’s goodness by giving?

Another “sacrifice” is refraining from doing evil. Avoid hurting other people. Do good. God has been so good to us that we should also be good to other people – even if people does not see and recognize us for it… even if people does not deserve good to be done to them.

May we see sacrifice in a different light, and may we not do sacrifices only during lent. Let us continue to give of ourselves, out of love and gratitude to God… and though it should not be our primary reason for giving to God, we should also take comfort in his promise in the gospel – “there is no one who has given up….for my sake who will not receive a hundred times…

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for reminding me the different ways we can sacrifice and show our love for you. Lord, thank you for continuing to remind me how you want me to live. Yesterday you reminded me that I need to give up whatever is taking your place in my life, whatever I am holding on to. Now you are reminding me the different things and ways I can sacrifice, that whatever I give up should be used for you and by you. Lord, empty my life and enable me to give freely, give happily for your kingdom. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Monday, May 27, 2013

Rich With What?

The WORD today (See reminds me to check my life what I am rich with.

The gospel tells a story of a man asking Jesus what he must to do have eternal life. Well, he certainly who Jesus was and was humble enough to ask Jesus what he needs to do. Jesus tells him the commandments, and pretty much like most of us who are trying to follow God, he says he has been doing these things. However, Jesus reminds him he still lacks one thing – his detachment from material possession.

Good news – if we can say that we have been doing (or at least have been trying to do) what Jesus told the man, we are on the right path. We are halfway there!

Bad news – is it not enough. There is still something lacking.

Jesus knows that although the man has been trying to live his commandments, he still lacks one thing. Detachment from material things. That is what he needs to give up. That is taking God’s place in his life. His being attached to material things prevents him from fully following and surrendering to God.

How about us? What is God telling us to give up? Is it detachment too? What are the things in life we are too attached to – career? Family? Material things? Power? Fame? Success? Bad habits and vices? 

May we search our hearts as we pray that God would reveal to us what else we need to give up, or what else we need to do to inherit eternal life.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for giving me another week. Father God, as I start another week, I want to thank you for my work. Thank you because this work, or this business, provides me food and gives me resources to live my life on earth, and gives me resources so I can help others as well. Lord, I pray that I may not be too attached to anything or anyone in this life. May nothing or no one replace your place in my life, and prevent me from fully following and surrendering to you. And I pray that you help me search my life to know what else I need to do to inherit eternal life. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Holy Trinity 2013

The WORD today (See reminds us to just have faith in the Holy Trinity

The readings today focuses on the Holy Trinity. The first reading and psalm focuses on God – His wisdom, power and his love. The second reading we see St Paul speak about Jesus – how he came in between God and us to bring us to God, and because of Him, God’s love has been poured into our hearts, through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us, which Jesus speaks about in the gospel. They are four different books of the bible, written in different times, but are all related – just like the Holy Trinity.

This is one of the mysteries of our faith that is very hard to explain and understand. That’s why it is a mystery, and that’s why only a heart full of faith can accept and understand this. We may not be able to explain it well, or may not be able to understand everything, but we just need to have faith.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are all there for us. We may not understand how everything works, so we just need to have faith in what Jesus said in the gospel – that we cannot bear everything now… but we will in God’s perfect time.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for reminding me how much you love me. Thank you for my faith that makes living easier. Father God, as I live my life, I do not and will not understand everything that is happening. But Lord, I ask for faith that trusts in your love, trusts in the Holy Trinity, even if I cannot explain or understand. May I live my life by faith and not by sight. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Kingdom is Theirs

The WORD today (See reminds me how different from ours God’s standards are.

What makes children so special? Nowadays, we probably will say that children are special because they remind us how simple life is, or how beautiful life is, or that they can take our stress away. However, during the times of Jesus, the children were the least in society, together with women. That is why in one of the accounts of the feeding of multitude, only the men were counted – women and children were excluded from the count (Mt 14:13-21;&version=NASB)

When we say great, we tend to think of accomplishments. Great career, money and power. However, Jesus standards are not like ours. He considered the children great and special, that’s why he said the kingdom of God is for those children.


Precisely because of the reason why they were the least in society. They were least because they cannot contribute anything to their family and to society, they were totally dependent on their parents to survive. However, Jesus wants that attitude – to be totally dependent on God to survive, to know that they cannot do anything or contribute anything significant if not blessed by God.

May we realize that God’s standard of greatness is not like ours, and be humble and surrender our lives to Him like children to their parents… then we can expect to be welcomed in God’s kingdom as well.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another weekend. Lord, I pray that I may be productive for your kingdom this weekend. I surrender to you my plans for the weekend, and I allow you to bring me where I would be able to glorify you the most. Lord, May I always remember that your standards of greatness are different from the world, and may I always remember to humble myself and submit to you, totally depending on you as I live my life, pretty much how I was when I was a child. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

Friday, May 24, 2013

True Friend

The WORD today (see reminds me how blessed it is to have true friends.

Let your acquaintances be many,
but one in a thousand your confidant.

When you gain a friend, first test him,
and be not too ready to trust him.
For one sort is a friend when it suits him,
but he will not be with you in time of distress.
Another is a friend who becomes an enemy,
and tells of the quarrel to your shame.
Another is a friend, a boon companion,
who will not be with you when sorrow comes.
When things go well, he is your other self,
and lords it over your servants;
But if you are brought low, he turns against you
and avoids meeting you.
Keep away from your enemies;
be on your guard with your friends.
A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter;
he who finds one finds a treasure.
A faithful friend is beyond price,
no sum can balance his worth.
A faithful friend is a life-saving remedy,
such as he who fears God finds;
For he who fears God behaves accordingly,
and his friend will be like himself.

Come to think of it – this is true. We have many acquaintances. How many hundreds or thousands of facebook friends do you have? How many hundreds, thousands, or even millions of people follow you on twitter and instagram? However, not all these can be considered real friends.

When things are going well, we feel we have a lot of friends. There are a lot of people around us, always happy and celebrating with us. It is common for people who win a lottery, or win something big, to say that after winning, they suddenly have more relatives, more friends coming to them, celebrating with them, and wanting a part of their prize or victory. However, when the going gets tough, that’s when we will know who our real friends are. When we’re down and out, when people avoid us, when people speak ill of us – this is when we will know who our real, genuine and faithful friends are. And these situations, aside from being hardships in our lives, reveal to us a priceless gift – genuine friendship.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you that it’s Friday! Lord, I thank you for the gift of friends.  I may not have a lot, Lord, but I have more than enough. Thank you for genuine and real friends that make your love so alive in my life. Thank you for genuine friends that have always been there, and I know will always be there for me – not just in victory and happy times, but more importantly during challenging times. Thank you for always making sure I have genuine friends that will remind me how much you love me when I tend to forget. Lord, as I thank you for my friends, I pray that you also make me a genuine friend to others, so I may in turn let them experience your love. Amen.

Blessed Friday!

In Christ,

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Don't Abuse It

The WORD today (See reminds me not to become abusive of God’s goodness

They say that anything excessive is bad – even being excessively good. If we don’t know our limits, there is a risk that people will abuse the goodness you have, thus is does not become helpful to everyone. God’s goodness is infinite. Yes, it does not run out, but we are reminded not to abuse it.

Say not: “I have sinned, yet what has befallen me?”
for the Most High bides his time.
Of forgiveness be not overconfident,
adding sin upon sin.
Say not: “Great is his mercy;
my many sins he will forgive.”
For mercy and anger alike are with him;
upon the wicked alights his wrath.
Delay not your conversion to the LORD,

We say that we should take advantage of the sacraments. That we should maximize the sacraments. We should confess and be at peace with God. However, this should not be an excuse to commit sin.  Yes, he forgives us everytime we confess, but God also sees our hearts. He sees if the repentance is genuine or if we know that we can sin anytime because we can confess anytime. Maximizing and taking advantage of the sacraments is not the same as abusing it.

In the bible, it is said that Jesus only promised heaven to one person – the repentant thief who was crucified beside him. Probably he was a lucky man – having had the chance to repent just moments before he dies, and being promised heaven by Jesus himself. Sometimes we joke about this – how lucky he was to live life the way he wanted to, and just repented before he died. Also, some even go further by joking that we can live our lives the way we want to, just make sure to repent before you die. Well, they say that the greatest lie of the devil is  to make us think there is still time. No need to convert yet, there is still time to repent before we die or when we get old. We can hurt other people, there is still time to make amends later on. We can sin, there is still time to confess. No need to pray or hear mass, there’s still tomorrow or next Sunday. Jesus strongly warns us about this. Do not delay your conversion.

God is a great God – unending in love, mercy and compassion. However, he is also a just God – not leaving the guilty, guiltless. May we remember not to abuse God’s love and goodness towards us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for giving me another day to live for you. Lord, I pray that I always be reminded not to abuse your love. May I never too complacent of your love for me, of your goodness and compassion over me. Help me make the most of the sacraments, but not to abuse it. Disturb me Lord when I am being too complacent and too comfortable with my life, so that I may not veer away from you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Live It

The WORD today (see reminds me that we need to live our faith so we can prove it, not just profess it

She walks with him as a stranger
and at first she puts him to the test;
Fear and dread she brings upon him
and tries him with her discipline
until she try him by her laws and trust his soul.
Then she comes back to bring him happiness
and reveal her secrets to them
and she will heap upon him
treasures of knowledge and an understanding of justice.
But if he fails her, she will abandon him
and deliver him into the hands of despoilers.

The first reading tells us that we need to prove ourselves first. Wisdom, as with other things in life, is not something that can be attained easily. We need to experience challenges – tests, fear, etc, until we can prove that we are really serious in our faith, in our desire to seek God and know Him more. Then after we are sure, we will be rewarded.

Nothing comes easy. The harder you work for something, the sweeter it is once you achieve or attain that thing. Same goes for our faith, the more serious we are, the more serious we work on our faith and our relationship with God, the closer we will be with him, the stronger our faith will be.

We need to live our faith. We need to work to strengthen our faith. We need to read the bible to get to know God more. We need to pray to get closer and more intimate with Him.  We need to maximize the sacraments to feel his love more alive in our lives. We need to serve Him through others so we can experience the joy of serving and loving Him. We need to act – not just say things.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the pleasant surprises you have been giving me. Thank you for reminding me that you never disappoint. Thank you for your love that cannot be matched. Lord, I pray that your love move me to continue to love you, continue to surrender to you, and continue to live my life for you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Don’t You Worry, Child

The WORD today (see reminds me not to worry about things, and have childlike faith in God.

There is a story of a 7 year old boy riding an airplane alone. He was seated on the window side and was looking outside, admiring the beauty of the sky when the plane experienced turbulence. It was shaking hard that people started panicking. Some were already crying, and some prayed the rosary together – despite the announcement of the Captain of the plane that there is nothing to worry about. However, even if people were panicking, the boy remained calm and continued to marvel at what he is seeing outside. Finally, his seatmate asked him – why are you so calm? Are you not scared we are going to crash? To this the boy replied: “I am not afraid. My dad is the captain – I trust him

This is what Jesus wants us to have. This is why Jesus wants little children. In the gospel, he says that whoever receives children receives Him – and ultimately God. Why the special love for children? Probably because during those times, children were helpless. They were the least in society (together with women) so they were not given much importance. But more than that, I believe Jesus has special love for children because of their faith. Like the child in the story, children cannot do anything on their own. They have to rely on other people – to eat, to get dressed, to live their lives. They put their faith on their parents that despite what’s happening around, their parents will continue to take care of them.

The readings today are full of beautiful promises and reminders for us.

Yes, we will experience challenges and hardships, like Jesus warned us about in the gospel and first reading. But he also promised help as we go through these.

“… undisturbed in time of adversity… Trust in God and God will help you… love Him and your heats will be enlightened… has anyone hoped in the Lord and been disappointed? Has anyone persevered in his commandments and been forsaken? Has anyone called upon him and been rebuffed? … delight yourself in the Lord and he will grant your heart’s desires…”

Such powerful and inspiring words from God.

Like the child in the story, may we not focus on the challenges and persecutions or on what’s happening outside. Instead, may we have faith that God, our Father and Captain of our lives, will always be there and will not leave us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your word that continues to inspire me, that continues to encourage and strengthen my  faith. Lord, I am sorry for letting challenges overwhelm me. I am sorry for focusing on my emotions and on the challenges I am experiencing, instead of focusing on your love and power. Lord, I thank you that your reminder always come perfectly. I pray Lord that I be like a kid, fully trusting and relying on you as I live my life. May i always focus on you and your love as I live my life and as I serve you, and not on other things. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Monday, May 20, 2013

Faith and Humility

The WORD today (see reminds us how powerful faith in God is, and how important it is to be humble and ask for it.

The gospel tells of a story of a boy possessed by a powerful demon – so powerful that the disciples could not drive it out. The boy’s father was losing hope, feeling helpless on the situation. See an excerpt of the conversation between the boy’s father and Jesus.

“‘If you can!’ Everything is possible to one who has faith.”
Then the boy’s father cried out, “I do believe, help my unbelief!”

How  often do we act like the father? How often do we feel helpless in situations, that even us think that God cannot do anything about it? How often do we say we trust in God, but are not sure of it ourselves? How often do we say we have faith but deep in our hearts, we are still troubled and we do not know if God can really help us out.

As human beings, we are sometimes limited by what we see. We tend to think “realistically”, based on our situation or on what is actually happening. We focus on what is obvious and what we think is possible based on what happened previously or what our senses can perceive and do. However, unfortunately, sometimes we think God is the same with us – that he is limited by time and space, that his power is not real anymore, that he cannot do things except those what we think is possible and normal. We sometimes base our faith on what we think is possible instead on what God can do. We say we have faith in God, but at the back of our minds, we are thinking of alternative ways because we don’t think God will really come to help us out.

Faith is important for God to do has been mentioned that faith can move mountains, and the lack of faith of people caused him not to do many miracles in his own town. And in the gospel, we are reminded that anything is possible to one who has faith. We may not immediately have that strong a faith, and it’s okay. As we can see, the boy’s father cried out to Jesus. I do believe, help my unbelief. Yes, I believe but not entirely. Naniniwala naman ako, Lord, pero kulang pa. I have faith in you – your love and your power, but sometimes the power of the world, the temptations and distractions of the world, is just so overwhelming. God, help me. Increase my faith.

May we be humble enough to admit that we lack faith, and pray that God help our unbelief and increase our faith in Him. May we really remember and live this – nothing is impossible to those who have faith.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the weekend. Thank you for this beautiful reminder as I start the week – that nothing is impossible to those who have faith. Father God, I pray that you help me unbelief. I pray that you increase my faith. There are a lot of things I am thinking – things about my career, my family, and my service to you. Lord, I pray that you increase my faith and help me just trust in you as I live my life. I know you have great plans for me, and I know you will not disappoint me. May I always be open and allow you to pleasantly surprise me as I live for you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections (these contain some of my favourite faith stories):

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Equipped (Pentecost 2013)

The WORD today (see
reminds me that God always equips us as we do His work. 

As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them,
“Receive the Holy Spirit.

Working for God is not easy, but God makes sure that as we work for Him, we are equipped and capable. That is why he sent the Holy Spirit to be with us always and to guide us as we work for Him. 

What's the catch? What's the prerequisite for the Holy Spirit to remain in us? We have to be empty and clean. 

Empty and clean. God and sin cannot mix. That is why if we are sinful, or are secretly living sinful lives, God cannot be with us. The Holy Spirit cannot dwell in us. And if we are full of ourselves, God cannot stay with us if we do not have space for Him. Only if we are living righteous lives and if we have space for Him can we truly be equipped to serve God. 

Father God, 
Thank you for today. Thank you for the sun that not only brightens my day, but gives energy to me. Lord, I pray that i always be reminded that you will equip me as i serve you. May I always remember too that I need to do my part as well - to be clean and empty so i can make space for you, so I can receive you.  Amen. 

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

You Follow Me

The WORD today (see reminds me that I should just focus on Jesus as I do his work.

It is true that no man is an island. We are all related to each other, connected to each other, and dependent on each other. However, this sometimes results to us thinking about other people too much, comparing ourselves with other people, focusing on what other people have that we don’t. This is what Jesus did not like about Peter in today’s gospel. See excerpt…

When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about him?”
Jesus said to him, “What if I want him to remain until I come?
What concern is it of yours?
You follow me.”

Jesus wants us to just follow him, to just focus on him as we serve and work for Him. He does not want us to compare ourselves with other people and ask – why do I not have this? Why is he gifted with this, but not me? Why can he do this, but not me? Why does he have all the things I want? Why is he so happy and blessed? These things will distract us because it will put the focus on ourselves, rather than God. If we compare ourselves with other people, we will focus on things we do not have, on things that we want for ourselves, instead of focusing on God and devoting our time and energy to build God’s kingdom.

“You follow me. Do not focus on other things, on other people.” We see a perfect example on focusing on God in the first reading. Saint Paul was imprisoned, but he did not focus on himself or on his situation. He did not feel sorry for himself, he did not pity himself, he did not get mad at God for what is happening to him. It’s hard, but he kept his focus on God. The situation did not dampen his spirit, and did not weaken his faith. He continued to focus on God as he worked for God.

May we always put our focus on God, not on other people, not on other things.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for this brand new day to rest and spend time with people I love. Lord, I pray that I be able to use this day to rest and recharge as I continue to work for you. As I work for you, may I be like Saint Paul who continued to focus on you despite the situation he was in. I know serving you is not easy – there will be a lot of challenges, persecutions and hurts, but I pray that I may not focus on these things. May I always heed your call to just focus on you and follow you. Amen.

Blessed weekend!

In Christ,

Friday, May 17, 2013

He Knows Us

The WORD today (see reminds me that God really knows us, until even the smallest details.

This gospel is a popular one (as seen in the related reflections below) but today, what struck me today in the gospel is the part which tells us that Jesus talked to Peter after they have eaten breakfast (probably because I just had mine)

After Jesus had revealed himself to his disciples and eaten breakfast with them,
he said to Simon Peter

It’s amazing how great God is. It’s amazing how much Jesus knows us. Shows that he really is human like us. He knows how people generally feel good after eating, especially breakfast which is the first meal of the day. IT’s better to talk to people with full stomach than to talk to hungry or tired people. He knows us, even the simplest and littlest details.

We may sometimes feel our prayers are unanswered. We may sometimes feel that God does not care. The gospel today says otherwise. He knows us, and he knows what is best for us. If we don’t feel his answer to our prayers, maybe he is just answering us in a way different from what we expect. When we feel God is silent, maybe he is just waiting for the perfect time to talk to us, time when we will be ready to receive him and accept his message.

Do I recognize how much God knows me? Do I realize his timing and his ways of reaching out to me are made and done exactly for me? What instances in my life have I felt his presence and love in a personal way, in a way that only I can feel, recognize or understand?

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for reminding me how much you love me, and how much you know about me. Lord, thank you for taking time to know me, and to make your presence alive in my life in ways only I can understand and only I can feel. Lord, I pray that I always be sensitive to you. Help me to always trust in you, especially during times when I don’t feel you in my life. Like you did with Peter, I know your timing is always perfect, and I will patiently wait for it. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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