Monday, October 1, 2012

Childlike Job

The WORD today (See reminds me to have a childlike faith, as lived by Job.

One of my favourite stories in the bible is the life of Job. He has such great faith in God, and a great perspective on life. He knows that everything he has is from God, and just as we should be thankful and grateful for what God has given us, so should we be thankful for the opportunity to have them when God takes them away. We should not hold on to these things, because God is the owner, not us, and it is up to him until when he will lend us these things in life. Job knows that he came into the world with nothing and he will leave this world with nothing as well.

In the gospel, we are again told of the importance of being a child, of having a childlike attitude. Like a child, we should be totally dependent on God, our Father. Material things should not be a concern to us. We should just keep our focus on God, and have faith that even if he does not give us everything we want, he has the best intentions in his heart, and will give us what we need, what will be good for us.

In our lives, it is easy to be distracted. There are a lot of things people hold on to right now, especially with the  age of technology. We tend to make life complicated. We have mobile / smart phones. We have all these kinds of gadgets. We have all these attachments to things of the world – people, possessions, places, etc. We are reminded to be like Job, to thank God not only for giving us these things, but even if when he takes it away. We should remember that we were born naked and no matter how much we have in this world, we cannot bring any of these things when we die, so instead of being busy accumulating all the things of the world, we are asked to have a childlike faith and prepare for eternity with God, knowing that he will provide us what we need in this world.

What is my greatest possession? What will I feel if someone steals it, or if I lose it? Do I realize that God can give anything, and can take away anything anytime? Do I remember that life on earth is temporary? Do I realize that I cannot bring anything when I die? Do I prepare for eternity?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your faithful servant Job. Thank you for giving us an example of how to live a life fully surrendered to you. Lord, help me focus on you. Help me stay away from distractions in life. May I live my life preparing for eternity and focused on accumulating worldly possessions, because I know that as I came to this world with nothing, so will I leave this world. Lord, I also thank you for continuously protecting me from the evil one. Amen.

Blessed Week!

In Christ,

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