Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Knowledge is Power

The WORD today (see reminds me how powerful knowing something is, plus doing it makes it more powerful.

In stocks, there is a term called insider trading. This is when someone who has access to non-public, confidential information uses this information for their advantage. This is generally not legal, because it puts to an advantage someone with the information. For example, when someone knows that a small company will be bought by a big company, stocks for the small company can be bought for the normal rate, then when the announcement is made, the stock price of the small company usually goes high and the person can sell the stocks for profit. This goes true for as well for situations that will make the price of the company lower, such as retirement of the CEO or something. It shows how powerful information is, especially when one does something with that information.

In the gospel, we see Jesus telling us that more will be required with the person entrusted with much, and more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more. As followers of Christ, we know what is important in life. we know that we should live our lives serving God and glorifying him. Because we know this, we are expected to live our lives consistent with this knowledge. We know what God wants, so we should live lives pleasing to Him. We are not to be contented with that, as we live our lives for Him, we should also bring others to Him and be his ambassadors here on earth.

Do I know what God wants? Do I do what God wants? What prevents me from fully following God’s ways? Do I fall for the devil’s trap in telling us that there is time to change later on, that we can continue living sinful lives, and just repent later on, only to find out that it’s too late, that God is calling us already?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your word that continues to nourish me. Lord, I ask that I be sensitive to you all the time. I know what you want me to do – to live a life pleasing to you, glorifying and magnifying you through my life. I ask that you help me live this. Help me live my life consistent to how you want me to. May I start now, and not fall into the enemy’s lie that it is no rush, that I will always have time to change my ways. As I live my life consistent to how you want me to, may I also bring other people to you and help build your kingdom here on earth. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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