Thursday, October 4, 2012

Trust God

The WORD today (see reminds me to trust in God wholeheartedly, no matter what.

The gospel shows us Jesus sending his disciples to proclaim God’s kingdom. First thing told them to do was to pray. “Go and ask the master of the harvest…” Pray first before working. This shows how important it is to start everything by prayer, how important being grounded in faith, through prayer, is. Then Jesus told them his instructions. They were told not to bring anything for the journey. They were asked to trust in God, that he will provide for everything they need. God called them to do his work, and he will give them what they need for it, they just need to trust in Him.

In the first reading, we see Job doing that in his life. He was relying on God. Despite challenges and hardships, he was totally reliant on God to continue to provide for him. Job still respected and loved God, despite the challenges in life.

We are called to do the same. Not everything will be easy. We will surely experience challenges – but we are asked to focus on God, be totally dependent on Him, trusting that he will provide everything we need to serve Him well.

What challenges am I experiencing in my life? Do I feel alone? Where is God’s hand during these times? How do I react and what do I do? Do I continue to trust in God, that he will provide, or do I do things my own way, out of my own resources?

Father God,
There are times that I do not understand what is happening in my life. There are times when I do not understand what you want me to do. But Lord, I ask that you give me faith that would just let go and trust you. May I have the heart that will abandon myself and my human way of thinking, and just surrender fully to your will, trusting that you would equip me and provide everything I need to serve you well. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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