Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Iron Man and You

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/102312.cfm) reminds me how important and powerful it is to have Jesus at the center of our lives.

Iron man is one of the more famous superheroes. He is powerful and intelligent, both as tony stark and as iron man. As iron man, he is a very strong superhero, having great powers in his armour. What powers him is the reactor in his chest. This reactor enables him to do great things and gives him superhuman abilities. Without this reactor, it will be very difficult for him to do what he does.

What is the relationship between iron man and me?

and members of the household of God,
built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets,
with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone.

We are reminded to make Christ as the capstone, the center, the foundation of our lives. Like iron man and his reactor, we can only do great things if Jesus is in the center of our lives. We can only achieve real greatness if he is in our hearts, and if we allow Him to control our lives. On our own, our abilities are very limited, but with God’s power, we can achieve great things with whatever we have. As we put Jesus in the center of our lives and allow Him to control us, he will take what we have, and magnify it for his purpose, for his glory.

Is Jesus in the center of my life? Do I allow him to control my life? What prevents me from making him the center and from giving him total control of my life? Do I realize that I can start with prayer and building a relationship with him, and from there, he can and will slowly consume me, if I let him?

Father God,
Thank you for your Word. Thank you for your love. Thank you for this day. Lord, I ask that you help me surrender to you. help me give my life to you and make you the center of my life. I know that it is only through this that I can do great things for you. I know that without you, I can do nothing, so help me stay in you and I have faith that you will slowly consume me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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