Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Gentle with Power

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/093014.cfm) reminds me that God is very gentle with his power.

There is a saying that "Just because you can, does not mean you should" This applies to many aspects of life, and in the gospel Jesus shows this to us as well. Just because he is powerful and can do things, does not mean he would do it.

When people did not welcome them, the disciples were furious. The fact that they wanted to send fire from heaven means they really can do it. Good thing God is not swayed by emotions. Good thing God is a gentle God, no matter how powerful he is.

In the same way God is gentle, we too are reminded to be gentle as we deal with others.

There are people who have more power than others. There are people who have more money than others. There are people who have more influence than others. God is telling us what he told the disciples, be gentle. The more you have, the more gentle you should also be. God lent us these things not for us to lord it over others, but for us to use these to help others as well.

May we always be reminded to be gentle as we deal with others, especially when we have the capacity not to be.

Father God,
thank you for today. Thank you for another Tuesday. Thank you for September. Lord, I ask that you help me be more and more like you. May I be gentle as you are gentle. May I always be reminded that the power, money and influence I may have is not because of me, but because of you. And may I always remember that these should not be abused, but to be used well for your glory. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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