Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Emotions Are High

The WORD today (http://usccb.org/bible/readings/032613.cfm) reminds me not to let me emotions control me

There is a saying that before you speak or reply, count to ten. If angry, count to 100.

Emotions are very powerful. When people are very happy, they tend to agree or promise anything. Same is true when people are mad. They tend to say hurtful things they don’t really mean. That is why it is important to not let emotions control us in our lives.

In the gospel, we see Peter saying that he would die for Jesus. Probably his emotions were high. He was probably afraid at the fact that Jesus would soon leave them. He probably wanted to defend Christ too. However, we all knew what happened when Christ was arrested. He did not live up to his word.

Emotions change instantly. One moment you’re up, another your down. Now you’re happy, then something happens and you’re suddenly angry at the world. That is why it is important to let emotions settle and not get controlled by them. That is why it is important to be anchored on God – because He does not change. No matter how we may feel, up or down, angry or happy, God’s love, power, mercy and grace is constant, is always there, and will always be there.

May we not let our emotions get the best of us, instead, anchor ourselves on our constant God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me to not let emotions control me. Lord, I am sorry for making promises or saying things when emotions are high. Sorry for the times I have not lived up to my promises, for the times I have said hurtful things because of my emotions. And I thank you Lord for like with Peter, you will always give me enough ways to make up for it and to prove that I love you. Lord, may I anchor my life on you and always remember your constant love for me. Amen..

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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