Friday, March 1, 2013

Part 1

The WORD today (see reminds me that part 1 is not the end of the story.

A usual story plot is that the main character is introduced and the plot is established. Then the main character experiences difficulties, challenges or persecution. Then the climax, leading into the happy, successful or victorious ending.

I believe our lives are similar to this as well.

The first reading tells us of the story of Joseph. Yes, he was the favourite of his dad, but hated by his envious brothers. We see the first part of his story, that there was a plot to kill him, but he was eventually sold as a slave.

Imagine the change. From being the favourite of your dad, you were suddenly sold as a slave. What big a change is that.

He may have asked himself what the reason is for that happening. He probably was not a selfish person who keeps things to himself. Probably he was sharing to his brothers as well. Probably not a bad person just because his dad liked him. but why did this happen? Why turned into a slave?

There are times like these in our lives. Times when we feel we do not deserve the bad things or challenges happening in our lives. Times when we question God. Times when we feel helpless or hopeless, when we feel and think there’s no bright future in sight.

Be not afraid.

This is just the first part of your story.

Like with Joseph, God has a beautiful future for us. He has great things in store for us. He has great plans for us!

We may not see it now, we may not feel it now, but do not worry. Have faith. Your part 2 is coming up!

Father God,
Thank you for giving me another day to live. Thank you for your wisdom, that you see beyond what our eyes can see. Thank you for your goodness, that you have for us the best plans. Lord, there are times when I am in the situation where Joseph is – when things seem dark, when there seems to be no future of hope, when I question the not so nice things that are happening to me. Lord, during these times, help me remember that I am just in part 1 of my life story. Remind me that you have the best in store for me, that my part 2 will be better. Help me have faith, and as I wait for the next part of my life, may I continuously serve you, love you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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