Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ruler of the World

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/043013.cfm) reminds me who the ruler of this world is.

This may be a shock to some, but Jesus is not the ruler of the world. The devil is. That is why this is an evil world. Yes there are good people, but the world hates Jesus because Jesus is not of the world. That is why we call “worldly concerns” those concerns which are not essential to the soul. We call a “worldly lifestyle” that which focuses on this world and what it has to offer – money, fame, women, material things, etc.

However, it is great to know that Jesus himself said that “the ruler of the world” has no power over him. He did not die because of the devil’s power. No, definitely not. He died because of his great love for God.What does this tell us? That we should not be afraid to live for Christ because just as the enemy has no power over Jesus, he too has no power over us who work in Jesus’ name. Yes, we live in the world but NOT of the world.

May we remember that just as the enemy, the ruler of the world, has no power over Jesus, he too does not have power over us as we serve in Jesus name. Let us remember Christ’s word – “do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that even if the enemy rules the world, he has no power over you, and as I work for you in your name, he has no power over me as well. May I remember to continuously and tirelessly work for you as I live my life in this world. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, April 29, 2013

Not Me!

The WORD today (seehttp://usccb.org/bible/readings/042913.cfm) reminds me that all praise and glory should always be given to God, not to ourselves.

In life, it is not unusual to receive acknowledgement and commendations, and it is not unusual to feel good and congratulate ourselves when we receive these things. However, when it comes to working for God, our attitude should be different.

In the first reading, Paul and Barnabas were doing God’s work, and with it came powers to do great things. They healed a man and people saw it as a sign of their power, not God’s. hey thought they were gods themselves, so they were planning to offer sacrifices to them. However, the two insisted that they are not the one who healed the man – that it is only by God’s grace and God’s power that they were able to do that.

How many times do we forget this?

Sometimes, when we work for God and when we do great things – when people commend us for our strength, our prayer, our service, our actions – we feel good about ourselves and we forget the actual source of our strength and reason for our actions. We may forget that it is only by God’s grace and his power that we are able to do those things. We should not let human affirmation take us out of focus as we serve God.

May we be inspired by Paul Barnabas in always bringing glory only to God, and be one with the psalmist in saying that “Not to us, O Lord, but to your name  give the glory”

Blessed week!

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you through the SE Weekend. Thank you for rewarding me with strength as I serve you with what I have got. Lord, I pray that you always make me remember how great and loving you are, and because of that love I am able to do great things as I serve you. May I always bring you back all the glory as I build your kingdom on earth. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, April 28, 2013

All Things New

The WORD today (http://usccb.org/bible/readings/042813.cfm) reminds me that God's love makes all things new.

God loves us so much. All of us know that already. But not all of us feel it or understand it.


Because we dont care enough.

We are too preoccupied on the world and are too busy building our kingdom on earth. We are too focused on the love we want to get from other people that we neglect the source of love itself, the source of love that is just so crazy about us. We are too eager to feel the earthly and physical manifestations of love that we ignore the one whose love is lasting and eternal, and is sending us everyday manifestations of that love.

God loves us. His love is powerful than anything. His love is bigger than any sin we have committed. His love is stronger than a heart hardened to you.

God is just too eager and excited to make us feel his love. We just have to consistently allow Him toü

Blessed day!

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for loving me. I pray that my heart be opened and let you love me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Power of the Name

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/042713.cfm) reminds me how powerful Jesus name is.

And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it

In life, connections are important. In school, work, business and anywhere, knowing someone powerful gives you an advantage already. This is what Jesus is giving us.

We are CHRISTIANS. Without CHRIST, I Am Nothing. We cannot do anything on our own, so Jesus gave us the authority to work for his name.

The disciples were able to heal the sick, brought dead back to life, expel demons and work miracles all in the name of Jesus. Thats how powerful his name is.

But it will only be powerful if we do things for Him. If we do things to glorify him, not ourselves. God knows what is in our hearts, and he will give us whatever we ask in his name as long as we do it to glorify him and as long as it is consistent with his plans for us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your powerful name that we can use. Lord, i pray that we always remember how much you love us and how much power there is in your name. May we always depend on you and remember that as long as we ask in your name and for your glory, it will be given. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,


The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/042613.cfm) reminds me to relax and have faith as God has everything under control.

The start of the gospel tells us...

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me

Such beautiful and powerful words by Jesus. Relax. Dont panic. I got this all covered. Have faith in me.

It is easy to be overwhelmed in life. It is easy to lose sight of the goal. It is easy to be discouraged and shaken when things dont go the way we want it, or the way we think it should be. There are a lot of things we cannot control, but what we can control is how we react to things and situations.

God is telling us today that we should not let things overwhelm us. God has everything under control. Let us continue to focus on him and have faith in him as we serve him and as we live our lives.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you that after one year, our community is again sponsoring another singles encounter weekend. Lord, i thank you for your message today, that i be calm and relax as i serve you. Many things may bot go my way, many things cannot be controlled. But lord, you are telling me to be still and have my heart planted on yours. May i just have faith and focus on you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Evangelist in Me

The WORD today (seehttp://usccb.org/bible/readings/042513.cfm) reminds me that we are called to be evangelists in our own little or big way

As we celebrate the feast of St Mark, we too are encouraged to be an evangelist and bring the good news to others. God asks us to do that, and he tells us that he will be with us as we do so.

Our community will be having the Singles Encounter Weekend starting tomorrow night, and I feel that God is personally reminding us through his word. We are given an opportunity to evangelize this weekend. We are given to proclaim God’s goodness and praise his name. We are given an opportunity to be Christ to others.

However, our call to be evangelists are not limited to such religious activities. In our day to day lives, in our dealings with people at work, in school and in our family, we are called to be evangelists as well. Proclaiming God’s greatness and goodness does not come only on retreats, but everyday of our lives. The way we live our lives is a testament of how great God is, and it is the most powerful testimony of our faith.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for people like St Mark who tirelessly worked for your kingdom – to build your kingdom on earth and to proclaim it. Lord, I ask that you help me proclaim your kingdom in my life. Help me build your kingdom, not mine, and in the way  I live my life, may other people see how great and loving you are, and may it bring them to you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

On Our Own

The WORD today (seehttp://usccb.org/bible/readings/042413.cfm) reminds me that no one is responsible for our condemnation but ourselves.

In the gospel, Jesus says that he did not come into this world to condemn it. God is love, and out of that love, he sent his only Son to die for us to save us from our sins. There is no hatred or judgement or condemnation in that. So we should not think Christ came to condemn and judge us.

Good news – God is not keen on punishing and judging us. We bring judgement upon ourselves. We choose how we want to be judged.

Whoever rejects me and does not accept my words
has something to judge him: the word that I spoke,
it will condemn him on the last day

We choose how we live our lives. We choose who we follow and obey. We choose our priorities in life. We choose who we surrender our life to. We choose our destiny with the way we live our lives – if we want to be with God and live our life on earth preparing for it, or if we want to have things our way and not his, and live our lives on earth as kings of our lives.

God loves us – and he loves us so much that he gave us free will to choose the way we want to live our lives. May we always remember to choose him, and that our actions will ultimately judge us when he comes.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how much you love me. Lord, I pray that as I live my life, I always choose you. May I live my life in honor and glory of you, so that when you come to judge us, my actions and my life would tell you that I love you and I want to be with you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Can’t Stop Him

The WORD today (seehttp://usccb.org/bible/readings/042313.cfm) reminds me that nothing can stop God.

In the first reading, we see what happened after Stephen was martyred. People were scattered. Probably the devil was thinking that he won, that the people would now be afraid and Christ’s kingdom would not be proclaimed. However, the opposite of this happened. Instead of being afraid, they proclaimed that kingdom of God and it was in Antioch that they were called Christians.

Good News! Nothing can stop God’s plan!

What the devil has intended for evil can be turned by God into something good.

In our lives, we experience things like these. We sometimes feel afraid or worried about things. We feel that we are helpless and cannot do anything about a certain situation. We are reminded that God is in control and that no one can stop him from fulfilling his great plans for us. The enemy may try to distract us, to dishearten us or derail us, but we should remember that there is nothing the devil can do that will prevent God from making his plans come true, from spreading his kingdom on earth. Let us continue to allow God to use us to spread his love and goodness on earth.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for being present in my relationship with friends. Thank you for not allowing differences in opinion affect good relationships founded on you. Lord, I thank you also for being my God. I am blessed to be serving a powerful God that nothing can go against. Lord, I pray that as I experience challenges in my life, I always remember that nothing can stand against you, and I just have to focus on you and keep my faith in you, knowing that in due time, things will be better. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, April 22, 2013

Do You Smell Like Sheep?

The WORD today (Seehttp://usccb.org/bible/readings/042213.cfm) reminds me that we should get our hands dirty as we serve God.

The gospel again talks about Jesus talks about being not just the good shepherd, but the gate who protects not only the sheep but his undershepherds as well.

Shepherds care a lot for their lambs. They spend a lot of time with them – not just as a flock, but individually. They sleep with them, actually at the gate, to protect them from wandering and being lost and from danger. This shows how important it is to really get involved, to get our hands dirty as we serve others. Sheeps generally do not smell good, but there is a saying that a real shepherd smells like sheep – because he cares for them, spend time with them and is intimate with them – however dirty or smelly they may be.

In the first reading we see Peter acting like a real shepherd. He may have been hesitant at first, but eventually he obeyed God and got hid hands dirty when he spent time with gentiles – considered as unclean that time because they were not the chosen people.

All of us, whatever we do, are called to be shepherds to other people. As a parent, we are shepherds of our children. As an elder sibling, we are shepherds of the younger ones. Supervisors and executives are shepherds of their team members. Teachers are shepherds of their classes. Coaches are shephers of their teams. Leaders are shephers of their flock as well. No matter what we do, no matter how big or small our responsibility as a sheherd may be, we are called to care for and get our hands dirty as we serve and love our sheep, and not forget Jesus – our one, true shepherd.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for making me feel special. Lord, even if you have millions of cihldren, you never fail to make me feel special, to make me feel loved. You are a very personal God, and I thank you for that. I also thank you for entrusting me with people to take care of. I pray that as I serve you, I may also get my hands dirty as I care for others. May I lead them towards you – our one, true shepherd. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

The Voice

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/042113.cfm) reminds me how important it is to know and recognize God's voice.

I have been watching the latest season of 'The Voice' where the elimination round goes with the coaches being turned away from the artists, and when they like what they hear from the artist, they are turned around, see the artist, and signify that they want the artist on their team. This is a good way to choose, since the focus would be on the voice, not on their appearance or stage presence. The coaches need to hear that special something in the voice of the artists.

The gospel today is similar. "My sheep know my voice... And they follow me"

We are reminded and challenged. Do we hear God's voice amidst the busyness of everyday life? Do we even recognize and know his voice? Lastly, do we listen?

May we spend time in prayer, sacraments, and scripture so we can know and recognize God's word. It is easier to recognize someone's voice if there is a close relationship. As we try to develop that, as we start to know and recognize his voice, may we be willing to act and follow Him. One with the coaches of the voice, may we say to God - i want you on my team... I want you in my life.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for always making me feel your love. Thank you for your surprises in life that reminds me that you are always watching over me. Lord, i pray that you help me develop a personal and intimate relationship with you, so that i would know and recognize your voice. And as i listen to it, may i also act upon it and follow you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Good Fruit

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/042013.cfm) encourages me to bear good fruit for God.

We Filipinos have a saying - "kung ano akg puno, sya rin ang bunga" or in english, the tree will be known by its fruit. A good tree bears good fruit, or a good fruit comes from a good tree.

In the first reading, we see Peter bearing good fruit for God. He was healing people and performing miracles not to make himself famous, but for God. He was glorifying God through these things, and people were turning to God because of him.

In our lives, we are challenged to see if we bear good fruit for God. Do our actions magnify and glorify Him? Do we do things for God? Do we praise God with our lives, or just with our lips?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for making me feel your presence in my life. Thank you for your love. Lord, as i live my life, may i be inspired to live for you - to do things to praise and honor you. May i bear good fruit for you, as a testament of you, the good tree, the source of my being. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Friday, April 19, 2013

Never Gives Up

The WORD today (seehttp://usccb.org/bible/readings/041913.cfm) reminds me that God never gives up on us.

I attended a prayer last night, and one of the songs used by the leaders is  “One Thing Remains” by Jesus Culture. Part of the song goes:

Your love never fails, never gives up
Never run out on me…

I believe this is true. As we see in the first reading, God never gives up on us. His love never gives up on us.

As we have seen in the readings the previous days, Saul was a fierce persecutor of Christians. He was there, and he consented, when St Stephen, the first martyr, died. However, God did not give up on him, and still chose him to be one of the great, if not the greatest evangelist. We see today how God called him while he was on his way to Damascus.

We also see how God did not give up on Ananias. Unlike Mary, who gave her “yes” right there and then, Ananias had concerns. He voiced out his concerns to God – probably because he was angry at Saul for persecuting Christians, and maybe afraid that Saul could put him to death. However, God did not give up on Ananias. He explained and continued to ask Ananias to help Saul, which he eventually did.

In our lives, we too have experienced God never giving up on us in one way or another. We continue to sin and hurt God, but he does not give up on us and continues to forgive us, continues to love and  bless us. We may be running away from him, afraid of what he asks us to do, afraid to commit ourselves and serve him, but he does not give up and continues to call us to serve him, continues to give us opportunities to love and serve him and grow in faith. Other people may give up on us when we mess up at work or in school, but God continues to see the goodness in us, continues to bless us and love us no matter what, even if we ourselves cannot do such.

God’s love never gives up on us. May we allow him to love us and experience what his love, which never gives up, can do to us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you that it’s Friday already. Lord, I thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for continuing to love me, bless me, and see the goodness in me. I pray that I always allow you to love me, and may your love that never gives up on me, inspire me to love you more, serve you more, and spread your love to others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Specific Mission

The WORD today (seehttp://usccb.org/bible/readings/041813.cfm) reminds me that God gives us specific mission in life.

In the movie series James Bond, we see the main actor, James Bond, being given a specific mission per movie, then after he successfully completes the mission, he is taken out and given another mission. Same is true in the corporate world. There are consultants who are hired for a specific task, and after they have completed it, they transfer to another company and given another task.

In the first reading, we see God doing that to Philip. He was told by an angel to take a specific route, and eventually found himself in conversation with an eunich, an official at that time. He explained the scripture to the eunuch, and proclaimed Jesus. The eunuch asked to be baptized, and after that, Philip was taken by God for another mission.

God has specific missions for us as well. Some are not necessarily long term ones – some missions may be as simple as to lift the spirit of a person, or proclaim God to the person by talking about God or by the way we live our lives. Only God knows these missions, and only he has the wisdom and vision to see the effect of our simple specific mission to his grand plan for humanity. On our part, what is important is we are sensitive enough and humble enough to obey. Philip wont be able to do his mission if he did not set out the road. We too will not be able to do God’s mission if we won’t take the first step and obey what God wants us to do – no matter how simple, unclear or weird it may be.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for having faith in me – in seeing the goodness in me, and in seeing my potential as your child, as your servant working in your vineyard. Lord, I ask that I always be sensitive to you. may I always be humble and obey what you are leading me to do – no matter how simple it may be, no matter how unclear the direction may be, no matter how weird it may be, and no matter how hard or challenging it may be. I have faith that as you call me, you will equip me and use me for your kingdom, for your purpose. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Raise Him Up

The WORD today (seehttp://usccb.org/bible/readings/041713.cfm) reminds me that on the last day, God will raise up his followers.

Death is one of those things we usually do not want to talk about. It is painful and scary for most of us. However, it is something ineviable – something all of us will experience in this life. That is why in the gospel, Christ reminds us not to be afraid of it.

He reminds us that he came to do God’s will, and God’s wil is that everyone who believes God, and lifes his life on earth as such, will have eternal life with him. God will raise him up on the last day, from being asleep in this life, to become eternally alive with Him.

As Christ’s followers, we believe that death is does not end life. It is just a break. It is just a sleep. We should have faith in Christ’s words that as we live our lives for God, he will reward us and give us eternal life when he comes again in his glory.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me not to be afraid of death. Thank you for your promise that as your followers doing your will on earth, we will be rewarded with eternal life as you come again in your glory. As we believe this, we also have faith that as we pray for our dearly departed, you receive them in your kingdom and we await your coming where we will all be reunited basking in your presence. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Love in the Face of Death

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/041613.cfm) inspires me to fill my life with Christ’s love.

The first reading today is a continuation of yesterday’s, and here we see what happened to Stephen. In front of people who were against him, Stephen did not keep quiet and instead, testified on his faith. He was strong and held on to his faith, despite being surrounded by unbelievers and enemies. And when he was being stoned to death, just before he breathed his last, we see how peaceful and loving he was.

Lord, do not hold this against them

Inspite of the people killing him, he did not get angry with them, and even prayed to God not to hold it against the people. Very similar to Jesus praying just before he died “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.” This shows how much peace and love there is in their hearts. We see the genuine peace and love, that even in the last moments in this life, Stephen and Jesus radiated that peace and that love only God can give

May we also fill our lives with God’s peace and love, so that whatever we do, whatever situation we may be in, that peace and love may radiate in our lives.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for St Stephen, our first Martyr, who died peaefuly and full of love. I pray that I may fill my life with your love. May I work to build my faith and strengthen my relationship with you, so that whatever situation I may be in, I may always radiate your authentic peace and love in my life. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Monday, April 15, 2013

Calm in the Storm

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/041513.cfm) reminds me to be calm amidst all the storms and challenges in life.

My friend sent me a very timely message for today. “Don’t panic. I’m with you. There’s no need to fear, for I’m your God. I’ll give you strength. I’ll help you. I, your God, have a firm grip on you and I’m not letting go.” (Based from Isaiah 41:10,13(http://usccb.org/bible/nab/isaiah/41:10)

Today, we see St Stephen emulate that verse. When he was brought to the Sanhedrin and false witnesses testified against him, he did not panic. He did not defend himself. He was calm and at peace. His face shone like an angel – signifying inner peace and trust in God.

How great it would be to be like that. It must be so cool to have that inner peace that no matter what happens, God is still in control. It must be great to have that intimate relationship with God, having faith that no matter what lies other people say about you, or how helpless you may seem, God will not abandon you and will always, always take care of you.

In times of storm and challenges in life, may we be inspired by St Stephen. May we be inspired by Jesus, who when he was sleeping on the boat and the storm came, he did not panic and let the storm affect him, but instead, calmed the storm. God can calm the storm in our lives. May we live our lives at peace and with calmness in our hearts. May Christ in us calm the storm and not let it affect us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the storms and challenges in my life that enables me to strengthen my faith, that enables me to magnify you in my life. Lord, I pray that I be like St Stephen in the first reading, whose calmness and faith in you was made evident by his appearance. May other people see you in me, especially in the storms and challenges in life. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Another Chance

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/041413.cfm) reminds me that God never tires of giving us chances to make up for our shortcomings.

In street basketball (meaning playing basketball on street courts without uniforms, referees and sometimes even without shoes), there is a term called "rebanse" which means that when a team loses, they will be given another game and another chance to fight the winning team to try and win on the second opportunity. We see Christ giving a similar opportunity to Peter.

During the last supper, Jesus already knew that Peter would deny him three times. Yet Jesus did not give up on Peter., even after he denied Jesus three times.

In the gospel today, we see Jesus asking Peter if he loved Jesus. Not once, or teice, but three times! Why? Because Jesus gave Peter an equal opportunity to say to Himself that he loves Jesus. If Peter denied Jesus three times, Jesus gave him three times to redeem himself and proclaim he loves Jesus. Then Jesus called Peter to follow Him.

We also make mistakes. Not only three times, but more than that. However, it is comforting to know Jesus will always be ready to give us opportunities and chances to make up for these times. Every time we hurt him, he gives us an opportunity to make up for it and glorify Him. He does not give up on us, so we should not give up on ourselves.

May we be sensitive enough to recognize God's opportunities to serve him to make up for our shortcomings and make the most out of these opportunities.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to rest. Lord I thank you dor never giving up on me and always giving me opportunities to make things up dor you. i pray that i always be sensitive to you and make the most of these opportunities. Amen.

Blessed sunday!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

No Task Too Simple

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/041313.cfm) reminds me that as we work for God, no task is too small or too simple that we do not need to be spiritually prepared for it.

In this life, tasks usually are associated with your status or accomplishments. Fresh graduates are usually given simple tasks, some even no brainer or routinary. On the other hand, top executives are given critical tasks, decision making tasks that would greatly affect the company or organization.

However, this is mot the case with God's work. As we can see in the first reading, even the 'admin' tasks are given much importance.

“It is not right for us to neglect the word of God to serve at table.
Brothers, select from among you seven reputable men,
filled with the Spirit and wisdom,
whom we shall appoint to this task,
whereas we shall devote ourselves to prayer
and to the ministry of the word.”

 Those who would do those things are people with great faith and spiritual maturity as well. The disciples did not just select random people to so those things. They did not say anyone can do them because what they do, which is to pray and spread the faith, is more important anyway. Any task, no matter how simple it may be in human eyes, is greatly important in the eyes of God. And we should be spiritually prepared as qell as we do those things.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for this weekend. Lord, i thank you for reminding me that no task is too simple for your work. May I always give importance to whatever task i may do for you, and prepare spiritually as i serve you in whatever way, however simple it may be. Amen.

Blessed weekend!

In Christ,

Friday, April 12, 2013

Staying Power

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/041213.cfm) reminds me about staying power.

In media, staying power is important. Management want programs and artists who have good staying power, who will last long and will create recall. Advertisers want endorsements and campaigns that will be effective to the target market - those that will become household names, those that people will remember and accept for a long time.

In our faith, we have something similar as well. The first reading tells us...

have nothing to do with these men, and let them go.
For if this endeavor or this activity is of human origin,
it will destroy itself.
But if it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them;
you may even find yourselves fighting against God.”

This for me is a good reminder. Only God has the power to make something or someone stay. There may be things we do not agree with, there may be groups we do not want to be part of, there may be people and leaders we do not feel conformable with. It's okay to feel like this, we just have to remember to give everything and everyone a chance. Let us not immediately panic and try to do something about it. We need to be calm, be still, and have faith that God will bless it only if it is from Him. Only God can give genuine staying power.

May we learn to be still and have faith that Only God can give genuine staying power.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you again for reminding me how powerful you are. Lord, may I always have faith and be ready to be still and be calm amidst all these things happening around me. May I always remember to trust and know that people, groups and initiatives will have genuine staying power and genuinely prosper only if it has your blessing. May I be open, ready and sensitive to your wisdom and power. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Eternal Life

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/041113.cfm) reminds me that God gives eternal life.

What is eternal life? Is it immortality where you will not die?

Probably not.

I believe eternal life is living after this life on earth.

The world, and everything on it, including our lives, is temporary. It will all pass away. That is why God wants to give us something eternal.

Only God, the creator of everything, can give us eternal life.

If we believe in God, if we follow him and if we come to Him, he will give us eternal life. This does not mean we will not die or we will have an easy life on earth. It means that as we follow him, we will slowly be transformed to give more importance to the life after this world. As we life our lives like this, we will be preparing to have eternal life.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for loving me. Lord, I ask that I always remember that there is life after this one on earth. May I always come to you and live my life for you, having faith that as I do so, you will transform me and work in me to hive me eternal life. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tell The World

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/041013.cfm) reminds me to tell the world of God’s love

I remember the 1995 World Youth Day held here in the Philippines. It was such a big event. I think I was in grade four then, and we were practicing the songs for the event. We sing those songs during first Friday masses, that we got familiar and memorized the lyrics. During the event, my parents and grandparents accompanied me and my sister to the event, saying we would be very blessed and lucky if we can see the Pope at least once in our lives. We were blessed that his convoy passed on the area where we were standing, and I saw him up close (since his Pope Mobile was made of glass so you cans see him). When the theme song was played, I remember singing with it because I knew the song. “Tell the World of his love” – which anchored on John 3:16, part of today’s gospel.

For God so loved the world
He gave us his only son
Jesus Christ our Savior
His most precious one…

Let us Tell the world of his love
The greatest love the world has known…

We are to tell the world of God’s love. Like the apostles in the first reading who were not bounded by prison and told the world of God. The gospel also reminds us that we should live in the truth and come to the light, so our works may be exposed and God be glorified.

Wherever we are, we can tell the world of God’s love. Proclaiming this is not limited to priests, missionaries and preachers. On the other hand, a more powerful testimony of this is when we live our everyday lives proclaiming God. When we make our everyday little actions, everyday decisions, anchored on God’s love and his gospel values, we are proclaiming God. We tell of God’s love when we are extra kind to others, when we extend our mercy and patience to those who do not deserve it, when we act with integrity even if we think no one is watching, when we do the right things, when we extend love to those unlovable in the office. These things, though may seem simple and little, proclaim God’s love through our lives.

May we be challenged and encouraged to tell the world of God’s love everyday.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me of your call to tell the world of your love. I ask that you help me life my life consistent with this. May I do everyday things, simple things, that will proclaim you, that will magnify and glorify you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lifted Up

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/040913.cfm) encourages me that God should be lifted up in our lives.

In basketball, or in majority of sports where players wear uniforms, there is a saying that goes: "you play for the name in front of your uniform, not the one at the back". It reminds us that we should play for our team, not for ourselves. We should work for our team, concerned with doing our part in making the team win, and not to work hard to glorify ourselves and show people how good we are in the sport. As some athletes say, "I would rather sit on the bench and see our team win, than play a good game on the court and see our team lose." Team over self. Lift the team, not the self.

God wants us to live that way. Glorify Him, not ourselves. Seek praises and honor for him, not for ourselves. We should live our lives lifting him up, not ourselves.

As we live our lives, and as we go on our day to day activities, may we be challenged and inspired to lift Him up in our lives. May we work hard so that others can see how great, loving, caring and merciful God is not just when we are in church, but most importantly, as we live our lives as children, parents, relatives, friends and officemates. May God be seen and lifted up in our everyday, day to day life.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how I am called to praise and lift you up in my life. Lord, i ask that as i live my life, help me glorify you in the simple things, in the everyday things i do. May other people see you in me. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection

Monday, April 8, 2013

Annunciation 2012

The Word today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/040813.cfm) reminds and encourages me to always give God my yes when he asks for it.

God loves us so much that's why he gave us free will. He does not force us to do good or follow him, even if it is what God wants for us. We have our choice if we will give God our yes or no.

God always calls us and gives us opportunities to serve Him. As we commemorate the Annunciation, the start of it, the first joyful mystery, we see God giving Mary an opportunity to serve Him. That must have been scary for a young woman, but that did not stop her. Her obedience overcame her fear and we see Mary giving her sweet yes to serving God.

In life, we also get opportunities to serve God. Might not be in a way like Mama Mary, but God gives us opportunities to serve Him. Problem is we are not always saying yes. There are a lot of things that stop us - Fear. Concerns in life. Worries. Some are valid, like Mama Mary's. but may today's word inspire us to trust in God when he calls us, and have full faith and surrender to Him as we respond.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for the gift if time. Thank you for the gift of family. Lord, i ask that i always be appreciative of your blessings. And as i remember how much you love me, may i have the heart to love you back and give you my yes. As i do, help me completely surrender and trust that you will equip me and use me mightily for your purpose. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Divine Mercy 2013

The WORD today reminds me of God's divine and unending mercy.

Today is divine mercy sunday, and the gospel reminds us of it. Jesus says it to his disciples three times - "peace be with you"

Why was this his first greeting? Probably because he wanted to assure his disciples that they are forgiven. From what? From abandoning Jesus during his darkest moments. They left him when times were tough.

Another peace he was giving them was probably the peace amidst all worldly distractions. Times were tough and challenging, and Christ wants us to know that he gives us peace from everything. This is what he says in Philippians - "and the peace of Christ which surpasses all human understanding will guard your minds and hearts"

May we always remember God's divine mercy. No matter how much we have hurt him, he is always ready to give his peace. We just need to be humble and come to him to receive his peace coming from his forgiveness, and surrender our lives to him to receive his peace amidst all the worldly distractions.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for opportunities to spend time with people important to me. Lord may I always remember your mercy and may i humbly come to receive your mercy and forgiveness, and submit my life to you to get peace only you can give. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Saturday, April 6, 2013


The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/040613.cfm) reminds me that God is untiring in his love and concern for us.

The gospel shows us Jesus appearing a lot of times to his disciples and friends after he was risen. He did not take his sweet time and rejoiced on his victory over death, rather he went straight back to work and appeared to his friends and continued to minister and teach them. God is really untiring in his love and concern for us.

As human beings, it is not easy to be untiring in anything. After a certain number of times of trying or after a certain length of period of doing something, we get tired. We lose hope. We give up. We lose faith. It is normal for us, but it is good to know that with God, this is not the case. It is refreshing to know that God is and will always be untiring in his manifestation of his love, in his sending his blessings, in his protection over us – even if we do not recognize or appreciate them.

May we find joy in God’s untiring manifestation of his love and concern for us, and do our part to be untiring in spreading his kingdom here on earth.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me how untiring you are. Lord, I am sorry for the times I give up on you, I give up on my faith, I give up on people. Lord, I ask that you always remind me how untiring you are with me, and may it remind me to be untiring in my service for you, through others. Amen.

Blessed weekend!

In Christ,

Friday, April 5, 2013

Let's Eat!

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/040513.cfm) reminds me that God can turn the simplest things into opportunities to spread the faith.

We Filipinos generally love eating. I personally love to eat, that’s why the gospel caught my attention.

The gospel paints an interesting scene. I could just imagine what the disciples were feeling. Tired from working all night and catching nothing. Frustrated. Then someone tells them to throw the net on the right side of the boat. Why right? Who is this guy? We were up all night but caught nothing, then this guy tells us to just cast our nets on the right side? These were probably some thoughts on their head, yet they still obeyed, probably thinking they will have nothing to lose. Then came the surprise. Their obedience, their faith, enabled Jesus to bless them in a special way. They caught 153 large fish that their net almost broke. Plus they saw Jesus again!

Then it doesn’t end there! When they arrived to the shore, Jesus was cooking breakfast already! How wonderful it must have felt, that after being up all night catching nothing, they were given a lot, then breakfast was prepared for them. How wonderful God blesses us!

Jesus used eating, the breaking of bread, to remind them of the Eucharist. He also reminded them to come to Him for food, for he alone can give food that satisfies. Jesus is really human, he knows how to maximize eating time, and he made good use of that. He turned a simple and normal breakfast into an opportunity for him to have communion and fellowship with his friends, and strengthened his relationship to those who would eventually proclaim his kingdom.

God is telling me to maximize eating, to use it as an avenue to share God’s word and to build relationships. Let us proclaim God’s love, goodness and power when we break bread. We can enjoy each other’s company and talk about God in a simple meal. We do not need alcohol or a fancy meal to build relationships. We just need to make sure that in the simplest of things, we include Jesus, and that makes the difference.

How do I react when God asks me to do something? Do I justify and reason out, or do I just obey, allowing him to bless me abundantly?  How do I build relationships? Do I need alcohol or fancy meals to build relationships, or do I know that if I include Christ in the simplest of meals, that is enough to build relationships anchored on Him?

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for always being there, for never giving up on me, for taking care of me despite my shortcomings. Lord, I thank you for seeing me through the week. It was a fast and busy week, and other than it’s Friday already, I am glad that you were with me every step of the way. Lord I ask that you help me maximize eating. May my love for food be used to build your kingdom and build relationships with each other as we serve you. I also ask that you strengthen my faith and help me just trust in you, no matter what I am feeling, no matter what I am experiencing, may I just follow you when you tell me to do something. Amen.

Let’s eat!

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Of Peace and Understanding

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/040413.cfm) reminds me of Christ’s Peace and us understanding things in the perfect time

Jesus was also human, he had emotions, so he was probably hurt when his disciples slept while he was praying in the garden, when Peter denied him three times, when the disciples fled and hid as he was being punished. However, when he appeared to them, his first words were not of anger but of peace. “Peace be with you.” Even before the disciples could apologize and ask for his forgiveness, he gave them his peace. He is a God of peace, and we can also see in the first reading when Peter proclaimed that God will forgive the people who had Jesus crucified and had Barrabas released, if the people would be willing to repent. Peace is ready for them, they just have to do their part.

There are times in life where we do not understand what is happening to us. There are times we do not understand God’s wisdom. Well, good news! Even the disciples, who were with Jesus everyday, who was living with Jesus, did not understand everything even as it was explained to them. However, in the gospel, we also see that our minds will be opened in God’s perfect time. “Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures…” When we do not understand things in life, let us not be frustrated or disappointed. Let us be patient and wait for God’s perfect time. And let us continue to love and serve him while we are waiting.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that you are a God of peace. I am sorry for sinning and continuously hurting you. Lord, I thank you that you are always ready to forgive me. May I make the most of the sacrament of reconciliation and be at peace with you. Lord, I also ask that you give me patience to be still and continue to love and serve you when I do not understand things that are happening, or that are not happening. May I have faith that in your perfect time, you will reveal these things to me. Amen..

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spread the Love

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/040313.cfm) reminds me to spread God’s love to others

Airborne viruses are very easy to spread. A few years back, there was a strain of virus that hit the world – the swine flu or A H1N1 virus. Just a few days ago, there have been reports of a new strain, H7N9, that is said to have infected people already. They really spread easily and infect others easily and in a fast pace. Imagine if we spread God’s love in that manner as well. The world would be “infected” with God’s love in a few weeks!

In the first reading, we see Peter and John spreading God’s love and power to the crippled man. They healed him in the name of Jesus. Good point to note – they did not heal the man to bring glory to themselves or to make themselves known. They made Jesus known by invoking his name, and they knew they could not do anything on their own, if they are not attached to Jesus.

The gospel reminds us again of the “Emmaus” story. Jesus spreads his love to the disciples he was talking to. Even if at that time they did not recognize it, they later on discussed that their hearts were burning as they were talking to him.

May we be challenged and inspired to spread God’s love to those we meet and interact everyday.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for always reaching out to me through others. Lord, I ask that as you use others to bless me, may you also use me to reach out and bless others as well. May we all be willing instruments at your disposal. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

Christ is Risen!

The WORD today reminds me that  Christ is Risen and has won over sin and death. The gospel tells us different accounts/stories about Christ’...