Sunday, October 13, 2013

One of Ten

The WORD today (See reminds me that I should thank God, especially after my prayers have been answered.

They say that “desperate times call for desperate measures.” And in times of desperate needs, we would be ready to do anything to get through. We do whatever we can in our human capacity to get by. We pray hard to God, and even make promises and bargain with him. “Lord, just help me with this, I will stop smoking,  or I will give up by vices”.  Or “Lord, if I get through this, I promise to hear mass everyday” These are some things we tend to say and do in times of desperate need. However, when situations change, when prayers are answered, when we got by already, our attitude seem to change as well. “Lord, it’s hard to give it up, I’ll just lessen it, okay?” or “Lord, can I just hear mass twice a week, I can’t seem to do it everyday?”

This is similar to how the ten lepers acted. They were all healed when they asked pity from Jesus.

Although they did not say they will go back to Jesus or be good people if they get healed, only one of them came back to Jesus to thank Him. only one of them remembered and made the effort to thank Jesus for hearing and answering their prayer – and this one is a foreigner, similar to the good Samaritan.

Why did the other nine not go back? Probably they were too excited with their healing that they forgot who healed them. Probably they did not acknowledge it was Jesus who healed them. Or probably they had a sense of entitlement that Jesus should heal them, because they were his own, unlike the foreigner who came back and thanked him.

What’s important to note is what Jesus told the man – “Your faith has saved you.” Yes, they were all cleaned. Not thanking Jesus will not make the other nine lepers again. however, only one was saved, because only one acknowledged Jesus, only one had faith that it was Jesus who saved him, and only one genuinely experienced God in his life – and will therefore be inspired to live the remaining days of his life for Christ.

May we never forget to thank God for answered prayers, and always acknowledge him as God in our lives.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day. Thank you for another Sunday! Lord I pray that I be like the one leper who came back to you and remembered you. when my prayers get answered, may I not forget you and thank you, and as I continuously experience your love, I pray that I may always live my life for you, and be saved as I do so. Amen.

Blessed Sunday!

In Christ,

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