Monday, October 7, 2013

Running Away?

The WORD today (See reminds me that we cannot run away from God.

There are a lot of things, circumstances, and people we run away from. In this life, power and money can enable you to run away from facing your criminal responsibilities. Some people, those who get unplanned pregnancies outside marriage, run away from their obligations. Some run away from people they owe money to. Yes, a lot of times people can get away with it. But there is one being we cannot run away from.

God called Jonah to serve Him. And Jonah chose to run away.

Of course we know God caught up with Jonah. Yes, God is God, who can ever run away from Him? How foolish it is to literally run away from God and his calling, right?

However, we too, in one way or another, run away from God. When he calls us to serve him in different ways, in ways we are unfamiliar with or afraid to do, we try to run away. We give seemingly valid excuses for not serving, but we know deep inside that we are just trying to run away from Him. When we are called to repent and change our ways, we run away when we don't do it. When we are called to love him more and know him more, we run away when we refuse to spend time with him and just continue living our lives the way we want to.

God's reaction may not be as wild or as extreme as he did with Jonah, but we should know that we cannot run away from God. And soon, he will catch up with us and we will have to face him - with no opportunity to run away anymore.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for giving me another week to work. Lord, i am sorry for the times i run away from you - your call to serve, repentance, and call to love and know you more. Change my heart, Lord, that i may always be sensitive and always heed your call to me. Amen.

Blessed week!

In Christ,

See related reflections:

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