Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thank You

The WORD today (see reminds me that God wants us to always be thankful, no matter what situation we may be in.

In all circumstances, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 thes 5:18)

God wants us to be thankful not only when things are doing well, or when we are feeling God's blessings and favor, but in all circumstances.

In the gospel we see that Jesus was pleased with the healed man who came back. Though only one of the ten healed came back, Jesus was pleased with him, and told him that his faith has saved him.

In light of the different calamities that have struck our beloved country, the Philippines, it is easy to be discouraged, to feel sad, low and down. But there are also a lot to be thankful for. My girlfriend's family lives in Ormoc, one of the cities greatly affected by super typhoon Yolanda. There are a lot of damages - houses, buildings, farms, etc, but we are thankful that her whole family is alive and safe. We should see the positive in every situation and thank God for it.

No matter what situation we may be in, may we see the positive and thank God for it.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for keeping our family safe. Thank you for the donations that have been pouring. Thank you for generous hearts. Thank you for the heart and the capacity to serve and give back. Thank you for shelter and water. Thank you for the communications and electricity. Thank you that in this challenging situations, heroes will rise, and your name will be glorified even more. We continue to pray for our country - keep us in your hand. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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