Thursday, January 30, 2014

No Secrets

The WORD today (see reminds me that there are no secrets with God

In the latest movie of Spiderman (The Amazing Spider Man), there was a scene where Peter Parker’s Aunt May told him – Secrets have a cost, they’re not free. Not now, not ever. In the gospel, we see this said in a different way “there is nothing hidden except to be made visible, nothing is secret except to come to light” we really cannot hide anything, especially from God.

There are things we consider trivial, or sins that we think are too small that nobody gets affected, or probably even a bad habit we can’t let go, thus makes us live double lives. Even if we are successful in hiding these things, the time will come when it will eventually come out. Probably not the sin/bad habit itself, but the manifestations of it will eventually come out. Being secretly angry at someone may not seem harmful to anyone, but as you harbour that anger, it eventually consumes you and will eventually come out as you deal with others, especially with people close to you. Same is true for addiction to pornography. Probably It may seem harmless, especially if no one knows and no one gets affected, but there are studies that show that as one gets deeper into pornography addiction, one’s mind unknowingly gets affected – the way one sees women or men, the expectations on a partner, etc. these things eventually manifest and affect people as well.

May we humbly come to Jesus for healing and ask him to clean and purify us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for reminding me how much you love me, how much you want me to be a clean person. Lord, I am sorry for the times I think that my sins or secrets are not harmful. Sorry for thinking that I can get away with these things. Lord, I humbly come to you and ask you to clean me, to purify me. I know that only you can do that, and I ask that you help me renew myself so I can live a clean life pleasing to you. amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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