Sunday, February 2, 2014

No Easy Victory

The WORD today (See reminds me that there is no easy victory as we work for God.

In basketball and in any other sport, a victory is more sweet and precious if achieved over a closely fought game with a competitive opponent, rather than a blowout game over a weak opponent. Indeed, challenges makes something more memorable. This is what God teaches us in the gospel.

When Jesus was presented to the temple, Mary was told that a sword will pierce her heart. She probably did not understand what it meant, but later on we see how difficult it was for Mary to see her Son suffer and die. Of course Jesus experienced challenges in his life as well. However, we should take comfort in the first reading, that God will be with us as we experience these challenges. His eyes are gazed on us, watching over us as we are being purified and tested, and making sure we will only be subjected to what we can handle. (See story Refiner and Purifier of Silver)

As we live our lives and as we work for God, we experience challenges as well. However, may we be inspired and encouraged by the fact that God’s eyes is always on us as we go through these things. Even if we don’t feel it, his eyes are always on us, making sure that we are subjected to only what we can handle, and after the pain of us being purified and refined, we will become a stronger and better person and worker of God.

Father God,
Thank you for today. thank you for another day to live. Thank you for the challenges you give me, for they strengthen me and make me a better person. Sorry for the times I think you are not there as I go through these things. May I always remember that you are always there, watching over me, and protecting me, for your word says that “God is faithful, he won’t let you be tried beyond your own strength. And with each trial, he will provide a way out so you may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13)”  amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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