Monday, September 9, 2013

Fault Finding

The WORD today (See reminds me not to find fault in other people.

There are people I know who are so particular with diction and grammar. They get annoyed when one makes a mistake with diction or grammar. others on the other hand are very fast to find fault in the way other people say things – they check the diction, pronunciation and grammar used – and some laugh with each other as they find fault in the way others speak.

In the gospel, Jesus warns us to check our intentions and not find fault in others. The scribes and Pharisees were like those people – watching Jesus closely, not to learn from him, but with the intention of finding fault in him and doing bad to him. This is the reason they did not celebrate when a man was healed and set free from sickness during Sabbath. To them, what’s more important is they keep their place in society, that Jesus does not take their place of power and influence with the people – so they want to put Jesus down, even to the expense of other people.

It is not bad to want success for ourselves. In fact, we should do our best and succeed. Shine for God. However, when we get attached to these things – success, power, influence – that we get our hearts closed to God and we consciously find fault in others who can possibly be competitors, we know that something is wrong already. Real success comes from God – from knowing Him and doing things for him, not for ourselves.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another week. Lord, as I start this week, I ask that you purify my thoughts and my intentions. May I not be too attached to worldly things – wealth, power, fame and success, that I would actively find fault in others who may be a threat to these. I pray that I only focus on you, live for you, glorify you, and shine for you this week and always. Amen.

Blessed Week!

In Christ,

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