Thursday, September 19, 2013

More for More

The WORD today (See reminds me that as we realize how sinful we are and how much God forgives us, we will love Him more. 

In the gospel, we see two kinds of people. The Pharisee felt he needed no forgiveness. He was self righteous, and instead focused on the sinner and not the act of repentance. On the other hand, the sinful woman humbled herself and knew how sinful she was, and that she needed forgiveness. Her act says it all - giving her oil and ointment for Jesus. She cleaned Jesus feet, the work of the lowest slave during that time. And she was crying as she did so, knowing how badly she needed Christ's forgiveness. No words were uttered, but Jesus saw her heart and her faith, and forgave her.

May we realize that we too are sinful people, but more importantly, that Christ is a very loving and forgiving God. No sin is too great that he cannot forgive if done with a truly repentant heart. As we come to him for forgiveness, as we receive his healing and forgiveness, may we be moved to love him back.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for reminding me that you see what is in my heart. Thank you for reminding me how loving and forgiving you are. Lord, I pray for a humble and repentant heart like the sinful woman, and as i receive your forgiveness, may i be able to love you back. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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