Tuesday, September 3, 2013

In Mind or By Heart

The WORD today (see http://usccb.org/bible/readings/090313.cfm) reminds me that knowing Jesus should not be just in the intellectual level, but by heart.

Merely knowing God is not enough.

We see in the gospel that the demon knew who Jesus was – when the people did not. However, Jesus was not pleased with the demon telling others who he was, because the intention of which was not to glorify God.

God wants us to know him not with our minds, but with our hearts.

God wants us to know him on a deeper, on a personal, on an intimate level. God wants us to experience him. To know him is to have a relationship with him.

Knowing God on a personal level, knowing him by heart, would eventually manifest in our lives. Unlike the demon, who knew who Jesus was, but did not live it. If we really know Jesus, our lives would show it. Our lives would reflect it, and we would be able to glorify God with the life we live.

May we strive to know God on a deeper, personal and intimate level. May we know him by heart.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your goodness. Lord, I pray that I may know you on a personal and intimate level. May I not be satisfied with merely knowing you, who you are, what you can do, but strive to continuously know you and experience you more in my life. And as I do so, I pray that I would be able to glorify you with my life. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

See related reflection:

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