Tuesday, September 17, 2013

God's Ways

The WORD today (See http://usccb.org/bible/readings/091713.cfm) reminds me of what God wants us to become, of what we should aspire as we live this life on earth.

Tall, dark and handsome. Beauty and brains. These are some of the more popular combinations or characteristics of “ideal” people. These are some of the characteristics that not all people have, not all are blessed with. However, this is a far cry from what God wants us to become, from the “ideal” servants of God.

In the first reading, we see the ideal characteristics of a servant leaders. Bishops. Deacons. But I believe that this is what all of us should aspire for – whether we are serving God as servant leaders, or as normal human beings living our lives for him. these are the characteristics God wants from us.

We can see that there is no human intelligence God wants. Yes, God does not need us to be intellectual for him to use us. Rather he wants us to be simple, gentle, and generous. It’s funny to see that these are not the qualities of leaders of this world. We see leaders as intelligent, strong in character and aggressive. But God does not want these characteristics.

God has given us Jesus not only to show us how much he loves us, and so that we can relate to him, but also so that we have someone we can follow and imitate. We can see Jesus gentleness – even when he was being persecuted and humiliated (I believe we only saw him angry once – when he destroyed the stalls selling things outside the temple). We can see Jesus’ humility when even if he knows everything, he did not argue with the scribes and Pharisees who were persecuting him. We see Jesus faith and trust in God by being silent, and just allowing things to happen to him – knowing fully well that God’s will is always being done, and his purpose will be completed at his perfect time.

May we not focus on what the world requires from us, but work to have the characteristics God wants from us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for your love, for your gentleness, for your compassion. Thank you that your standards are very different from the world. Lord, I pray that I don’t be focused on what the world offers and what the world lures me into. I pray that I consistently be focused on you and just do your work, and do my part to have the characteristics you want from me – to be gentle, simple, humble and obedient to you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

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