Thursday, August 14, 2014


The WORD today (see reminds me that God wants us to forgive.

They say that the most complete prayer is the Lord's Prayer. Jesus himself taught us this prayer. And as we take a closer look, the only part of the prayer where our action is a pre requisite is the forgiveness part.

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.

It is telling God not to forgive us if we cannot forgive others who have sin against us, who have hurt us.

in the gospel, we see Jesus telling the disciples how many times we should forgive. Basically, he tells us that we must ALWAYS forgive others. And he further illustrates it with a story. Like the king, God has been forgiving to us. Anytime we come to him and beg him to forgive us, he does. However, we should also forgive ourselves. Makes sense, for every time we sin, we hurt God. And the hurt we have caused God is definitely bigger than any hurt others may have caused us. So if God can forgive us, so too should we forgive one another.

Is God a God of conditions? Why do we have to forgive others first before he forgives us. Why does God's love and forgiveness have a pre requisite from us?

I believe that if we don't forgive others, if we hold dear to us our hurts and feelings that we can't forgive others, then it shows we are not truly sorry for our sins. When we sin, we hurt God. And what causes us to sin is too much love - love for ourselves not God. We love ourselves too much that we disobey God just to do what we want, just to get what we want, just to make ourselves happy. And not forgiving others who have sin against us basically shows that we love ourselves more than God, that God's love and forgiveness is not enough to heal us - therefore we are truly not sorry for our sins yet, so God cannot forgive us.

No matter how difficult, may we heed the call to forgiveness.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another day to live. Thank you for another chance to love you and to experience your love. Lord, thank you for reminding me how much you value forgiveness. Lord, I lift up all the hurts in my heart. I lift up all the pain others have caused in my life. And I ask that you heal me. Your love is enough for me. You are more than enough for me. So i ask that you help me die of myself and my hurts, and allow you and your love to live in me as i forgive others. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

see related reflections:

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