Saturday, August 16, 2014

Clean Heart

The WORD today (See reminds me that God wants us to have a clean heart.

Kids are very honest. They say what they think is true - without the intention of hurting or disrespecting anyone. When a kid says you are pretty or not pretty, that is how the kid sees you. When a kid says you smell good or bad, that is what the kid smells. Sometimes adults prevent kids from being honest in an attempt not to offend older people, but even if kids say something not nice or not pleasant to hear - they mean it from the heart and they mean no disrespect. They are just saying what is true for them.

This is the quality of kids that God wants from us. A clean heart, an honest heart.

The disciples rebuked them, but Jesus said,
“Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them;
for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

In the gospel, Jesus welcomed children. In those days, children (together with women) are given less importance in society. They were not looked upon as adorable as we see children now. Back then, only the men matter. That is probably the reason why people rebuked the children. They felt that Jesus was too important and too busy to deal with children. But Jesus asked that the children come to him - for he wants us to emulate the heart of children. Honest. Humble. Dependent on God.

May we be one with the psalmist as we ask God to create a clean heart in us.

Father God,
Thank you for today. Thank you for another weekend. Thank you for another chance to rest and do other things aside work. Lord, thank you for the reminder that you want me to be like a child. In this world, we all want to succeed and to get ahead. Thank you for keeping me grounded and reminding me that all the worldly things are not important for you…but having a heart of a child is. Help me to always be humble, honest, and dependent on you. Amen.

Blessed day!

In Christ,

see related reflections:

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